《-Insane Asylum- Slashers x Reader》Introducing them


After I finish taking a shower I change into new clothes that Dr. Connor gave it to me. I wore white shirt, sweatpants, and sandals. Dr. Conner told me to meet me at the meeting room to meet the patients. Hope they won't bother or made me uncomfortable.

I walk in the hallway knowing where the meeting room is. Luckily no guards are by me because Dr. Connor told them I need to be alone by myself. Once I made it to the meeting room I went in see him and rest of the patients are sitting on the chairs beside each other. Dr. Connor look away from his clipboard see me. He gave me short wave with a smile. I walk up to him closed enough.

"Glad you make it in time. I want you to meet the patients. Everyone, please introduce yourself." He told them. The first one went up to me. He had short brown hair that was slick to his side and wore a business suit. He held out his hand for a handshake, I grab his hand shaking it. "Nice meeting you Ms. L/n, I'm Hannibal Lecter." He said with a smile. He walk back where his spot was, next was......a doll?

He had stitches over his face, had orange hair, and wore blue overall. "Hey, what's up cutie. I'm Chucky." He smirk. This doll is like a pervert when he said in flirting tone. He walk back to his seat than the next one came up to me. He had long black hair, had black mask that over his mouth, and he's taller like Jason and Michael. "I'm Thomas Hewitt" he introduced and he walk back to his seat.

Next was that fucking burn face who throw food at me. He walk up to me "I'm Freddy Krueger. And by the way, I'll ripped your arm off just like you twist my wrist before." I growl at him. Before I attack him Dr. Connor said to him "Freddy, please be nice to her. She new here." Freddy gave him glare dagger and walk away. Next was Micheal and Jason that I already met them back in cafeteria.


They walk up to me pull something out behind their back. Jason had rose in his hand and Michael had a drawing picture of me. I grab it out their hands gave them a sign language of 'thank you' and they pat my head than walk back to their seats. I notice Dr. Connor was shock what he saw start to write something on his clipboard.

Next is those two crazy boys I met in cafeteria. They look at me with wide eyes and wide smile. "Nice to meet you! I'm Billy and by me was Stu. Hope we get along well!" Yeah no, I won't get along with them that they were loud and crazy. Next was a guy had a mask on his face, had short brown curly hair and he's taller just like the same height of the buff guys here. "Hi, I'm Brahms Heelshire." He said in child tone than walk away.

Last one came up to me, he had short brown hair wore the the brown sweater and light brown pants. "H-Hi I-I'm N-Norman B-Bates." He said in stutter tone. Guess he must be shy. After the introducing the guards took them away taking them to their cell room leaving me and Dr. Connor in the meeting room.

"So how did you feel meeting them?" Dr. Connor ask. I gave him thumbs up as response. "Good, lets go back to your cell. Guess you need a quiet time." I follow him behind taking me back to my cell room.

When I came back into my cell I read a book that the guards brought me some earlier ago since I first come here so I won't get bored.

They brought me a lot like 20 or 30 in each stack, it's my hobby to read them.


I look away from the book I was reading looking at the rose and drawings that Michael and Jason gave me after the introducing. I place the book mark on the page so I won't forget. I pick up the rose smelling the scent, the scent made me feel relaxing. I pick up the paper looking at my drawing self. Seems Michael had details on them and he sure is an artist.

Guess living here in this mental place is not bad to hang around with the others. Hope we get along well.

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