《The Proposal》Chapter 6
"Liam. Uh, thanks for coming." Emma gave him a smile as he approached the two of them in the airport.
Liam nodded, his face unreadable. "You're welcome, Lass."
"Brother. Why do you look so angry?" Killian asked.
"This is not the place for that conversation, Little Brother. Let's get out of here and go somewhere more private." Liam gave his brother his 'fatherly' look.
Killian sighed and took Liam's bag. Emma drove them to a 24-hour diner she knew of near the airport. The air in the car was tense, and awkward.
"What is going on, Liam?" Killian asked impatiently once they had sat down at a table and ordered something to drink.
It was late at night and they should have just driven straight to the Nolan's, but Killian had a feeling this was something important, and best discussed alone.
"Why don't you two tell me what's going on? I got a call from the Immigration officer yesterday, Killian." Liam folded his arms over his chest.
"Why? I filled everything out correctly." Killian sighed, trying to avoid the real reason Killian knew he called.
"He seems to believe that the two of you are trying to scam your way out of deportation, Killian. And honestly, I want to agree with him." Liam had adapted his scolding father tone. The one that Killian hated.
"We've not done anything wrong, Brother. Emma and I are getting married because we want to. It's a coincidence. I only just asked her to marry me very recently. I know I should have told you that I was seeing someone, and that I wanted to marry her." Killian leaned forward in his seat.
Liam sighed. "You're right. You should have told me. Killian, I got you a deal. All you have to do is admit to him that this is all fake, and neither of you will get into trouble. But you will be sent home."
"Ireland is not my home, Liam. You know that." Killian snapped.
Emma put her hand on Killian's shoulder, trying to keep him from yelling at his brother and drawing any more attention to them. "Look, I get a say in this too."
The brothers looked at her. "Aye, Lass. You do.." Liam said softly.
She looked him straight in the eyes, confident in her answer. "You want a statement? Killian and I have been dating about a year, and not too long ago he proposed to me. We kept our relationship a secret because we've both only had shitty ones, and we didn't want to cause any problems at work. I'm extremely happy to marry him, and if marrying him helps keep him in the U.S. with me, of course I'm going to say yes. I don't want to lose him."
Liam eyed her curiously, studying her body language for any sign of a lie. "Aye.. Well, I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Emma. You meant every word about him, didn't you?"
Emma nodded and leaned against Killian. "Yes. I did."
Killian put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head, hoping she understood how grateful he was.
Liam nodded. "I guess.. For a long time, my brother has liked you. It took me a while to realize it was you, and he was always too cowardly to just tell you how he felt, I never thought he'd actually get the balls to do it. He's doesn't like to talk about his feelings, or past."
Emma shrugged. "He may seem all confident and powerful at work. But he's shy, and so sweet.." She said softly.
He hated that Liam was talking about him as if he was not there. Killian blushed a little. She had always been somewhat of an open book to him, and he knew she truly believed what she said about him.
"I know, Lass. He's always been so shy, especially as a young lad." Liam smiled. "I think you're good for him. The moment I brought Killian into the company, I knew the two of you would make a good team."
"Thanks, Liam.. Um, so.. You can stay at my parents house tonight if you'd like, or we can get you a room at Granny's for tonight?" Emma told him as they headed back to the car.
"I don't wish to impose, Lass. A room at Granny's 's is fine.. But, might I ask, what Granny's is?" Liam asked curiously.
"Oh, an older woman in town, who insists everyone call her Granny runs an inn, and she has a retro kind of diner attached to it." Emma explained.
"How're my favorite Jones' doing, Liam?" Killian asked.
"I'm doing just fine, Little Brother." He teased. "But Elsa and the kids are splendid. The boys can't wait to see you, and meet Emma. And I know Addie misses you too, Killian. Whenever I'm holding her and I'm on the phone with you, she recognizes your voice."
Killian smiled. "I'm her favorite uncle, Liam. Of course she knows my voice."
"You're her only uncle, eejit." Liam shook his head.
Emma laughed softly. "I bet your daughter is beautiful, Liam.. I can't wait to meet her."
Liam smiled a little. "She looks like her mother, so of course she is. Brother, isn't there something about seeing the bride before the wedding?"
"Aye, but I don't exactly want to spend the night away from Emma. And we're not really having a fancy wedding, so I don't think it matters much. I won't see her in the dress.." Killian shrugged.
Emma took them into the inn, and Granny smiled at her.
"Hi, Granny.. I need a room for Killian's brother. This is Liam." Emma smiled.
Liam shook her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." He smiled politely.
"So polite." Granny smiled and got him a key. Emma went to pull out her wallet, but Killian stopped her.
"He's my brother, I've got it, Love." He smiled a little and gave Granny his card.
