《Señorita: Carmen Sandiego Oneshots♡︎》VILE operative Name Ideas
Hola Senors and Senoritas! This is just a collection of VILE OCs I've come up with. This is mostly for a friend who wanted some code name ideas, but feel free to use them in any of your Carmen Sandiego fics. I also gave them secret identities but you can switch those up for your liking as well. If you already have a secret identity, backstory, appearance, and personality in mind and just need a name, never fear! There is a list of only names at the bottom. I will repeat this again: FEEL FREE TO USE THEM, AS WELL AS MY OCs!
I know this isn't a oneshot butI've been having writer's block lately. if you know any good oneshots for Carmen Sandiego BESIDES , , , , and , let me know because I've already read those at least once. I NEED INSPIRATION!!
MY OC Team:
Emilio Marcos Delmar-Vasquez (or so he says)
Indigenous/Indigenous Mixed?
Warm gold skin (three or four shades darker than Carm's), thick brows, piercing black eyes, wavy dark brown hair, high cheekbones, slightly crooked nose, 5'10, long scar along his cheek, clean-shaved at all times, tall and lean.
Very strategic, smart, good at organizing others, expert at combat, amazing sharpshooter, good actor
Two expensive glocks with silencers but prefers to fight hand-to-hand
Wears a formal black & white suit and tie set, black gloves, sound muffling Black shoes, as well as a silver mask that covers 3/4th of his face, revealing an eye and the area around it
Leader/Strategist/Inside man
Likes to dress formally but for casual events he wears a White Henley shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers
The mask he wears when in uniform and the many identities he has for himself, as well as his secretive past (which no one knows about)
Mask is cool, calm, and collected. He is viciously smart and extremely perceptive, having spies everywhere. He is also manipulative, charismatic, and a bit ruthless. He prefers to Control the game rather than play it and always seems very genuine, making you want to trust him but you shouldn't. Mask is your friend until you aren't useful to him anymore
who sent you? Who asked? He's got a clean slate, but only because he wiped off all the dirt.
1.His team kind of (though he hates to admit it) 2. VILE (not really; only until they stop being useful to him)
Mysterious past he refuses to talk about
Is a bit of a grammar nerd and speaks very eloquently. He also has a soft spot for various types of guns, curses in Spanish, and has a sweet tooth.
Harita Yadav
Slim and thin, Chai Brown skin, large, heavy lidded deep set black eyes lined with kohl, hooked nose, thick brows, 5'5, long waist-length black hair, square shaped face, nose piercing
Good spy, extremely silent, great at sneak attacks & many combat styles, is good at stunts
Harita doesn't carry any weapons on her person except maybe the occasional throwing knife.
Raven wears an all black bodysuit with a turtleneck. She also wears gloves and boots of a lighter gray. There is a stretch of flame resistant, weather Proof fabric between her arms and torso, which she uses to glide in the air with. A black mask sits on the lower half of her face, revealing the beginning of her nose and eyes. While in uniform, her hair is in a braid.
Recon spy/Inside Woman/Stunt Woman after Feral
She wears her hair down or in a ponytail, a white Shirt, a black blazer, a black choker, black jeans, and black flats
She glides from place to place with the flap of fabric on her suit, hence being named after a bird.
Raven is quiet around newcomers but secretly lethal. Around her team, she is melodramatic, loud, self-deprecating, and extroverted. She always likes to share a good laugh with Dynamite but is serious when she needs to be. Raven is a deadly skilled debater and a good talker, and a bit manipulative like Mask. Because of this, she is a fellow inside woman. Raven has a wild imagination and can get carried away with her ideas at times, turning them from truth to lies.
Growing up, Harita's parents wanted her to enter into a respectable career field such as being a Doctor or Engineer. However, she purposely flunked her MCAT (medical school testing) exams so that she could be an actor like she wanted. However, her family wouldn't support her in this endeavor, leading her to turn to VILE. Harita eventually decided she preferred being an operative to being an actor because she got to act, got to see the world, and wasn't short on money anymore.
