《From the Ashes》Chapter Four
Thoughts of Richard and what to do about the situation still plagued her the following morning. Thankfully she managed a few hours of sleep, however she could not find safety even in slumber. Images of Richard filled her mind to where she thought he invaded her very soul. So she woke knowing she must avoid him, whatever the cost.
Asking to be reassigned was out of the question. Lady Catherine would never allow it. Juliana wondered if Lady Catherine had some purpose for this arrangement, as it seemed to make very little sense. Why would she keep my identity hidden from Richard? She does so delight in torturing me? Perhaps Lady Catherine's cruelty has escalated to a higher level and she figured it hurt me more to flaunt in front of me what I can never have. It puzzled Juliana exceedingly.
Juliana remembered a conversation she overheard between her father and Lord Bentley. They were discussing the idea of possibly making a match of the two of them, Richard and herself when she came of age. Her father willing to give a large dowry to secure a promise of betrothal for his daughter but Lord Bentley hardly felt it necessary. He felt his son rather fancied the quaint little girl with the opalescent skin and the dark auburn hair, but told Wadsworth he would consider his offer.
"Her and Richard," the thought produced a choked laugh that half sounded like a sob, but Juliana refused to be the weeping kind. In fact, she had not really cried since they buried her mother. Her Father's remains were never found. He never made it out of the fire sacrificing himself in hopes that they, her and her mother might live.
Not even at Lord Bentley's funeral did she cry although her heart had somehow managed to break all over again. Shaking her head from her wandering thoughts, Juliana knew what she must do. She must learn his routine and avoid the new Lord Bentley at all cost. It would be perilous to do otherwise.
"How is it that she can avoid me at every turn?" Richard asked although there was no one in his room to answer him. It drove him mad how his chambermaid Anna, managed to anticipate his every whim and have everything he could require ready for him without actually being present. His clothes were laid out and freshly pressed every morning before he awoke. His morning tea arranged quite nicely to be ready by the time he finished dressing. Even his bath would be drawn for him when he returned home from a ride. It had been nearly two weeks now and if he did not catch a glimpse of her throughout the manor as she set about her duties, or when she was in the service of his stepmother, he'd never see her. She was deliberately avoiding him and it was making him most irritable.
At afternoon tea, with her stepson, Lady Catherine noticed the same thing as she sat perched on the loveseat stroking her cat that lazily slept in her lap. Richard thought the cat the only thing that ever got any real attention from her. Not even her own daughters could intrigue her longer than two minutes.
"I am thinking of throwing a dinner party, this Thursday evening here at the Manor as a way of welcoming you home. I of course expect you to be there."
Richard scratched the back of his head and quit pacing the room when he realized his stepmother had spoken. "Sorry Mother you said something?" he asked tapping his foot not being able to keep completely still.
"What is it Richard? You seem most distracted since you came home?"
Richard mumbled something incoherent and his stepmother shrugged as it mattered not, however he did not care for her overtly sweet smile or how her eyes danced with a knowledge that should not be hers.
Lady Catherine repeated what she requested of him, "A dinner party here on Thursday evening... of course some of the guests may wish to stay over but...."
Richard had interrupted her musing. "Mother I despise those things. I see it as highly unnecessary and in very poor taste. None of my friends have returned from the fighting." Some he knew never would. "If I had not been wounded I would have been there still. We may have won against Bonaparte in Egypt but I do not believe that will be the end of him."
Richard had served in His Majesty's Royal Navy under Admiral Sir Darby aboard the HMS Bellerophon. Their ship took the most damage in Sir Nelson's fleet. Nearly fifty of his mates had died and they had three times as many injured. He was lucky to be alive.
"Which is why I taken painstaking care to inform our guest how I wish to celebrate your safe return and give those who desire to learn of their loved ones a chance to do so. I of course, invited them to bring their daughters as well. I would not want our guests to be inconvenienced."
Richard was not fooled and his look was murderous.
Shrugging away his annoyance. Lady Catherine simply stated, "I cannot be held accountable if they only take the boys to war, Dear. Do be a sport and go and get yourself something suitable to wear for the event. I would be delighted if you would accompany me into town tomorrow in fact. There are many plans to be made."
"But you forget Mother that I have yet to say yes to the event," Richard pointed out feeling more irritable by the minute," and I should think, seeing that Thursday is only a day away, that there would hardly be enough time to plan such an event."
"Well I saw no reason why you would refuse. So the invitations have already been sent and you are the guest of honor."
"I will..." Richard said raising his voice ever so slightly, "I will not be paraded around so you can auction me off to the highest bidder, Mother. I refuse to be your pawn in whatever game it is you are playing at. And if you think for one moment..." He never got to finish his indelicate sentence because in walked the object of his affliction. He had no idea how this servant girl had managed to get under his skin, but she had. He went two weeks without sleep because whenever he closed his eyes he would see her there. A beautiful temptress, she comes to him at night and fills his dreams with lustful thoughts. He hears her moan echo in his mind and he'd imagine tasting her skin over and over again.