Emma rolled her eyes. "I can pay for things too, Killian." She teased him.
"I know, but I like to take care of you." He shrugged.
Granny smiled a little. "You two make a cute couple. I'm happy for you, Sweetheart. I heard you're getting married tomorrow."
"Thank you, Granny." Emma blushed a little. "Um, yeah, we are.. Nothing big, just our families.. And then we're gonna eat at the diner of course.."
Granny nodded. "I know, grilled cheese and onion rings for everyone right?"
Emma laughed. "Of course. That's the best thing you make. And your hot chocolate. I'm gonna have to get Killian to learn to make good hot chocolate for me."
Granny nodded. "Well, congratulations, Sweetie, you too Killian." She smiled.
They walked with Liam to his room. "I'm gonna video call my family before I go to sleep, would you like to say hello before you go, Killian?" Liam asked.
Killian nodded. "Sure.. Is it okay if we stay a minute, Love?"
Emma nodded. "Of course, Killian.. It's not too late, and I know they're your family too.."
Killian smiled and sat with Liam as he pulled up the app. Elsa answered pretty quickly, the baby asleep on her shoulder.
"Liam.." She smiled. "I'm glad you made it safely."
"Hello, Beautiful.. I did, I'm with Killian and Emma now. They wanted to say hello." Liam smiled, moving the camera so they could be in the shot too.
"Hey, guys! Congratulations, Killian. I'm happy for you, you deserve to have someone with you." Elsa smiled.
He nodded. "Thank you, lass. I see you tired my other girlfriend out." He teased.
She laughed softly. "Yeah, she definitely loves you, Killian. She's been crying for her daddy for an hour, but she finally wore herself out and fell asleep. I didn't have the heart to let go of her yet. The boys will be in here to say hello in a moment." She told them.
Liam sighed. "I hate that my Adelaide was crying for me.." He said as the boys rushed to the screen.
"Papa!" They smiled. "We miss you." The eldest one said.
"I miss you too, Aiden. Make sure you take care of your mother and sister. I'll be home soon." Liam smiled.
"Hi, Uncle Killian! Who's that?" Finn asked. Finn was only four, and still learning about filtering the thoughts he speaks aloud.
Killian chuckled. "Hello, my boy. This is Emma, she's my fiancé." Emma smiled and waved, saying hello.
Finn smiled. "Hi, Emma. Mommy, can I go back to play now?"
Elsa nodded and the two boys left with a goodbye for their father. She turned back to them as well.
"Li.. I should put them to bed. I'm glad you called, and that you got there safely. It was lovely to meet you again, Emma. And Killian, I'm happy for you. I can't wait to have to both over for dinner when you get back to Boston. Married." Elsa said softly.
Killian nodded. "Thank you."
Emma smiled and nodded. "You too, Elsa."
Liam nodded. "I'm glad I got to see you and the kids before I went to sleep. I'll be home soon, call me if you need anything at all. And give Addie a kiss for me."
Elsa nodded and they said 'I love you' before hanging up. Liam sighed.
"We should let you go to sleep, Liam.." Emma said softly. "We'll see you in the morning. If you need anything before then, you can call Killian."
Killian hugged his brother. "Thank you for coming on short notice. I know it was hard to leave them, but it means a lot that you came. Send me the amount of your flight and I'll pay you back." He said softly.
Liam hugged him back. "I wouldn't miss my only brother's wedding day. Elsa understood, Anna is all she has too. She knows what it's like. And you're not paying for the flight. I have the money."
Killian nodded and Liam hugged Emma before they left his room.
Emma drove them to her parents' house. It was later than they anticipated when they arrived so they got their pajamas on and Emma sat on her bed.
"Killian.. Liam said you've liked me for years.. Is that.. Is that true?" She asked softly.
Killian nodded as he put his clothes away. "Um.. Yes, Love. I suppose it is. I've always thought you were gorgeous, and.. I think you're bloody brilliant. But I never intended to act on it or anything.. We're coworkers, a fake but very real couple, and now.. Good friends."
Emma nodded. "Maybe.. Um.. Maybe you don't have to sleep on the floor tonight? It's not comfortable, and we're adults and friends now. We can sleep in the same bed."
Killian nodded and laid next to her. "Tonight was quite eventful wasn't it, Swan?"
She sighed. "Tell me about it. We had Leo's party, and then I had to tell my son that I'm his mother and that his father is an ass who left me. And then getting threatened by your brother and the immigration guy.. I can't wait until we can go home."
Killian nodded. "I know, Love. Neither can I. But we will have to be together often when we go back.. They'll expect us to live together.."
She turned on her side and looked at him. "Yeah, I know.. I kind of want to stay where I am, but it's only a one bedroom, and.. One of us isn't sleeping on the couch or something for months until we are able to get divorced."
