《sander sides oneshots [slow updates]》sea [prinxiety]


Roman shook Virgil awake gently, pushing his hair away from his face. "Come on, hot topic, time to get up." Virgil just groaned, burying his head in his pillow.

"Five more minutes." he croaked out, sighing loudly when roman picked him up. "I was sleeping." he pouted.

"You'll miss the sunrise, love. You can sleep in the car on the way to the beach, okay?"

"M'kay." Virgil snuggled into roman, not paying attention to anything to other said as roman carried him out to the car. Virgil was almost waking up by now, though. He didn't like the fact that he was almost waking up but he couldn't help it.

When Roman placed him in the car, he realized there was still a blanket and pillow from the last time he and Roman went somewhere. He decided to out the pillow and blanket to good use, and in five minutes, he was out again.

when Roman came back he smiled at his boyfriend, he is so adorable. He packed the last folding chair into the car and went up to the driver's seat, hoping in and starting the car.

Roman decided to drive slowly, not wanting to wake up a very comfortable and tired Virgil. Whenever Virgil doesn't get enough sleep, he gets grumpy and although Virgil is cute grumpy he doesn't want his boyfriend being grumpy on their anniversary.

By the time the two got to the beach, the sun was about to rise. Roman smiled slightly as he parked, thinking how good this day will go for them both.

It took exactly five minutes to set everything up, and when Roman turned around, he saw Virgil sitting up, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Hello, beautiful." Virgil looked over to where the sound came, his eyes barely open.


"Ro, where are we?" Virgil asked, removing the blanket and stumbling out of the car.

"We're at the beach, the beach where we met." roman answered, walking over to Virgil and grabbing his hands, "remember what happened, you were throwing a ball for your dog, and it just so happened to hit the back of my head?"

Virgil nodded, a smile ghosting on his face, "Yeah, and I was all panicky, thinking you'd beat me up, so I had dad come with me."

"That was a great time, I remember I ended up talking to you until sunset, then you had to go back, but then somehow we ended up watching to sunrise together." Roman looked over to Virgil who was somehow now fast asleep in the folding chair next to him.

He sighed, shaking Virgil yet again this morning. Virgil just groaned and rolled over. Roman smirked suddenly.

Carefully, he removed the youngest jacket, draping it across his chair. he kneeled down and took off Virgil's shoes, setting them over by the jacket. He heard Virgil begin to wake up and that only made his smirk grow.

Roman picked up Virgil, carrying him closer and closer to the shore. Virgil was slowly becoming conscious with each step.

As roman stepped into the shoreline slightly, Virgil was almost fully awake. "Roman I swear to god, let go of-" Roman let his arms give out and Virgil fell right into the water. Virgil's eyes opened instantly, glaring right at roman as he surfaced.

As soon as Roman saw Virgil, he darted off in the opposite direction, almost tripping multiple times as he ran. Virgil got up, running after roman as fast as he could until he noticed something- a ball. He picked up the ball, aiming it directly at Roman's head and surprisingly enough, it actually hit roman where he wanted it to.


That stopped Roman, he looked back at Virgil who was running up to him and he picked up the ball. When Virgil finally got over there, Roman smiled holding the ball in his hand. "I don't suppose this is your ball, is it?"

Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling, "you're a dork, now let's go enjoy the rest of our day before I kill you."

"Please, you can't even harm a fly let alone me. you love me too much." Roman joked, throwing his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll be saying that when I kill you in your sleep."

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