《-Insane Asylum- Slashers x Reader》The beginning


There was a young girl laying on the floor on her stomach drawing a picture. She smile at the picture that she had finished. The girl was name Y/n L/n.

She lived with her mom and dad living a happy life. She love them so much.

The sound of open door caught her attention. She look up from her drawing see her mom came back from her work. She stood up grab the paper went up to her. Once she closed to her she held up the picture "Mommy! Look what I draw!" The mother grab the drawing picture staring at it. Than she ripped it, Y/n was shock "Sorry dear, I'm not in mood today." She drop the pieces of paper walk away.

Y/n stare down at the drawing picture that she drew it for her mom. She pick up the pieces rush back to her room to get it fix. She went into her room, she place the pieces of paper on the kids table ripped the tape that was by her start to fix it.

She place the last piece of paper tape it back. She look at the drawing see it was not bad that it fix and the drawing looks kinda alright. "Y/n" she turn around see her father stand by the doorway, he went up to her grab the from her hands. "What happen to your drawing?" He ask.

"Mommy ripped it. I don't know why she did it." Y/n answer. Her father give her daughter drawing back "I'll go talk to her later. Get some rest dear." He crouched down her eye level place a kiss on her forehead than he walk out from her room.

Y/n place down the drawing on the table went to her closet to get change. After she finish changing, she jump onto her bed bring her dog plushy closed to her. She about to turn the lamp off until she heard a sound. She get off the bed walk out from her room to follow the sound.


The noise coming from her parents room. She saw the door was slight open. She peak through the room to get closed look. She saw her parents talking each other.

"What's going on with you?" The father ask

"I don't wanna talk to her." The mother spoke.

"Why? She our daughter. Why are you not in mood with her?" The father ask.

The mother puff out the smoke from the cigarette she was holding "Because I don't love her anymore." The mother spoke.

"What? But you love her. Why you-"

"Because she just a brat! I don't love her anymore!" The mother yell.

Y/n cover her mouth hear what her mother said. 'Why mommy hate me?' She thought.

"She not a brat! She our daughter! Why you think about that?" The father growl.

"Like I said! I don't love her anymore." The mother said.

The father was about to talk back "If you think about calling the cops I'll tell them a lied so they'll take you away." The mother said in dark tone. The father 'tsk' and walk towards the door to leave.

Y/n rush back to her room. She jump back to her bed turn the lamp off close her eyes to pretend she sleeping. She heard the door open, her father look at her to check on her than close the door.

Y/n look at her dog plushy "Why mommy hate me?" She said to herself pretending the plushy spoke. "I don't know, maybe she had a bad life or something?" She sigh drifted off into slumber.

Y/n groan that the light beam came from the window interrupted her slumber. She went to her closet to get dress. She put on purple shirt and light blue pants. She grab her plushy walk out from her room to get breakfast from the kitchen.


She see her dad reading the newspaper from right side and her mom was painting her nails on the left side. The father notice her "Morning Y/n, I cook breakfast for you." Y/n sat on the chair and eating her breakfast. But suddenly one her elbow on the left knock one of her mothers nail polish. The nail polish was smash on the floor into serval pieces and the paint scattered the floor into a mess.

The mother gasp in shock. She look at her daughter angry stood up from the chair than slap her daughter side of her cheek. Y/n fell off from the chair, she cry feel the sting on her cheek. "It was an accident!" The father went up to his daughter pick her up into his arms whisper into her ear to comfort her.

"Accident? That nail polish cost me a lot of money! She deserve it." The mother huff. The father glare dagger at her look back at Y/n. "Come on sweetie, let's go somewhere else." The father whisper.

He grab his car keys walk out from the front door leaving his wife alone. He unlock the car door, place Y/n on child car seat strap her in. He went into driver seat than drove off.

"Daddy, why mommy hates me?" Y/n ask. The father sigh and spoke "I don't know why. I had no idea why." "Do you still love me?" Y/n ask. "Of course sweetie, I'm not like your mother. I promise to take good care of you." The father said with a small smile.

"You promise?"

"I promise"

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