《True World (Yandere Everything)》Chapter 13


It was about an hour later when the rest of the group arrived back to the home.

They found Eriol sitting down on the couch, Y/N nowhere to be seen, and Eriol himself seemed to look upset over something.

"We're back. Where's Y/N?"

Eriol pointed up to her room and Rys flew upstairs with the twins following him.

Adam however sniffed the air in displeasure.

"...What did you do Eriol?" He growled glaring down at the elf who sunk in the couch.

"I helped her.. relieved her.. Dont worry I didn't have sex with her all the way". Eriol said staring down at the floor.

With a roar, Adam had Eriol dangling up in the air, his large clawed hands around Eriols neck.

Eriol didn't resist at Adams scream. Nor did he really react as Adam threw him to the floor in disgust.

And with that final hiss Adam rushed upstairs.

Eriol lay on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, listening to the sounds emitting from the upper floor.

He hated how he had almost lost control. He knew how vulnerable she was at the time. And he felt disgusted at himself for even helping her in such way. Even if it was needed to calm her down.

As he slowly sat up, he frowned to himself in discomfort.

Something very strange he had noticed was the strange liquid that had come out of him.

His phallus had leaked something as soon as he had kissed Y/N.

Which was strange as males in his world had that happen. Aside from urine, strange things coming out of your genitals was not a good sign, wasn't it?

Upstairs, the boys helped Y/N up, placing the charm they had bought on her head.

After it dissolved, they watched Y/N as she visibly relaxed in her sleep, the lot of them letting out small sighs.


"It's not completely over. She might be enchanted again in the future. The strange creature was very strong for being able to create such lust in her". Rys commented covering Y/N with a blanket.

"What creature is able to enchant like that?" Nen asked crossing his arms.

This small mutter came from Maeta as the others looked at him.

To be able to change between male and female was an extremely rare ability. In fact, long ago it was said that only the first humans in their world could do that, but that was only an urban myth.

There was no species that could do that now.

Well at least so it was thought.

Adam watched Y/N breathe in soundly as she slept. His mind was riddled with angry and jealous thoughts. Angry for everything that had happened to his Y/N. And jealous that now two men had kissed her. And Eriol had even performed sexual acts with her.

Adam felt like he was ready to lose it. The emotions in him were a turmoil.

Outside, a beautiful red haired woman stared up at the house, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Who would've thought this group of males were so desperate to protect one female?

Tapping her chin, An turned around, walking away with an idea in her mind. A nasty idea.. somethinf is horrible and yet made her so excited.

She knew more males were bound to join the harem. And it would be likely that some females would hunt after Y/N as well.

And it was so perfect. The bigger the harem, the more fun things would be, with little miss Y/N at the center of it.

An looked over to a large tree to see a beautiful female elf hiding behind it. She was poking her head out, staring up at the house in eagerness and love, her pink hair flowing everywhere.

Well well the first female to show up. And by the looks of her, a very crazy one at that, this would be a true dilemma for Y/N.

And that was just how An would leave it at. For things to get crazier and crazier. Until An herself could be the darkness that ate Y/N up.

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