《Ships I ship and don't ship or made》hayate x genma


eriko: doughter what is this

hayate: we are just friends

Kohari: son what is this

genma: we are just friends

kotetsu: cute

izumo: I know I ship it

yugao: my hayate-chan stay away genma

genma: we are just friends

hayate: mom we are friends *back hits a wall*

eriko: why is he touching you like that then *makes a fist*

hayate: he didn't actually do it mom its fan art

brandon: don't lie doughter *balls his fist*

hayate: *jumps to madara*

madara: whats wrong

brandon: get back here

eriko: *byokugon* get back here doughter

madara: hayate whats wrong

hayate: *whispers they are trying to hit me because of the picture of this ship*

madara: *looks at title and picture* *whisper did he do that actually do that*

hayate: *whispers don't tell them if I tell you*

madara: *I won't*

hayate: *whispers he did do it I let him do it he asked me I don't know why I let him though*

madara: *whispers you love him thats why*

eriko: madara give me hayate

brandon: brother gave me my doughter

madara: no I will not that didn't happen you two its fanart it's not real

genma: its fanart mom *back hits hashirama and mito*

mito: whats wrong genma

genma: my mom is mad because of the picture of this ship

mito: *looks at title and photo*

mito: *grabs genma* *goes to her room with tobirama and tsunade*

tobirama: mito why am I here

mito: genma is in love did that happen genma in the photo

genma: don't tell anyone this guys but yes that happened

tsunade: you can't do that without permission did hayate accept that

genma: strangely she did

hayate: *gets flung in the room* oww

mito: you ok hayate

hayate: no

mito: what happened

hayate: my mom and dad throw me in here because they think it happened


mito: *walks over whisper I know it happened I know you lied to them*

hayate: *whisper I know but they don't like me near him so I had to tell them something*

mito: *why don't they like you near him*

hayate: *whispers because they hate the shiranui clan so if they finds out it true they will kill him and I love him don't tell him*

mito: *whispers I won't*

tobirama: eriko leave her alone it didn't happen why don't you leave her alone

eriko: I the gekko clan hates the shiranui clan so if we leave hayate alone with that shiranui he will force her to do things I want her so I can lock her in her room

tobirama: you can't do that what will she do for fun or anything

eriko: I will give her food and she can sit on her bed for fun

kohari: tsunade give me genma

tsunade: leave him alone that didn't happen

kohari: so I want him to lock him in his room so he can't get force to do anything by that gekko

genma/hayate: *jumps away*

hayate: *bumps into izumo*

izumo: sis it mom and dad isn't it

hayate: yes because of the picture

izumo: *its cute I love the picture and I know it happened I saw it*

hayate: you aren't mad our clan hates each other

izumo: we will gets peace with our clans

genma: *bumps into iruka*

iruka: brother mom and dad

genma: yes they are mad because of the picture and the ship

iruka: *whisper I like the ship and photo and you too look cute together I know it happened I saw it with izumo*

genma: but our clans hate each other how doesn't mom and dad know you were with izumo

iruka: kakashi covered it up for us saying I was with her

genma: really


iruka: yeah

eriko: give me my doughter doughter

izumo: leave her alone mom

eriko: we hate the shiranui clan and one force her to let him touch her there

izumo: how do you know

eriko: because that what they do they use people

hayate: genma he is not like the other shiranui

eriko: doughter have you been hanging out with genma

hayate: yes

izumo: she not the only one ether I did too

eriko: it better not be iruka it better be kotetsu hagane even if we hate the hagane they are better then the shiranui

izumo: it was iruka

eriko: *grabs izumo and flung her*

izumo: *hits mito* ow

mito: what happened izumo

izumo: my mom throw me in here when I told her I hung out with iruka

mito: iruka siblings to genma isn't she

izumo: yeah thats why I was flung here

ikkaku: give me my son doughter

iruka: leave him alone mom

kohari: we hate the gekko that gekko forced him to touch her

iruka: how do you know

Ikkaku: because they use people all the time

genma: hayate isn't like the other gekko

kohari: son have you been hanging with hayate

genma: yes

iruka: he's not the only one

ikkaku: it better not be izumo it better be with kakashi hatake even if we hate the hatake clan they are better then the gekko

iruka: it was izumo

kohari: *grabs iruka and flung her*

iruka: *hits sakumo*

sakumo: whats wrong iruka

iruka: my mom flung me because I was hanging out with izumo

sakumo: isn't izumo sibling to hayate

iruka: yeah thats why I was flung here

ikkaku: *grabs genma*

eriko: *grabs hayate and walks home*

ikkaku: *walks home and locks genma in his room*

eriko: *locks hayate in her room*

hayate: *look out the window to see genma's room*

hayate: *walks over to balcony and sits down*

genma: *walks on balcony and sits down and see hayate*

genma: *throws a note at hayate*

hayate: *catches note and reads the note 'your mom cought you too my mom throw iruka' throws a note at genma*

genma: *caches note and read 'yeah izumo was flung by my mom'*

hayate: *looks down and see eriko and kohari talking and smiling*

hayate: *throw a note at genma*

genma: *reads note 'look down'*

genma: *looks down and saw eriko and kohari*

hayate: what is going on genma

genma: I don't know are you locked in your room too

hayate: yes genma jump over here

genma: are you sure what if they catch me

hayate: its fine izumo will be helping

izumo: *walks over* mom why are you talking to a shiranui

iruka: yeah mom why are you talking to a gekko

genma: *jumps to hayate's balcony*

hayate: I thought my mom hates the shiranui

genma: I did too I thought my mom hates gekko

hayate: so did I um genma can I k-kiss y-y-y-you

genma: um yeah you can hayate

hayate: *kisses genma on the lips then broke the kiss* you should go now

genma: yeah *jumps to his room balcony*

hayate: *walks in her room and sits on her bed*

eriko: *opens hayate's door and walked in and gave her food and sat down on her bed*

hayate: what do you want mom

eriko: hayate gekko I know you were talking to genma and had him on your balcony I will lock you from the outside for a month if you don't stop hanging out with him

hayate: I will stop hanging out with him mom let me out though

eriko: you can go outside

hayate: thanks mom *grabs food and eat*

eriko: *left hayate's room and ate with the other family members*

kohari: *opens genma's door and walked in and gave him food and sat down on his bed*

genma: what do you want mom *looking out the window to see hayate eating and was sad she had a tear going down her face*

kohari: Genma shiranui I know you were talking with hayate gekko and went on her balcony I will lock you in your room and from the outside for a month if you don't stop seeing her

genma: I won't stop seeing her

kohari: you can't go outside alone from now on you have to go with iruka

genma: ok *grabs food and eat*

kohari: *walks out and start to eat with family* iruka if genma wants to walk outside you have to go with him

iruka: ok

me: ratings

ikkaku: 0/10 everyone agree

everyone but kakashi, izumo, kotetsu, iruka, sakumo, madara: yes

kakashi/izumo/kotetsu/iruka/sakumo/madara: 10/10

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