《The Newest World Order》Sîx



I apparates to the gates of the old Potter manor and a house elf let me in but I told them I wanted to surprise my friends so nobody announced me. Instead I made my way towards the library and what I saw made me squeal in total happiness.

Wally was holding Jamie and he appeared to be reading to her while he was laying on the couch in between Jeffrey's legs, the older kissing the younger's neck from behind.

Once the two heard me, they both looked up with red faces and Wally quickly stood up with Jamie and walked over to hug me.

"Hey Sarah. How have you been? Want to hold Jamie?"

"Dont try to change the subject on me Wallace Cealum! You were getting all cute with Jeffrey! Since when have you guys been the power couple of the century!?"

"Should we just tell her?" Jeffrey asked Wally. The two sighed and explained to me that they had been together for a while now and I felt my blonde brain pop.

"You mean you two have been together for almost four years and I havent noticed once!?"

Jamie started crying at my outburst and Wally quickly shifted her around where her head was on his shoulder and he began to rub her back and bounce her slightly.

I saw Jeffrey come over and place a dummy in her mouth before she started calming down, her cries turning into whimpers and eventually into slight snores.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Happens to the best of us. Some more than others," Wally shot a look towards Jeffrey who shook his head with a chuckled as he pointed to himself.

"I gotta say though. I dpubt our siblings are going through this much drama huh?" I asked the boys as we all laughed slightly where we wouldnt wake Jamie from her sleep.



It was the day after the little incident with Albus and I sighed walking through the hallways. I went back to the dorms but he wasnt there. Meanwhile, when I woke up his stuff was put away and his robes were gone so I figured he must have woken up early to beat me to breakfast.

I was on my way to the great hall when I felt someone pull me aside into an empty hall. I looked up and saw Zach looking at me with a sad smile.

"Hey, any idea what that was about last night?"

"Kinda... But it isnt my place to say."

"Scorp come on, please. You know neither of us like it when Albus is upset."

I hesitated before looking away and grabbing my arm.

"Albus likes you. He has for the last year but when he saw us kiss, I guess it must have hurt him. Gah! I'm such an idiot! Nothing ever goes my way and when I tell myself to stop it just makes me want to do something more and... Ugh. I'm sorry."

"So you don't like me? But Albus does?"

"Its not that I dont like you its just, Albus has liked you for a longer time and, I dont know. I just, don't think its right since Albus likes you too. Not unless-"

"Unless what?"

"Nope. That was a bad idea. Forget it."

"Scorpius Hyperion! What was the idea?"

I looked at him before looking at my feet with red dusting my cheeks.

"Not unless you happened to like him too and were up to the idea of being with both of us. See? Bad idea. Lets move onto-"



"I never thought about Albus that was but the more I think of it, the more it appeals to me. He is kinda cute in a dorky, messes up sometimes sort of way. And you already know how I feel about you. Honestly, if we could get him onboard with the idea, I wouldnt be opposed to it."


I stared at him in shock before I felt my lips turn into a smile and I kissed him.

"We have to find Albus! He might agree if I can get him to listen and forgive me!"

"Wont it be a little weird since its your brother?"

"It isnt like we would be doing anything, right?"

I saw him look away and heard him mumble something that sounded similar to "lets keep that inoccence for now." as he walked away.


I sat in Dad's office as he cleaned up some more of his classroom before classes started today. I heard rhe door open and thought it might be Dad so I continued to look up at the ceiling before Zacharias's head appeared in my vision.


"Ah!" I fell out of the chair and landed besode another pair of feet that I discovered belonged to Scorpius.

"Hey Albus." He smiled. I glared at him before standing up and making a move to leave the room. I felt both of them grab my arms and they pulled me back.

They began to apologizeand talk about some stupid idea of Scorpius and I sharing Zacharias. I found my glare softening as they continued to talk before I was holding my stomach laughing.

"What's wrong? You dont like the idea?" Scorp asked as he looked down.

"Like it? Hell no! But does it sound interesting enough to try... Yes."

"Really!?" They both asked with small smiles. I nodded before Zach leaned over and kissed my cheek before doing the same to Scorp.

"Come on. We don't want to be late to class. Even though technically we have your dad first....."

Scorp and I both shoved his shoulders before he grabbed us by the hands amd lead us to a three person table in the back.


Five... Lol

Conflict solution because I can and I got excited sooo... Yeah. Lol

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