《Señorita: Carmen Sandiego Oneshots♡︎》Fancy Meeting You Here (Carulia)
Category: ship
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Their Outfits in this oneshot...
Warm rays of sunshine brushed Julia's freckled cheeks, making up for the bite of frost in the air. The sky was a cheerful blue today, reflecting her mood. She was sitting at a street corner, admiring the view of quaint little shops that resembled the cutesy designs of dollhouses.
Saturday morning chatter rung in her ears in soft, eloquent words of French that were so different from the English required for her job. A frenzy of Bonjour's (hello/good morning) and Comment allez vous? (How are you doing?) could be heard from across the street.
It was good to be home, to have a day off to enjoy the beauty she had forgotten Poiters possessed. As an avid traveller, there was nowhere quite like the city. Nothing could match it's charming, Romanesque buildings or tranquil solitude.
Julia smiled at nothing in particular, a flaky, warm croissant in one hand and a timeless romance novel in the other.
How long had it been since she had gotten to relax like this? To enjoy the nature of her city and not have to chase a certain red rogue across the globe? The very same red rogue she struggled to protect from her coworkers?
A sigh escaped her lips. Suddenly her mind wandered to someone she hadn't wanted to think about: Carmen Sandiego. The thief never ceased to plague her thoughts lately. A warm blush tinted her cheeks as she recalled the kiss they had shared in Cairo, Egypt. There was a sort of thrill in knowing it was so, so wrong, and Julia hated the adrenaline rush it gave her.
Their last interaction had been a week ago, and it had been on an ACME mission rather than the late night visits the thief had begun to pay her. The absence of the red rogue pained her terribly. She missed Carmen. She missed everything about her from her cunning gray eyes to her knowing smile, the light rasp to her voice, and the feel of her lips. She had barely gotten to see the lady in red recently.
Would this be what a relationship with the woman would entail? Random visits sprinkled through the weeks while Carmen gallivanted around the globe and Julia had to pretend she wanted her behind bars? Would she be doomed to live with this uncertainty, this emptiness?
At her inner turmoil, the thief seemed to appear before her with her signature smirk, the curl of her lips forever ingrained in Julia's memory. Hallucination-Carmen spoke, reciting the promise she had made her not too long ago. "We can have a normal relationship, Jules. We'll be able to see each other everyday, go on dates, do all of that couple-y stuff. I promise."
Julia had scoffed at that, of course. Maybe in another world where she wasn't dating a thief, for goodness sakes. But still she wished there was some way the red rogue could fulfill her promise. Julia knew that what Carmen was doing was absolutely important but....she couldn't help but be selfish and wish she had her to herself.
On top of that, though, there was the fear that whatever was happening between the two was nothing but physical on Carmen's end, that this...fling...would be over in a heartbeat and the red rogue would once again disappear with Julia's heart, only this time she wouldn't return.
She didn't want fo think about that.
Trying to take her mind off her worries, Julia reopened her book. The petite woman frowned, nibbling on the last of her pastry and lazily scanning the page for anything interesting. It was one of her favorites, yet she couldn't bring herself to relax, to forget.
Sighing, she closed the book with a sense of finality, tucking it safely in her messenger bag. It was no use. Nothing could keep Julia's attention from Carmen for long.
"Partir déjà?" Said Nadia, Julia's friend and the cashier. The woman adjusted the side of her hijab before opening the cash register. "Habituellement, vous passez toute la matinée ici lorsque vous êtes absent."
TRANSLATION: "Leaving Already?.....Usually you spend the entire morning here when you're off."
Julia smiled sadly. "Quelque chose me vient à l'esprit ces derniers temps, Je ne peux pas me détendre."
TRANSLATION: "Something has been on my mind lately. I can't relax."
Nadia smirked knowingly. "Querelle d'amant?"
TRANSLATION: "Lover's Quarrel?"
Julia felt her cheeks heat up. Nadia was one of the few people who even knew she was seeing someone, let alone the fact that that someone was a thief. "Entre autres, oui. Il s'agit plus de mon travail."