1. Her family (despite them not assisting her in funding her career) 2. Her team 3. VILE
She is a compulsive liar and can overly emotional sometimes
Likes to go for glides in the city at night, a bit of a flirt, has an addiction to crunchy food
Norah Elizabeth Banks
ivory skin, shoulder length hair with bangs, dyed a cool pink hair (originally dishwater blonde), freckles over button nose, hazel eyes, pouty lips, oval shaped face, 5'9, top-heavy build, four ear piercings & eyebrow ring
Is a pro hacker, computer genius, knows a lot about security systems, how to access police databases , government files, etc. Basic combat skills. She also has some very credible sources she uses to research their capers.
Has a device on her wrist on her wrist that can create flashes of light so team can "glitch" away, but is usually covered in combat by another member of the group
Glitch wears a dark purple (with lighter purple stripes) bodysuit with short sleeves, has finger-less gloves, black boots, her phone attached to one wrist, and her flashing device attached to the other. A headset connected to a monocle-like scanner over one eye that she uses to analyze things, view its internalized code, infrared settings, night vision, etc.
Hacker/Tech Support
Purple crop top, pink hair tied up in two buns, a light purple mini skirt, black leggings, and black converse.
She's a hacker and uses glitches for her hacks, also her flashing device
She's a bit lazy but that's what makes her smart as it allows her to find quick solutions to things. She is sarcastic, logical, realistic, not overly emotional, and always points out the flaws in plans but goes along with them anyway. Glitch is that one friend you drag along into your schemes though she doesn't want to go. She likes logic based subjects such as math and science over emotional or creativity based ones.
Glitch was a natural at coding and hacking from a young age. She joined every computer club and association she could find, always yearning for something to challenge her. When nothing did, she tested out her skills with hacking. By doing so, she caught the attention to VILE and was offered a slot in their student body
1. Her family 2. her team 3. VILE
Her subpar fighting skills (subpar for a VILE operative mind you), distaste for overly emotional things, and awkwardness.
She never sleeps before 3 am and can function with one hour a night. Norah (glitch) also happens to be addicted to Coffee.
April Therese Daniels
African descent
Hazelnut brown skin, tight black shoulder length curls, angular brows, cat-like warm brown eyes, full lips, round face, 5'2, petite but muscular and broad shouldered, saber tooth ear piercing in one ear that she always wears
Advanced agility, background in acrobatics, flexibility
Carries a staff that she can extend if needed, can be used to fence with or vault long distances
Black full length bodysuit with gold spots, Gold utility belt with section for her staff. Also has long black boots and gloves with holes for the fingers. Ties hair into a bun when in a suit. She has a mask of a gold cat with black stripes that covers her entire face. (Think Cheshire/Jade from Young Justice)
Stunt woman, wild card
black leggings with a Gold stripe on the side, a Gold-yellow tank top, white running shoes
Feral can be used to describe someone wild and mangy, like a wild cat, which fits April because she is slightly psychotic.
Feral is the loose canon of the group. She doesn't pause to think before she acts and is a bit insane. She is bipolar, loves to break rules, hates being told what to do, loves taking risks, and steals for the thrill of it. Despite everything, Feral still has a moral compass. She tries not to hurt civilians. It's just that nothing ever fulfills her need for danger like being a thief. And she can't give up that. And when you grow up fending for yourself above all else, it's hard to get rid of that habit.
Feral was orphaned at a young age. In the middle of a thread of foster care, she met fellow operative Dagger. The two became very close and declared themselves siblings, finally choosing to run away together. Ironically enough, they ended up at the circus. The ringmaster accepted them after noticing her talent with acrobatics, which she mastered during her time there. Eventually she and her sibling were presented with the opportunity to join VILE and accepted.
