《Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]》Chilly Breezes, Hot Chocolate, and Cool Hair (Prinxiety)


It was late December. Snow covered the courtyards and towers of Hogwarts and chilly breezes nipped at the noses of the students. A fifth year Slytherin was sitting alone on one of the benches, scarf pulled over his mouth from the cold. He was drawing in a sketchbook, relaxed and content despite the cold weather.

As he drew, he pushed his soft blue bangs out of his eyes only for them to fall back. You see, this particular young Slytherin's name was Anxiety if you asked, and he was a Metamorphmagus.

He had enough control over it to keep himself from shifting drastically, however he had yet to gain enough control to stop his hair from changing color with his mood. His natural hair was dark brown, but if rarely ever stayed that color for long.

As Anxiety finished his drawing, he felt a snowflake land on his nose. He looked up, realizing how late in the afternoon it was. He gathered up his papers and his sketchbook and started to head back in doors when...


He was in the snow, his papers and sketchbook scattered around him. He looked up with wide, shocked eyes through his now bright lime green and red bangs. Anxiety's heart jumped as he saw a very attractive Gryffindor standing above him.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, are you alright?" he said kneeling down to offer Anxiety a hand. He didn't say a word as his hair turned as red-pink as his cheeks, accepting the hand with a shy nod. Anxiety brushed himself off and started to pick up his papers. "Oh, here let me help you with that."

The Gryffindor leaned down picking up a few of the papers, handing them to the awestruck Anxiety. "Uh, my name's Roman, but some of my friends call me Prince or Princey," he said, rubbing the back of his head with a smile.


"Uh, A-Anxiety," he replied, blushing and looking at the ground. He was hiding his gaze beneath his bangs. They were turning even brighter pink and red, representing his blush.

Roman's eyes lit up a little. "Wait, I think I've seen you around before," he said, causing Anxiety to look up. "You're that Metamorphmagus, right?"

Anxiety nodded shyly. "I've definitely seen you before," Roman said with a smile. "I love your hair by the way."

To this, the Slytherin looked up in surprise. No one had really complimented him before, especially not an attractive Gryffindor. "R-Really?"

"Yeah! It's so cool!" Roman said, still smiling. "How does it work?"

"Uh, well, I'm still kinda getting the hang of it," Anxiety started nervously. "I don't really control what it does yet. It kinda changes with my mood..."

The Gryffindor was very intrigued. "That's really cool," he said. At that moment, a strong gust of wind shook the tree branches above them, dumping snow on Anxiety's head. Both of then were frozen in shock before Roman started laughing. "Literally now!"

Anxiety smiled a little, in awe of the person before him. His bangs turned to a soft yellow and pink without him realizing it. He then sneezed, the snow falling off. Well, mostly; there was still a lot of little bits of snow in his hair.

"Uh, would you like to get some hot chocolate to warm you up?" Roman asked, cheeks a little pink. Whether it was from the cold, or he was blushing was a mystery.

"S-Sure," Anxiety replied, shivering a little. Roman smiled wide, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as they went for hot chocolate.

They found a little cafe in Hogsmeade that sold just that, finding a small table by the large windows to sit down and talk. Roman did a majority of the talking because of how shy Anxiety was, but when he did speak, the Gryffindor truly listened, making him feel much more comfortable.


They talked about school, learning that they had very similar schedules, both being fifth years. Roman brought up Quidditch, informing Anixety that he was actually one of the Chasers on the Gryffindor team. Anxiety explained that he'd only been to a game once in his first year and hadn't gone to one since.

"You'll try one again to see me play though, right?" Roman asked hesitantly. Anxiety nodded, smiling a little.

After that, Roman asked Anxiety what he liked to do, nodding to the sketchbook and drawings resting to the side. The young Slytherin bashfully admitted that he was in fact an artist. Roman then immediately begged to see his drawings, gasping at how amazing they were when he showed him.

"Could you draw something for me?" he asked giddily with wide eyes. Anxiety blushed, shrugging with a small nod. When he went to take another sip of his hot chocolate, he found it disappointingly empty. "Here, I'll go get us another one."

Before Anxiety could stop him, the Gryffindor grabbed their mugs and went to wait in the line for the cashier once more. The young Slytherin was blushing fiercely, taking out one of the small blank sheets of paper. He started to sketch something, his bangs turning a mix of cotton candy blue and pink. As Roman returned, he sneakily slipped it into his sketchbook before he could notice.

The two of them continued to talk before they realized they would have to return to the castle for dinner. They walked back to the school, heading to the entrance to the Great Hall. They knew they wouldn't be able to talk to each other once inside, each of them having to sit at their own House's table.

"So, uh, I had fun," Roman said, hesitating to enter. Anxiety nodded, hair turning pink and red again. "Uh, Anxiety?"

Anxiety looked up. "Uh- would you- um, I wanted to ask you-" the Gryffindor stammered, stumbling over his words. "Would you want to be my date to the Yule Ball?"

Anxiety froze, eyes widening. "Wait, r-really?"

Roman nodded. "If you want to," he said, scratching the back of his neck with a blush on his cheeks. Anxiety nodded, stepping close to lean up and peck him on the cheek.

"I'd like that a lot Roman," he said quietly, smiling as he headed into the Great Hall, hair made up of pinks, purples, and yellows from the joy and affection he felt for this Gryffindor.

Said Gryffindor was still standing outside the entrance, blushing like crazy and also unfolding a piece of paper Anxiety had slipped into his hand when he'd peck him on the cheek. His eyes went wide and a smile made it's way to his lips as he looked at the contents of the paper.

It contained a beautiful drawing of himself, with the caption of "My Prince

Carefully folding it up and slipping it into his pocket, Roman entered the Great Hall, joining his friends at the Gryffindor table with a grin he couldn't keep off his face. He sat down next his friend Joan, who looked up confused.

"What's the smile for?" they asked curiously, smiling a little themselves. Roman shrugged, looking over at the Slytherin table where he found and made eye contact with the boy with cool hair. Anxiety smiled a little across the room, making his heart flutter.

"Oh, nothing."

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