TRANSLATION: "Among other things, yes. It's more about my job."
Nadia shook her head, making a tut sound. "Tu travailles trop dur." She inserted her credit card into the register, swiping twice before the transaction was complete. "Vous savez, les filles et moi allons au Buckingham Club ce soir. Tu devrais venir. Je parie que cela vous fera oublier ... quel est son nom? Carolyn?"
TRANSLATION: You work too hard....You know, the girls and I are hitting the Buckingham Club tonight. You should come. I bet that'll take your mind off of...what's her name? Carolyn?"
"Carmen." Julia corrected with a smile. "Et Je ne sais pas, pas ce soir. je n'en ai pas vraiment envie."
TRANSLATION: "Carmen....I don't know, not tonight. I don't really feel like it."
" S'il vous plaît? Ce sera amusant!?" Nadia replied, making an exaggerated pouty face.
TRANSLATION: "Please? It'll be fun!"
"Je ne devrais vraiment pas....."
TRANSLATION: "I really shouldn't..."
The cashier shook her head, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Oh, Julia, tu es toujours aussi ennuyeuse."
TRANSLATION: "Oh, Julia, you're always such a bore."
Jules simply smiled in response, pushing the rim of her glasses up her nose. "Peut-être la prochaine fois, Nadia."
TRANSLATION: "Maybe next time, Nadia."
She said her goodbyes and left the small cafe, the little bell at the door signaling her departure. The cool, crisp air met Julia immediately, the frost already kissing her skin. She turned the corner, making a beeline for her apartment complex when suddenly, a certain beeping sound caught her attention.
A very familiar beeping sound.
She threw a discreet glance over her shoulder before darting into the nearest alleyway, ducking behind the nearest dumpster before removing her pen from her pocket.
Julia clicked the cap, tossing it to the ground as she wrinkled her nose at the stench.
"Agent Argent." Chief's no-nonsense voice came as her hologram blossomed. "I have a new mi-" She paused, taking in Julia's location.
"Are you behind a dumpster, Agent?"
Julia felt her cheeks heat slightly "I was in public and had to be...creative..." She replied curtly, breathing through her mouth.
"Right....anyhoo," Chief began again, adjusting her blazer. "I've got on assignment for you. I'm sorry to interupt your time off, but you're the closest agent in proximity."
Julia smiled sadly, scratching her wrist. "It's alright, chief. I was feeling restless anyway."
Chief cocked her head in mild concern. "I'm sorry to hear that, Argent. It's nothing too serious, but we have reports of some meddling with the security systems at the Louvre. I need you to investigate."
"Of course. Will Zari or Devineaux be accompanying me?" She asked, already picturing the splendor at the Louvre. Maybe a trip to the museum was just what she needed today.
"No. Zari and Devineaux are on a case in Santo Domingo." Chief said, beginning to pace the length of the alleyway.
"Khadija or Jonas, then?" Julia replied, referencing two agents she'd been paired with in the past, albeit less frequently than Chase or Zari.
"You'll be going it alone today. Intel indicates that Carmen Sandiego won't be present. I trust you can handle a routine check up, right?"
"I'll take care of it, chief." She answered, giving a small salute to her superior. Internally, Julia released a sigh of relief that she wouldn't have to tail Carmen.
"Good. Transportation has already been arranged and the details should be on your phone." Chief said, crossing her arms. Almost simultaneously, her phone pinged with an encrypted email from ACME.
"Don't dissapoint me, Agent." With a terse nod, the hologram disappeared from before her.
Quickly, she darted home and changed into her ACME-issued suit before making her way to the train station. Paris was waiting, after all.
No matter how many times she frequented the city, Paris never ceased to amaze Julia with a million new places she hadn't visited yet. The Louvre, however, was an outlier to the fact. It was Julia's favorite spot to hit whenever she was in the area.
It had been One-Thirty when her train had pulled into the Paris Saint Lazare, a station settled on the right bank of the Seine and the one closest in proximity to her destination.