1. Her sibling Dagger. 2. The rest of her team and the circus that she joined 3. VILE
Fear of small spaces (claustrophobia), Is an Adrenaline Junkie, impulsive (acts before thinking)
Laughs at the worst times, rushes into danger without a solid plan
Spencer Ford
American (moved there when they were eight)—originally Italian
Lean and fit, tan beige skin, Honey blonde hair, blue eyes, thin lips, straight brows, broad shoulders, stocky build, 5'7
Dagger is extremely skilled in knife throwing and has a blade collection that can't be matched. They also are skilled in acrobatics and combat, though not quite as agile as Feral.
They always keep various blades, big and small, on their person at all times. They have a blade for literally any situation and can fashion one out of practically anything if they happen to be without one.
Wears a dark green body suit up to their elbows along with dark brown boots, and a dark brown leather jacket with sections inside for their various knives. They also have a dark green utility belt for Backup blades. Their backup-backup are stuffed into their boots as well.
hit person, security
Green cargo pants or skirt, tannish T-Shirt tucked in, and dark Brown leather jacket with knives inside
The knives. Duh.
Spencer is the serious one out of the group. They always keep everyone focused and on task. They like order and rules, unlike their sister and despite their occupation. They have a moral compass and do their best not to resort to killing. However, everyone in society turned their back on Spencer, so they are loyal to VILE and their team as they were the only ones who were there for them. Dagger is usually level headed, but has a very intense temper should one test it. Their anger issues are the result of an unhappy childhood and something they can't quite shake.
Spencer was part of a traditionalist household and disowned as a teenager when they revealed their true gender identity. They wound up in foster care, which eventually led them to meeting their chosen sister April (Feral). April and Spencer looked out for each other, eventually deciding to run away. They ended up at the circus of all places once Feral demonstrated her talent at acrobatics. Spencer became a protege to the knife-thrower and mastered it with time. Eventually the siblings were offered a spot at VILE.
1. Their sister Feral 2. Their team & the circus that took them in 3. VILE
Anger issues, sometimes too loyal, and their painful past
Clean their knives all the time, even if they don't have any dirt on them.
Eli Nguyên
Asian/Pacific Islander
Muscular build, broad, golden-tan skin, chocolate brown eyes, monolids, long straight nose, high cheekbones, cheeky smile, 6'2, missing pinky finger on left hand, Mohawk
Dynamite is a good fighter (VILE standards), but his true skills lie in his mind. While Glitch is Tech Savvy and loves to lurk on the internet, Dynamite builds gadgets. He is very good at tinkering and has created a variety helpful gadgets for the team
Eli always keeps different explosives and bombs he designed on his person. He uses them for quick escapes, to cause diversions, or to get through an obstacle.
Eli wears a blue body suit that goes to his mid-biceps, as well as darker blue boots. He has a flame-resistant black jacket on which he stores some of his explosives as well as a black utility belt. He also carries a gas mask at all times as some of his bombs contain knockout gas.
Engineer/gadget designer/Smokescreen (creates diversions)
Black jeans, a gray T-Shirt, black shoes, and a blue flannel
His love of Explosives and building them
Dynamite is the prankster of the group. He's optimistic, self deprecating, likes to make people laugh, and can never resist pranking his fellow operatives. He is very charismatic and always at the center of attention. Dynamite puts the people he cares about before himself and likes to see them happy. He's very easygoing, idealistic, and a bit of a dreamer rather than a doer. He is impatient, however, and prefers to act rather than wait. Sitting still is very, very hard for him.
Eli was raised by a single mother after his father died in a car crash. Because they were so deeply engrossed in poverty, they moved in with his mother's parents, though they weren't that much better off. His mom passed away when he was in middle school, leaving him completely in the care of his grandparents. Later on, his grandfather was diagnosed with cancer, and his grandmother, a heart condition. In order to pay for their medical bills, he joined VILE, not knowing what else to do.
1. His grandparents 2. His team 3. VILE
His impatience, his moral compass
He can't resist pulling a good prank, especially on Glitch or Mask
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