《You Found Me [ Kim Seokjin × Ahn Heeyeon ] (BTS & EXID / Hani × Jin)》fourteenth.


Heeyeon has been visiting Jin's grandfather every day for one whole week. She would talk to him as well as argue with him, during this period of time Heeyeon also realized that though he's a stubborn old man, there's a nice side of him too. Even Kim Jae Chul is also surprised that whenever she's around, he would not anyhow scold people.

The nurses in the hospital can't stand his bad temper and would avoid him as far as possible. The only person who's able to make him take his meals, taking injection and medication is Heeyeon. A night, Heeyeon suffered from a bad flu and had high fever so didn't make it to the hospital.

She would fall sick could be due to not enough rest. She doesn't want to waste money to see doctor so just went to pharmacy and get some medication. After taking it, she slept the whole night until next morning.

Lying on the bed, she could feel her body aching, and couldn't stand properly. She refused to apply for sick leave, because if apply for sick leave she got to produce medical cert or else they will deduct her one day pay. So she insists on going to work despite not feeling well.

"Hani-ah, you don't look good. Sick?" Moonbyul worriedly asked.

"I am alright." Heeyeon trying to smile.

"Then that's good. Better eat some nutrition meals." Moonbyul smiled.

"I know. Thanks Byulie."

"There's a meeting in the afternoon and you might have to be there. Can you make it?" Moonbyul asked.

"No problem." Heeyeon nods.

For the whole afternoon, Heeyeon was really busy. Though she felt some dizziness, she still hangs on and does her work as per normal. When it's time, she proceeds with Moonbyul to the meeting room.

"Heeyeon, you don't look well... want to go back and rest?" Moonbyul still worried at the lady's presence.

"Byulie, I am fine.. it's alright."

Though Heeyeon can't tell it already, starting to have blur vision and having cold sweats, she still refuses to see doctor. She thought she would be fine after a while.

"GM is coming, you girls may go back and do your work."

Yoongi informed the two ladies. Heeyeon was so sick until she didn't really catch what they said. When she turned her body towards the door, her eyes met Jin's.


Jin was stunned when he saw her. He noticed she's looking very pale. They haven't been in touch for one month. Initially he thought she's just like other girls who will cry and look for him to go back to them but she didn't and is serious about drawing a clear line between them. Since she can be that heartless so he can do it as well.

Jin didn't even look at her and walked past her, walked straight into the meeting room. Heeyeon saw the way he reacted is as cold as a stranger. She knows, and understand the reason why she hasn't leave because she's hoping.

"Hani-ah, are you alright?" Moonbyul asked for the third time.

"I am fine. Really. You don't need to worry." Heeyeon walked out of the meeting room without looking at Jin.

After work, Heeyeon went straight back to the apartment, she really can't take it any longer so after taking the medication, she slept for hours. By the time she woke up is already midnight. She felt a bad headache so took out the medication from the drawer and lay back on the bed. She starts to ponder is time for her to tender her resignation. She knows Moonbyul will definitely try to make her stay but she had made up her mind on that.

A phone rings.

Heeyeon hesitated for a while before picking up the call, she doesn't know if she should answer because this is Jin's place

"Hello..?" Heeyeon greets, more like in an unsure manner.

"Hey girl! You haven't visit me for 2 days."

Heeyeon never thought that Kim Jae Chul will call and look for her.

"Oh.. these 2 days have been very busy at work." She lied.

"I will visit you when I am not so busy."

"Just an assistant, how busy can you be? Did anyone bully you? Tell me and I shall teach the person a lesson." The elder said.

Heeyeon smiled at the sudden worry of the hot-tempered elder.

"There is no such thing. You rest well and don't think too much."

"Stop lecturing me. Come over as soon as you are done with your work, get it?" He informed Heeyeon.


"Yes.. I heard that." Heeyeon replied back.

Kim Jae Chul held on to the phone and started grumbling that the nurses doesn't know how to take care of him, hospital food sucks and put on drip almost everyday, making him having bruises. He complained for a while then hang up on the phone unwillingly.

After hanging up the phone, Heeyeon walked to the wardrobe, opened the drawer and took out her savings book. There's 500k won more in her account. She intend to apply for leave tomorrow and go to the bank to withdraw the money that she saved, leaving the 500k won, one whole wardrobe of new clothes and the apartment back to Seokjin who has given her all those. All those things don't belong to her so she won't take it along with her.

She has already planned properly, till everything's settled tomorrow, she will be going back to her hometown, the place where she used to live with her mother. Packing her luggage, she only took along with her those clothes that she has brought to this apartment. Things have come to an end. She will maintain the best way to withdraw till the very last moment.


Jin was being informed by the security of his apartment that his mailbox had overflow. By the time he reached the apartment and found out that Heeyeon had moved out. She didn't take anything away with her, things that he gave to her like money and clothes, she didn't bring along any of them. Jin stared at the savings book, and keys on the dressing table in the room, he picked up the phone and called back to office.

"Moonbyul, ask Ahn Heeyeon to answer the call." Controlling his temper.

"GM? You don't know? I thought you know already..." Moonbyul shocked at the immediate command of her boss.

Jin losing his patience.

"Know what? When did you start to have problems talking?" He raised his voice.

Moonbyul paused for 3 seconds before talking again.

"GM, Heeyeon has resigned 2 weeks ago."

There was a moment of silence.


Jin hung up the call.

Ahn Heeyeon, you are smart.

She thought that's the way to get me back I admit she's smart but no matter what I won't look for her.

He can't control his temper anymore, he swept off everything that's on the dressing table, at this moment his house phone rang.

Jin frowned and answered the call rudely.

"Who are you?"

A moment of silence at the other end of the phone.

"I was still wondering, for the past two weeks where have you gone to and sleeping in which woman's arms." An elderly voice spoke.

"You called for what?" Jin become more irritated.

"Where's that girl? Where did she go to? Why she hasn't visit me for the past two weeks?" His grandfather complained.

"Which girl?" Jin asked.

"Of course is the girl with surname Ahn! Who else but her? Don't tell me just within these two weeks the woman in your apartment has changed?" His grandfather continually to complain.

"She no longer stays here."

His grandfather starting to reprimand him.

"What do you mean by she no longer stay here? You better explain to me clearly. You bullied that girl, making her suffer?"

Jin flaring up.

"Ahn Heeyeon can leave whenever she likes, no one controls her freedom!"

"How can it be nothing to do with you? It must be you got involved with another woman; she can't stand it so she left you right?" His grandfather hinted.

"Didn't you look for her and ask her to get lost from my apartment? Now she has left, you should be happy as is according to what you wish for!" Jin suddenly raised his voice.

"Stop pushing all the blames on me. The one who chased her away is not me. I bet you must have another woman that's why make use of me to drive her away." Jin can feel the dissent in his grandfathers voice.

"Aish jinjja! Ahn Heeyeon, that stubborn woman!" Jin shoutedly in an angry manner.

His grandfather paused for a while then started talking again.

"I have never seen you flare up so angrily before." His grandfather spoke.

Jin immediately end the call as he cannot control his temper.

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