"Good Morning my Lady," Juliana said as she carried the tea tray in. She nearly lost her grip when she saw Richard standing by the fireplace. He looked awful. "Good." she thought, "if I can not sleep I see no reason why he should." Although she wondered at what could be keeping him awake. "My Lord," she said to acknowledge his presence in the room. She poured the tea and handed the post over to her Ladyship.
"See Richard," Lady Catherine said holding up the response cards. "So much for your idea that these people are not in need of a good time. I expect you to be there Thursday evening. There are a great number of fathers that will be looking for news of their sons." Richard just growled before he stormed from the room.
Lady Catherine giggled gleefully at his response. Things could not possibly be more perfect. She looked at Juliana smiling at her in such a way Juliana could not help but see her Ladyship's resemblance to her cat and she could not help feeling like the mouse caught in her clutches.
"Juliana, come here." Juliana came to stand before her. "I want you to inform his Lordship as soon as possible that you are no longer to be in his service that Albert will be taking that position."
"Albert, Marm?" Juliana asked at this strange turn of events.
"Yes, Albert. I am in need of your services elsewhere to prepare rooms and to take care of other preparations for a dinner party to be held tomorrow. Understood?"
Juliana knew she should be relieved but she too felt like an unsuspecting pawn in some scheme Lady Catherine had drummed up.
"Do you understand, Juliana?"
"Yes, Marm." Juliana answered.
"Good, you may go." With a wave of her hand Lady Catherine had dismissed her.
Juliana had spent almost every waking moment trying to avoid Richard and now she has been instructed to go to him directly. She knew he would not be pleased with her news. As she approached his room she found she had run into luck. From his discarded clothes she could tell he went riding. She would have a slight reprieve. Maybe she could talk Albert into informing his Lordship of the new arrangements?
Juliana took the backstairs that would lead to the kitchen, she knew she would most likely find Albert there as he was a very punctual man and took his tea promptly at three every day. What to say? How to ask? She knew it to be beyond her place among the staff to do so, but she also knew Albert always held a soft spot for her and very rarely refused her anything. She only hoped this time would not be any different.
"Hello Anna."
The soft hissing sound of her name being spoken broke into Juliana's thoughts and immediately she felt alarmed. In the darkness of the stairwell she could just make out his form, slight, boney and eyes that could pierce you even in the darkness.
"Marcus," Juliana acknowledged him with a nod, ever so grateful that her voice did not quake with the unknowing fear she felt whenever caught alone with him. His snake like sneer turned her innards.
"Sweet, Sweet Anna." Marcus said closing the distance between them. "Have you enjoyed being with him?
Anna shook her head in confusion. And she cursed herself the fool because as he stepped forward, she stepped back. She had the wall at her back now and Marcus was standing between her and the only exit.
"No, you say," misunderstanding her response but delighting in her show of fear. "I thought as much. A woman like you," he began darting his tongue over dry lips, "could never be satisfied by someone like him. You need a real man," he said leaning into her his body nearly touching her own.
His hot breath made Anna turn her head away. His whispered laugh sent shivers down her spine. Juliana used her anger at being caught unaware to steel herself. She turned and glared at him, her tone and stance leaving no chance for misinterpretation. "As it were, Marcus. I'm not looking. Not now, not ever. And if that were to change you most definitely would not come to mind."
"Why you pompous little..." Marcus hand flew up and Juliana flinched waiting for contact that thankfully never came. The stairwell suddenly flooded with light, "Marcus" was the stern tone that brought this vile man before her to heel. "What is the meaning of this?" Albert's voice boomed so it was understood he would broke no argument.
Marcus gave a slippery grin, "Just a simple chat. No need for alarm, sir." And he slithered past Juliana and disappeared into the darkness of the stairs.
Albert turned his attention to Juliana. His simple touch of her arm felt like her undoing. For the first time in sometime Juliana felt the sting of tears threatening to spill over but she quickly gained her composure.
"What was that about, Anna and no more of your excuses?"
"I did not expect to be caught with him on the stairs. I am usually much more careful. I was distracted by a more pressing matter."
Albert narrowed his gaze wanting to reassure himself that Anna was as good as she appeared and although by all outward signs no harm seemed to have been done, he did not like the situation. Not one bit.
"I've never known you to be distracted," Albert said softening his hard features with a grin. "Come, sit and have some tea. Cook's out shopping she will never be the wiser to our little chat."
Grateful Juliana took her seat and relished the warmth the teacup sent through her hands. Marcus just had that effect on her. "He could suck the warmth from the sun," she surmised.
"So, how can I help you?" Albert asked filling his own cup with tea.
"It is about my serving Lord Bentley." Juliana began tentatively biting her lower lip as she thought how to ask.
Albert smiled. "Consider it done, child. I would no sooner subject you to his Lordship's temper, than I would Marcus's presence for more than three seconds."
Juliana sighed and smiled. "Thank you." She should have known Albert would have already been apprised of the situation. Very little ever escaped the butler's notice.
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