《-Insane Asylum- Slashers x Reader》Unexpected guest


Days pass by after the slashers escape from the agents or police, they lived in barn house in middle of the forest that is safe for them. No one go into the forest or live there since it was abandoned decades ago. The slashers get used to it of living there to each other safe.

Currently the noise came from the basement "Put me down!" The doll scream being held upside down with one leg squirming in Freddy grip to break free. "Not a chance after you try to stab me!" "Because you kick me like you didn't see me!"

"WHAT A BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?!!" They stop arguing. "Freddy you put him down right now or else Pumpkinhead will had your head off!" Y/n growl. Freddy 'tsk' let go Chucky leg, Y/n caught him so fast in her arms. "Seriously guys, it's like I'm a mother stoping the kids from arguing. Can you guys stop like 10 minutes, you guys giving me headaches." She rub the bridge of her nose frustrated.

"He started it." Freddy point at Chucky "I don't care who started it, try to step away from each other okay." Y/n place Chucky down "Anyway I'm going to find Dr. Connor, you two try get along but if you don't..." she glare at them with her zombie eyes "You see what happen when I get angry." They shake if fear hearing her dark tone.

Y/n walk back upstairs heading outside. Once she outside she see Connor and Pumpkinhead in the barn cleaning. She went inside "Need some help guys?" Connor nod his head. "Can you clean the walls to wipe the blood out please." Y/n grab the bucket of water that was by the horse cage started to scrub the wall.


"You can take a break guys, I know you guys are tired from cleaning." Connor and Pumpkinhead walk back in the house feeling their body's tiring them. Y/n close the barn door lock it, she grab the broom and bucket walk back to the house.

She put the cleaning supplies in the closet. Suddenly the front door barge open reveal Thomas, in his hand he hold was a chainsaw and the other hold a dead teenage girl. "You kill her by yourself?" He nod his head yes "Is she with someone else?" He shook his head no "Did someone see you?" He shook again "Good, glad she alone. And can you carry her please, I already clean the floor earlier in morning." Thomas carry the teenage girl bridal style before he walk upstairs.

"SKRRRRIIIEEEEK!!!" Y/n turn around facing Pumpkinhead. "What is buddy?" He grab her hand pull her outside. "Hey you don't had to....yank me..." Y/n was froze in place with shock look on her face. There's two people few feet away from the house, few of their bones were shown, some of their skins were tore off and dirty, and their clothes were torn.

Y/n cover her mouth, tears come out from her eyes. "It can't be...." two people slowly walk up to them. "Hello Y/n..." the girl breath heavily "Dad....Lena..." they smile at her. "What's up girrrlll" Lena smile.

Y/n ran up to them with open arms, she hug them in bear hug. "H...how?... you guys died after...Freddy kill you." She whimper. "Long story, can we come in?" She let them in the house. "Guys! We got company here!" She called out.

The sound of footsteps from upstairs or the basement. Once the slashers came down they were shock seeing two zombie people. "Mr. L/n! Lena! How are you guys alive?! Freddy kill you! How you guys become zombies?" Connor said. "When we we're buried in our grave, we feel something in our heart and it made up come back alive. Than it connected to us and feel something." "What is it?" Connor ask "...Love" they look at Y/n with a smile on their faces.


"Love? What do you mean?" She ask "It means, we're connected to each other of our life. Your soul is connected to us." The father explain. Y/n eyes widen, she touch her heart where it was "That means..." "Your soul connected us and gave us life." She bricked out tears hug her father. He pat her back to comfort her.

"I heard you guys escape from the the scientist place at LA. We saw it at the news, it was crazy when Y/n was huge like a monster." Lena said. "Yeah, it was awesome see her beast form and grow huge. You guys hungry?" Connor ask.

"Yeah, but since we're zombies we eat meat like raw." "I'll go get you some meat." Y/n went up upstairs. She came back with two bags of meat in her hands. She gave it to them, they open the plastic wrap start chowing down like zombies does.

"I'll go set up the bed for you til you-" "No it's okay." The father cut off Y/n sentence. She titled her head confused "When we try to fall asleep on the bed it made us feel uncomfortable. Once we try on the ground we feel comfortable. Guess being zombies seems difficult to try." He finish.

"Oh, there's an animal barn by us you guys can sleep there. I'll go fetch you guys some blankets and pillows." Y/n head upstairs. When she came back she lead her dad and Lena into the barn.

They lay down on the ground when they're inside the barn "Here's your pillows and blankets, hope they keep you warm enough." "Thank you, we sure need some rest after we had a long walk coming here." Lena smirk. Y/n pet her friend head playfully "Get some rest guys, see you later." Y/n walk out from the barn leaving her father and friend to rest.

I was so happy to meet my dad and friend, well zombie dad and friend. I feel my soul still connected to them. Guess they're right, we're connected each other when we feel love from the inside.

"Get back here you fucking clown face!!" "Make me!" Oh for fuck sake! I was gone for 1 minute and they started to cause a wreck in the house! I swear if Freddy keep bothering the others I'm going tear him into million of pieces and set him on fire.

Better hurry right now or else things get ugly. I'm going to teach Freddy a lesson to leave the others alone.

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