《LA FEMME ROUGE》The Truth Comes Out


Carmen's POV

I kept dodging Tigress's claw swipes.

"After we deliver you to V.I.L.E., I'll watch how they'll destroy you." She said.

She managed to scratch the sleeve of my jacket.

"Hey!" I said. "This was my favorite leather jacket."

She didn't respond.

She kicked me in the stomach, sending me back 8ft.

She was about to send her claws onto me, when I rolled out of the way.

Her claws were stuck 4in into the pavement.

She growled as she tried to pull her claws out of the road.

"Here," I said. "Let me help you with that."

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand out of the road.

Instead of thanking me, she tried impaling her claws into my armor.

Not even so much as a scratch.

"Come on." I said, sweeping her leg. "I helped you."

I pulled out one my pistols and pointed it at her.

"Nighty night." I said.

But before I could give her a tranquilizer dart, she kicked me in the ankle.

I fell, landing on top of her.

"Sorry." I said.

"Get off me." She growled.

We both stood up and Tigress swung her claws at my face.

They broke on impact with my Helmet.

Now she had no weapons.

"Give up?" I asked.

She me a right hook into the abdomen.

She actually made it hurt.

I pointed the gun at her, she then grabbed my wrist.

She flung me onto my back and pulled the gun out of my hand.

She pointed it at me.

But before she could she could fire a tranquilizer dart....

"FREEZE!" Shouted Chase Devineaux.

I sat up and looked around.

ACME Agents surrounded us completely.

I stood up.

"Sayonara." I said, equipping the grappling hook in my sleeve.


"I don't think so." Said Tigress, tackling me into the ground. "If we're going down, I'm taking you with us."

Agents came and cuffed our arms behind our backs.

Around this time, the dart effect of the darts wore of on Paper Star.

All five of us were on our knees.

"Now," Said Agent Zari. "Let's see who this criminal is."

She was referring to me, obviously.

"How do we open your Helmet?" Asked Chase Devineaux.

I sighed.

The truth had to come out eventually.

"There's a small button on the neck of my armor." I admitted.

He pushed it.

The Helmet unequipped.

Everyone, all the Agents, Devineaux, Zari, Tigress, El Topo, and Le Chévre, and Paper Star all gasped.

"Carmen Sandiego... Is La Femme Rouge?" Said a few of the Agents.

"Next time," I said. "Be sure someone you claim as dead is actually dead."

Tigress's POV

Carmen is the one we were after!?

I tried to beat her within an inch of her life.

She wasn't an imposter, she was the real deal.

But still, after all those months mourning.

After all those months crying.

After I gained PTSD.

The person who I thought I killed is alive.

I'll forgive her, eventually.

However, I need to make her apologize to me.

Apologize to all of us.

However, I can't hate her.

She's family.

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