《Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]》You've Got to Be Kitten Me (Part Two) (Prinxiety)


Roman's POV:

I hurried for the common room, unable to contain my excitement. I was definitely in a hurry though, because as soon as I said I had to show the others, the kitten freaked. It was currently trying to wiggle out of my grasp. "Would you calm down?" I said, containing it as it pushed away from my chest in a way that made it hard to hold it. "Patton is going to love you! I don't know about Logan, but I'm sure he'll like you if you behave."

The cat looked at me with this familiar look, making my brows furrow. "I swear you're glaring at me," I told it. It let out a huff of breath. "You can understand me, can't you?"

The kitten rolled it's eyes with a nod of its head. "Of course you can," I said with a roll of my own eyes. "You are definitely Anxiety's cat. He's rubbed off on you quite a bit."

I continued to head for the common room, the kitten still struggling in my arms. "Hey guys! Look what Anxiety's been hiding in his room!" I exclaimed as I entered the room. The two of them looked up from what they were doing, eyes widening upon seeing the adorable little kitten in my arms. Patton immediately squealed, jumping up from his spot on the couch and rushing over.

"Oh my goodness!! It's so cute!!!!" he exclaimed, taking it from my arms. I chuckled a little at the way the cat's eyes widened and struggled against the Dad-like character's grip. "Why didn't he tell us he was keeping an adorable kitten?!"

Logan had come over as well, looking at the kitten with his typical thinking face. His eyebrows were furrowed together as he stared at it. "I don't know how he would've been able to hide it from us," he said straightening his glasses. "I wonder what gender it is."


"Just ask it," I said with a laugh. "It can definitely understand us, and was practically glaring at me. It was also rolling its eyes. Anxiety has definitely rubbed off on it."

Logan gave me a thoughtful look before turning back to the kitten, who had stopped struggling, but didn't look happy in Patton's arms. "I'd feel ridiculous talking to a cat."

"Are you a girl?" Patton asked it, stroking its head. The kitten hissed, jumping out of his arms as it glared at him. He looked at it in shock. "I guess that's no."

"So it's male..." Logan murmured. I looked at him. What is going through his mind? He constantly looks like he's trying to figure something out. What could be so confusing about a kitten? I thought. "Excuse me, I need to research something."

With that, he was gone... leaving Patton and I with the kitten. We share a smirk, looking down at the kitten. It looked between and slowly started to back away.

"What an adorable little kitten," Patton commented with a smirk. I nodded exaggeratedly in agreement.

"Oh, but you know what would make him even cuter?" I asked him. He shook his head with a fake clueless look. "I wonder how he would look in a crown..."

Virgil's POV:

Help. Me. I want to die.

As Roman went to grab something (probably a stupid little crown), I was left with a very excited Patton. He grinned, starting toward me to pick me up yet again. Oh hell no, I thought. Not again.

I took off, jumping from the coffee table to the couch. "Hey! I just want to pet you!" he exclaimed, chasing me. I let out a mew of shock as he reached for me, barely dodging his hands. I dashed across the couch, jumping to one of the big chairs. As he followed, I looked up. Getting an idea, I bunched my haunches and jumped up onto one of the shelves on the wall. "Heeeeey! Please come back down!" Patton whined.


I smirked to myself, laying down on the shelf and just looking at him. He pouted, crossing his arms. "Roman! The kitten's on the shelf!"

The annoying prince came back into the room moments later, a bag in hand. That bag made my pelt prickle uncomfortably. He looked up at me, mouth falling open a little. "What the hell are you doing up there?"

I turned my head away and upwards, feeling cocky about being where they couldn't reach. In the corner of my gaze, Roman smirked. "I'll get you down, one way or another."

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