《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 16


Soon after Aditya departed for his meeting, Avni started the recorder and began singing along with it. It was always the best thing for her for entertainment and to pass her free time.

She did a quick shower and began to dry her hair with the towel while singing. She started to move a little with the song making towel her mic.

She was so lost in her own world that she didn't realize when the door to her suite opened. As she turned around to make one of her best move while singing, she saw Aditya standing looking at her with amusement.

A small smile was tugged at the corner of his mouth. Avni's whole face turned pink and Aditya chuckled.

He came forward and said, 'You were quite a show to watch. I didn't know about this ability of yours.'

Avni smiled shyly and said, 'Well, you actually don't know much about me. What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have that meeting? '

'Yeah I forgot the file so I came here to take it with me. But after looking at your performance, it was worth it.'

Avni rolled her eyes at him and said, 'Thank you Adi. Now would you please take your file and go? I have to get ready for my first business party.'

Aditya put his hand on his chest and said dramatically, 'You hurt my feelings wife.'

Avni grinned at him. She liked playful Aditya. He was so much fun when he was in a good mood. 'Isn't it a wife's duty to hurt her husband to keep him on the ground?' Avni asked teasingly.

Aditya grinned at her and said, 'If I think about it, there are many more duties of a wife than to put her husband down to earth.' Aditya said in his seductive voice.

Avni blushed and scolded herself in her mind for not able to control her reaction.

Aditya chuckled at her and said, 'Oh now, I would love to see you blush all day long but I think I should leave now. I'll be late and Sal would be miserable if I got late.' He winked at Avni and left.

Avni released her breath. She then started to get ready.


After half an hour she was all ready to leave. She was wearing a full length cream colored backless dress with a slit on one side. It fitted perfectly to her body. She left her hair open and put on a lipstick and eye liner. She then put on her heels and picked up her purse and left for the party.

She entered into the hall where the party was organized. Many sophisticated looking people were gathered talking and laughing. There was no doubt that these people were well acquainted with one another. Avni's eyes searched for Aditya but she couldn't spot him.

His meeting must be over, she thought. At one end, there was a space for the band who was playing melodies and couples were dancing. As she heard the music she reached closer and at one end of the stage, started moving slowly by herself. It was dark so she felt it alright to get lost in the music for a while.

She closed her eyes and took in the music.

'Would you mind if I join you?' A heavy familiar voice spoke from behind her and Avni smiled. She turned and said, 'Ofcourse! I wouldn't mind at all. I will be delighted to have your company.'

He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. He placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

'You look stunning wife! I couldn't believe that I have such a beautiful wife.' Aditya said to her moving with the music.

Avni smiled and said, 'Thank you for the compliment but you too are looking very handsome I must say that.'

Aditya chuckled and said, 'You know that is the first time you complimented me about something. I take that I am growing over you.'

Oh you have. And I think that I like it that you are holding me so close.

Avni rolled her eyes and said, 'Oh please! Don't flatter yourself. And by the way, what happened in the meeting? I mean was it good?'

'Yeah we made a very good deal. It was positive you can say that.' Avni nodded and found a woman staring at them. She was looking like in her mid forties, wearing a black dress and had dark hair. Avni ignored her and kept her attention on the dance.


Aditya slid his hand upward at her back and started making circles with his thumb.

'I didn't know that you were wearing a backless dress until now.' He said with a lopsided grin.

Avni's breath hitched at his contact and said, 'I take that you like it.'

'Actually I love it and I am thankful to you for keeping your hair open.' That way only I know that you are wearing a backless dress. He thought.

Avni frowned and said, 'Why do you say that?'

'Because you look more beautiful like this.' Aditya said like it was obvious. Avni didn't believe him but she nodded anyway.

She knew him better by now than anyone else.

Avni noticed Aditya was moving with her to the music so smoothly. She liked the way they were moving together with the music. It was like they were gliding.

She lifted her eyes and saw him looking at her. They both smiled at each other. Throughout the dance no words were shared but the talking was done through their eyes and movements.

After sometime, Aditya said to Avni, 'Let's go eat something.' Avni nodded and they sat at the table. They ordered their food and Avni felt someone's eyes on her.

So, she turned her gaze and saw the same woman who was staring at them previously, looking at her.

She wanted to go to her and ask her what her problem was but Avni resisted because she didn't want to ruin her evening.

After few minutes, the waiter presented with their orders and left after delivering their food.

'Where is Sal? I don't see him anywhere.' Avni asked curiously.

'He must be in his room getting ready. I told him by the time he'll arrive the party will be over. But he didn't listen and went anyway to get dressed.' Aditya told Avni.

Avni laughed at this. 'So typical of Sal! He is really a masterpiece.'

'Do I hear my name?' Salil said walking towards them.

He was wearing a suit and his hair was well combed not like any other time but very well combed. He was looking so different from any other days that Avni couldn't believe that he was the same Sal.

'Oh my look at you! You are not looking like the Sal I know.' Avni said grinning.

'Thank you very much if that's a compliment. I was tired of looking you two love birds so I thought I could try to get myself a company.' Sal said taking a chair and sitting next to Avni.

Aditya's eyes darkened a bit looking him sit next to Avni. But both Sal and Avni didn't notice.

'Oh that's great! You will surely get someone Sal.' Avni said and Sal nodded.

'Yeah I hope so. Would you like to dance with me Avni?' Sal asked Avni.

'I thought you wanted to get yourself a company and not take away my girl.' Aditya said who was sitting quietly till now.

'Hey! I am not getting her away. I just wanted to dance. ' Sal said defensively.

'You both just be quiet. Let me decide what I want to do.' Avni broke in.

'Sal I would love to dance with you but just give me a minute to talk to Aditya.' Avni said to Sal. He nodded and said, 'Ok I'll be near the bar.'

She turned towards Aditya and said, 'For God's sake Aditya! Its just a dance and there's nothing to be jealous about.'

'I don't like the idea of him touching you. You are my wife and I don't want anybody to touch you.' Aditya said flatly.

Avni sighed and said irritably, 'Ooh you are such a caveman! You are jealous of your own brother when there is nothing to be jealous about.'

'Fine! I am not saying anything. Its not that you are going to listen.' Aditya said and folded his arms.

'What does that suppose to mean?' Aditya just looked at her without saying anything. Avni was getting frustrated.

'Alright!' She got up and strode towards Sal. Aditya watched her as she said something to Sal. He nodded and Avni came back.

She said to Aditya with anger in her eyes, 'I am going back and I don't want you to come with me.'

She then took her purse from the table and left for her suite.

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