The Louvre lay before her in all its grandiose splendor, afternoon sunlight glinting off of the crystal pyramid and casting a rainbow into the burbling fountain before it. The Famed palace of the same name was set on either sides of it, the tasteful renaissance era architecture transporting her into another time.
Julia smiled. She knew every corner of the museum. Every nook and crany was immortalized in her mind from it's renowned Petite Galerie to it's extended Egyptian exhibit.
She removed her ACME card from her messenger bag, thumbing it's side to allow her interpol credentials before going to speak with the security
As promised, a staff member was waiting for her once she got inside.
"Bonjour. Julia Argent, Interpol Britain?" A tall, skinny man with hooded blue eyes and unkempt blonde hair stepped forward.
"Oui." She replied, flashing her badge. "Marcel Cardone?"
"Oui, correct." He answered in a thick French accent. "Thank you for coming." He said, gesturing for her to walk with him.
Julia smiled. "Bien sûr. J'ai été informé mes supérieurs de la mission. Pouvez-vous me dire quel semble être exactement le problème?"
TRANSLATION: "Of course. I was briefed by my superiors on the mission. Can you tell me what exactly seems to be the problem?"
Marcel spoke as he led her through the halls of the grand building. "Do not worry, I am fluent in English. I do not know the details but the head of security will inform you on the matter."
"Sounds good," Julia said reverting back to English. Her guide stopped at a door with la sécurité (security) written in bold script.
"This is it, mademoiselle." Marcel said, opening the door and leading her to the back. Standing before her was another door. Probably to an office, Julia guessed. "Monsieur Toussaint? L'agent d'Interpol est arrivé."
TRANSLATION: "Mr.Toussaint? The interpol agent has arrived."
A tall, stocky man with brown skin glanced up, adjusting his glasses. "L'agent? Miss, le problème s'est corrigé juste avant votre arrivée."
TRANSLATION: "The Agent? Miss, the issue corrected itself just before you arrived."
"Il n'y a donc rien de mal avec la sécurité?" Julia asked, confused.
TRANSLATION: "So is there nothing wrong with the security?"
"Plus maintenant, non..." Mr.Toussaint answered, scrutinizing her.
TRANSLATION. "Not anymore, no."
"Mais je suis venu tout ce chemin..." She answered, slightly disappointed.
TRANSLATION: "But I came all this way...."
The man scratched the side of his head in mild concern. "Nous sommes désolés, mademoiselle. Perhaps you would like a tour of the Louvre in compensation?"
TRANSLATION: "We are sorry, Miss. Perhaps you would like a tour of the Louvre in compensation?"
"No, it's quite alright, thank you." Julia murmured, tugging at the hem of sleeve.
"Please accept. Nous allons même le rendre gratuit!"
TRANSLATION: Please accept. We will even make it free!"
"If you insist." Julia smiled awkwardly.
"Good." Mr.Toussaint lifted the phone on his desk, dialing as he spoke. "Cheryl? Préparez-vous à faire une visite. Oui. Rencontrez-la près des statues."
TRANSLATION. "Cheryl? Prepare to give a tour. Yes. Meet her by the statues."
The balding man put the phone down, swiping through the many papers scattered on his desk. "Our tour guide, Cheryl, will meet you out by our Sculpture Department. Please enjoy your day."
They exchanged goodbyes and thank-yous before Mr. Toussaint returned to the millions of files on his desk and Julia to the swarming museum crowds.
Deftly, Julia navigated the throngs of people, making her way to the modern sculpture exhibit. As promised a woman was waiting before the exhibit checking her watch.
Her dark red-brunette hair was pulled into a pony-tail, and a pair of green khakis and a blue blouse contrasting against her flawless brown skin. From the back of her head, Julia could see a thick pair of glasses settling at the rim of her nose.
She seemed familiar, so very familiar....
And then she spoke. "Enjoying the view, Jules?"
The light rasp, the sultry tone of voice...
The petite woman gasped. "Carmen?"