Killian nodded. "I've got plenty of room, Swan.. I don't mind paying your rent though for the time.. So you can still have your place.."
He shrugged. "But we can figure it out later.. Let's just deal with the fact that we're legally going to be married tomorrow. I need my beauty rest, so I'll be even more devilishly handsome tomorrow." He winked at her.
She rolled her eyes, a smile on her face. "Whatever, Jones. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Swan." He said softly.
They both fell asleep quickly, and slept soundly through the night. Killian had even slept later than he usually did. When they woke up they were curled around each other, completely comfortable in that position. They were awakened by Mary Margaret knocking on the door.
"Emma, Killian? It's time to get up, and get ready." She said sweetly.
Killian had untangled himself from her and Emma groaned. "Mom. It's too early!" She buried her face back in her pillow.
Killian looked at her and laughed softly. "Come on, Love. Time to get up. If you're lucky I'll make you a cup of coffee just the way you like it." He told her as he got up and pulled some clothes on.
Emma turned and scowled at him. "Fine. I'll get up, but it's your fault if I'm grouchy." She slowly pulled herself out of bed and went to the door to look for her mother.
Mary Margaret was waiting for her outside the bedroom door. "Good morning, Sweetheart. I figured your father and Leo could go with Killian to get ready with his brother at Granny's, and Regina and I could help you get ready here.." She was ecstatic for her only daughter.
Emma nodded. "Yeah, whatever. Fine. Coffee first." She mumbled.
Killian shook his head. "She's definitely not a morning person. I owe her a cup of coffee before I'm ready to leave, if that's alright?"
Mary Margaret nodded. "Go on, get your coffee.. Spend your last few minutes together as an unmarried couple."
Killian nodded a little and took what he would need for the day downstairs with him. He made Emma her coffee, and even found her a PopTart in the cupboard. He never understood how she ate them all the time at work, but knew she would enjoy having one then.
Emma gave him a small smile. He came around the counter and gave her a hug, noticing her dad in the other room.
She laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm terrified. Can we really pull this off?" She whispered in his ear.
He nodded and rubbed her back. "I'm scared too. But it'll be fine. We've spent almost every day together for years at work, it'll be okay, Love." He whispered back.
She nodded and kissed his jaw. "Good. Now go. I've got to get ready."
He smiled a little and nodded as David came in. "Ready to go, Killian? I was told we're meeting your brother at Granny's?"
Killian nodded. "Yessir. Bye, Swan. I'll see you soon." He winked and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Both of them were nervous as they got ready. Killian hated lying to her family, they cared deeply for Emma and he never wanted to ruin the relationship they had been able to build.
Killian was fumbling with his tie, beginning to get frustrated with it. David placed his hand on his shoulder.
"Calm down, Killian.. Let me tie it for you." David told him.
"I can usually tie one myself. It's just frustrating, Emma deserves better. Someone who can actually tie his own bloody tie." Killian grumbled. He knew she did not love him, but he loved her and that made this harder for him.
David tied it for him. "Look, I'm still not your biggest fan, but that is simply because you're going to marry my only daughter. But Emma wants to marry you, and I trust my daughter and her instincts. She probably couldn't care less if you can tie a tie."
Killian sighed. "Thank you, Sir.. I'll do my best to keep Emma safe. I don't want to hurt her, she's too precious."
David nodded and straightened Killian's tie. Henry came over to them, he had insisted on spending the morning with the guys so Regina had just brought him over. Killian smiled at him.
"You look nice, Lad. Your mum, um.. Emma is really happy you'll be here for this." Killian told the boy.
Henry smiled. "Me too. My other mom isn't too mad, she told me I could still see Emma and talk to her and stuff."
Killian smiled. He knew that was all Emma wanted. Liam stepped up next to Killian.
"I don't believe I've been properly introduced to the lad here, Killian." Liam said.
Henry smiled. "I'm Henry, it's nice to meet you." He offered his hand to shake.
Liam shook his hand and smiled a little. "I'm Liam, I'm Killian's older brother."
"I'm um.." Henry was not sure if he was allowed to tell Liam he was Emma's son. He looked to Killian and David.
"Liam, Henry is Emma's son. But he was adopted by Regina." Killian explained.
Liam nodded in understanding.
"And Regina is my wife's step-sister.. It's kind of confusing, but we manage." David clarified for Liam, as he tied Leo's tie for him.
"Aye, you look like your mother, Lad. You've got her eyes." Liam smiled at Henry.
Henry shrugged. "Emma said I look like my dad.. But he wasn't a good man. I think Killian is a good man, he wouldn't hurt Emma."
Liam nodded and Killian clapped Henry on the shoulder, fondly. The five of them finished getting ready and left for the townhall.
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