《naruto character one shots》Down, Boy {Kiba Inuzuka}


Akamaru whimpered as the stare down between you and his master commenced. Kiba's chocolate brown eyes locked on your sea foam green ones, although this was far from romantic.

You and Kiba Inuzuka have been engaging in rounds of... friendly competition since the academy days and this was just another one of those days. Just two friends who can't seem to agree on anything but still hang out, to have their (what would normally be a pleasant day together) tragically ruined by their stupidity and lust for 'whose better than who'.

"Just cave, Inuzuka." You say as you notice the boy grow sweaty and agitated.

"Never." He concluded.

Even as the tears welled up in both your eyes', neither of you would back down. Dominance was everything, even if that meant you were just the stronger friend. Dominance was in Kiba's blood, while you on the other hand have always been the younger sibling, the last to finish a test, the one at the bottom, but now it was your turn to be at the top, and if that meant beating a friend at a staring contest then you'd do it, even if you were only driven be sheer will power and the humiliation that the loser will experience which far outweighs the chance of giving up.

You see, you and Kiba always, and I mean always have to have some stupid bet to go along with your ridiculous competitions

But you're not Naruto, you can't win at absolutely everything so after a few more agonizing seconds, you unfortunately blinked.

Groaning in protest at your loss, Kiba pushed you over and gloated about his recent victory by dancing and saying childish insults like "in your face", whilst being high with winners' pride.

"Kiba, I-I can't do it." You said, referring to the bet. You got up onto your feet and knitted your eyebrows in seriousness.


"Too bad, you would've made me do it if you won." He said while crossing his arms with a smirk. "Besides, you know you love me. All you have to do is say it in front of everybody."

"But you have to reject me." You whispered. That was the bet, the loser had to get up in front of the whole gang and "confess their love" for the winner but the humiliating part was, the winner had to reject the loser.. in front of everybody.

You knew you'd never get the boy to crack, not atleast this way. You were a girl, and girls will always be a man's weakness but you had to say the right things and do whatever you could do. Seduction was your only option, but you had to get him at the right moment.

Your cherry red lipstick and booty shorts weren't going to do the trick, you had to talk him out of it.

"What are you doing?" He questioned

You bit your lip while inching closer to him, your hands behind your back. Right then, the aura in the room completely changed.

"Kiba, you won. Isn't that enough?" You said, physically pushing him into the wall. He grabbed your hands to steady himself, in shock of what you were doing.

"Kiba, down." You commanded huskily into his ear, causing them to turn pink. A fang poked out of his mouth as he bit his lip.

You smirked at your achievement. It's working.

But he wasn't down yet, although he would be anytime now. You'd get him at his lowest moment, the way he'd been doing it to you for years.

"Down, boy."

He dropped onto the floor, his back against the wall. You stooped down to his level, making sure your were eye to eye.


And then you grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, pulling his face closer to yours, and you smashed your lips against his, hard. He wasted no time to kiss you back, which made you smirk into the kiss.

Before he could wrap his hands around your waist, you pulled away from him, releasing your grip on his shirt. Kiba looked up at you with lust filled eyes but all you did was say "No Kiba, in your face."

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