《Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]》Feeling Down (Prinxiety)


Anxiety couldn't describe it. He didn't know why. He didn't know what. He didn't know how. But he felt miserable.

It made no sense to him. About twenty minutes ago, he'd been calmly scrolling through Tumblr and now? Now he felt empty. Empty, heavy, and gloomy. But hey, what can you do when you're the embodiment of anxiety and basically depression. Not the same thing, but they go hand in hand.

So here he sat, curled up in a ball on his bed, trying his best not to cry. He wasn't sure how long he'd been like that, but he did know that he'd failed to keep his tears back. The slipped down his cheeks and hit his legs silently as his sobs. You see, Anxiety has experience with attacks and meltdowns, but he never lets the others see. Why would he? It's not like they'd understand it at all.

Anxiety didn't hear the door open, and he didn't hear it close. He didn't even realize someone else was in the room until he felt two warm hands wipe away his tears.

His vision was still watery when he looked up. A white and red blur was all he saw as a figure above him leaned down.

Anxiety collapsed into the embrace the person gave him. Crying into their shirt, the person pulled him closer. They gently ran their fingers through his hair and gently hushed him. After a few minutes, Anxiety had stopped sobbing and instead was simply silently crying into their shirt. It wasn't long before Anxiety realized what he was doing and pulled away.

"S-Sorry," he stuttered, looking up. His eyes went wide in shock as he saw Roman looking down at him with concern. Anxiety felt himself panic as he quickly started to wipe his face. "Oh, Prince, uh-"


"Anxiety..." he murmured sadly as said Side fidgeted uncomfortably and shifted away from him. "Anxiety you don't have to, be scared of me... or be intimidated..."

Anxiety clutched himself while turning away slightly. Clearly he was about to cry again. It made Roman's heart sink.

"Anxiety..." he said again, reaching out to hold him again. He flinched at first before giving in and going limp. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

A bitter chuckle came from the younger side. "Do you actually care..." he muttered. Roman was taken aback by his statement.

"Of course I actually care!" he said, using a hand to raise Anxiety's face to look at him. "Do you think I'm being serious when I say I don't like you..."

Anxiety looked away, and a knot of guilt and horror lodged itself in Roman's stomach. "God I'm so sorry..." he said softly. "Please, tell me what's wrong..."

"I would if I knew..."

"What?" Roman asked, confused. Anxiety sighed frustratedly, but it was obvious he was still upset by his watery eyes.

"You wouldn't understand."

Roman just looked at him. He didn't know what he was talking about. He really didn't understand. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to help in anyway he could.

"Hey, why don't we watch a Disney movie?" he suggested, running a hand through Anxiety's hair. The younger Side seemed to melt into the touch. Roman smirked as he telepathically put in a Disney movie that appeared on Anxiety's TV. It happened to be Lilo and Stitch, which immediately caught Anxiety's attention. He seemed to fall into a trance from the movie combined with Roman playing with his hair.

It was about half way into the movie that Roman felt the weight on his chest get heavier. He wasn't surprised to find the young Side asleep on his chest, however he was surprised by the vibration he felt from him. It took him a moment to realize that Anxiety was purring. Roman covered his mouth with his other hand to keep himself from squealing at how adorable he was. He smiled and instead kissed his forehead before drawing him closer. He wanted to protect him, and make him happy whenever he was feeling down. And Anxiety, who was still slightly awake, had no problem with that.

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