"Surprise." The thief said with a smirk.
"What're you doing here?!" Julia asked, confused. Was Carmen behind the security issue already being solved before she arrived?
"You must have mistaken me for someone else," The Red Rogue grinned coyly, reaching over gracefully and slipping her fingers between Julia's. "I'm just Cheryl Vasquez, foreign exchange student and Louvre Tour guide."
"Of course." Julia scoffed but played along. "And what would Cheryl Vasquez be doing touring the Louvre?"
"If you're asking whether I'm here to stop VILE, then no. They aren't trying to steal anything. I'm here of my own accord." Carmen replied, her thumb tracing circles along Julia's palm.
"So I suppose it's just a coincidence that I was sent here on a mission?"
Carmen winked at her, her rouged lips relaxing into their signature grin. "Yep. A coincidence. Absolutely nothing more."
A twitch of annoyance flared within Julia. Sometimes Carmen's games could get tiring. "Well then, since you aren't stealing anything I'll be on my way then."
"What?" The thief said, for once taken aback.
"You heard me." Julia began with a smirk, turning in the other direction. "Have a nice day, Miss Sandiego. The Louvre is quite the sight to see."
"Not so fast, Jules." Carmen grasped her wrists gently, pulling her in close. Julia blushed, her mouth mere inches from the thief's. She parted her lips gently, her eyelids sinking lower. Her tongue flecked across the expanse of her bottom lips as she waited to meet the thief's lips for the first time in more than a week.
"Huh?" Julia said in confusion as she felt the other woman's heat move away from her own.
Carmen was no longer before her, lips moving closer. Instead she darted away from the smaller woman, a smug grin scrawled on her beautiful face. She waved Julia's ACME gas gun in the air teasingly, throwing her a wink. "A theft in progress is occurring, agent. You're lawfully required to follow."
"Carmen!" Julia shouted in shock, not at all caring about the attention they were gaining from their fellow museum-go-ers. "Give it back!"
"Come and get me!" She called with a trickle of laughter, disappearing into the hordes of people.
Julia smiled despite her frustration and ran after her, for once not at all caring that her gbehavior was extremely unprofessional.
That was what Carmen did to her. She...freed her. Allowed Julia to relax, to sit still, to live in the moment.
Julia felt all the tension that had built up over the course of the week melt away as she pursued the chase and danced across the Louvre court yard.
She chased Carmen out of the museum, nearing the edge of the complex. "Aha!" Julia shouted, finally catching up to her lover and realizing a smile had formed on her lips.
"You've got me, alright," Carmen smiled, lowering her lashes flirtatiously as her voice lowered teasingly. She slipped her arms around Julia's waist being just tall enough that the shorter woman had to slightly look up to meet her eyes. "Now what're you gonna do with me?"
Julia answered her with a kiss deep with passion. She gasped against Carmen's mouth as the thief grew more aggressive with her lips, her hands sliding past her hips.
"Mhm, I've missed that." Julia smiled. "I've missed you."
"You aren't the only one." Carmen purred against her lips. "You have no idea how badly I wanted to come and see you...but..."
"It's alright, Carmen. I understand." Julia whispered, touching her forehead to the Latina's and lacing her fingers through the thief's. "Do you plan on telling me why you're here, though?"
"Can't I just pay a visit to my favorite ACME agent?" The she teased, beginning to lead Julia out of the museum complex.
"At my apartment, yes. But here?"
"Okay fineee..." The thief relented, turning away. Julia spotted a tiny tinge of a blush dusting her cheeks. Carmen? Blushing? "I....may or may not have had my team hack the museum security and leave a trace to VILE to get you sent here."
"Carmen!" Julia hissed. "You could get caught! And for what? Just to see me? You can meet me at my apartment!"
"Hey, hey, what's done is done, alright?" She said, her arms flying in front of her in attempt to calm her down. Then, she smiled. "Aww you were worried about me. That's adorable."
"Thats-Thats not!....Thats not the point!" Julia tried to fight a blush but it was no use.
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