《You Found Me [ Kim Seokjin × Ahn Heeyeon ] (BTS & EXID / Hani × Jin)》eighth.


That night, Heeyeon stayed with him in his apartment and Jin really kept his promise didn't touch her at all. Next morning, she woke up at 6am prepare breakfast, close to 7am. Jin got woke up.

He got changed and the moment he stepped out of his room, he smell something fragrance. He followed the smell to the kitchen and found 2 bowls of yachae jook (vegetable porridge) on the table.

"Eat it while is still hot, I have to wash the pot." Heeyeon, shouting from the kitchen.

Jin stood there staring at the yachae jook and wonder is he thinking too much. Still, he couldn't let his guards off against people around him; this is something that has been with him since young.

Heeyeon walked back to the dining table.

"What's the matter? You don't like the porridge?"

"Nope" He looked away and turned to look at his watch. "I have a meeting early morning, you take your time, I shall make a move first."

He grabbed his briefcase and walked out of the dining area. When he walked past her, doesn't have any oil smoke smell but just pale strawberry smell.

"Hang on, there's no time to prepare other breakfast. I'll make a sandwich for you." Heeyeon suggested."

"No, don't—" He realized that his tone wasn't that good, he change his tone down a bit.

"I really need to go" He turned and walked out of the apartment.

Heeyeon stood there watching him left the apartment. In the car, Jin loosens his tie. He doesn't have any meeting in the morning. He rejected her breakfast is because he doesn't like her to make on her own. He always categorize woman around him. Like Cho Joohyun is the best choices for being wife, while Heeyeon is just like any other woman whom he meets unexpectedly. He doesn't like to have any implications. But the strawberry scent on her, has been disturbing his . His sudden disturbance, he didn't notice the traffic light had turned red and soon he almost bumped onto another car.

Aish jinjja! Just one breakfast and I am going mad.

Before leaving for work, Heeyeon brought along some sandwich for Jin. Jin is a tall guy and thinks one sandwich is not enough for him so she made more for him and still bought a bottle of milk for him.

She felt guilty, because she's staying at his place and eating his food. So in return she made him breakfast. When she reached the office, he's not in the office so she went into his office, left the sandwiches and milk on hi-desk and left. Moonbyul noticed that.

"Hani-ah.." Moonbyul called out.

"Is there any matter?" Heeyeon asked.

"I saw you entering GM's office just now, what did you bring in?"


Though Moonbyul is smiling, Heeyeon can tell that she don't really approve of her doing so but she doesn't know the reason behind it.

"Just bringing breakfast." She answered.

"Breakfast? Why... would you thought of giving him breakfast?" Moonbyul blinks her eyes, she never thought that the girl will make a breakfast for the boss.

"Moonbyul, why are you so concern over such matter?" She asked, that's because she always thought Moonbyul will only focus on her work and nothing else.

"Hani-ah, I have something to tell you but...don't really take it too seriously." Moonbyul said.

"Alright.." She stared at Moonbyul.

"Actually you are a very girl. You and I understand that GM is a very guy. The meaning of special is referring to his wealth, status and looks. This type of guys, they will only go for well-known ladies for dating because a common woman would be able to capture his attention, unless..." Moonbyul looks at Heeyeon, seeing that she has no expressions then she continued.

"—unless she's able to him." She continued.

Heeyeon continued to look at Moonbyul without saying anything.

"You definitely understand what I am talking about. What I mean is you have a very charisma, which is more than enough to captivate GM's mind." Moonbyul spoke.

"Byulie, I won't be able to take that compliment." Heeyeon still on gaze at Moonbyul.

"No! You are really very attractive so if GM's being attract by you I will definitely believe." Moonbyul smiled.

Heeyeon looked down without answering.

Moonbyul doesn't know about the agreement between Jin and her. She understands very clearly that the relationship between Jin and her isn't like what Moonbyul described.

Moonbyul, decided to go straight to the point.

"But Hani-ah, you should be very clear that man like GM is destined to be surrounded by girls."

"Byulie, you think too much. I am just sending a breakfast to his office.." Heeyeon smiled.

"I guess really think too much." Moonbyul laugh it off and walked away.

After Moonbyul left, Heeyeon stared at the monitor and kept thinking about Moonbyul had said regarding man like him is destined to be surrounded by woman. She knew this fact long ago, that's because she had answered many calls from women who are looking for him.

Whatever relationships he had with other women isn't my problem isn't it? We won't have any feelings revolving around. That's what he said last night too.


10 minutes before knock off time, Jin had drove his car and stopped right in front of the office building. The staffs were busy strolling out of the building while he stood besides the car waiting for Heeyeon.

"Let's go back together."

In front of so many pairs of eyes, he called Heeyeon who's intending to walk towards the bus stop. Without waiting for her reply, he opened the door for her. Heeyeon knows she can't reject and doesn't know what his reason for doing this is but she's very sure that he did this on purpose to pick her up in front of so many people.


There was silence all along from the moment they board the car, until he broke the silence.

"I have eaten the sandwich you left on my table. Actually you don't have to fix breakfast for me." He said.

"That's not only for you. I have to eat too." She said back.

Jin, diverts the topic.

"From tomorrow onwards, I will be fetching you to and from work."

"Oh.." Heeyeon was all that said.

Jin frowned because he's surprised by her cold reaction.

"You are not curious about my arrangement?"

"I am curious but I am very clear that my role is just an actress. While you are the director of this show." Heeyeon stated.

Jin, somehow or rather he's rather bewildered by the girl's confession.

"You really don't mind being manipulate by me?"

She's being too cold toward him, not focused. This is something that made him unhappy.

Heeyeon looking at his side profile.

"I have said before, my only request is give me one month's time."

Seeing that is going night time soon, Heeyeon felt afraid. What's she afraid of? She's afraid that he might not keep his promise.

Jin noticed that Heeyeon feels scared.

She's still too new to know how to hide her own feelings.

"Don't worry. I have promised to give you one month time; I will keep my promise besides I was the one who decide on the time." He looks at the rear mirror.

Heeyeon blushed all of the sudden because he's able to read her mind and that makes her felt uneasy. After that, both of them remained silence on the way home. Jin seems to be concentrating on driving while Heeyeon was looking out of the window thinking of something.

When they were about to reach his apartment, Heeyeon seems to discover something that's going on by the roadside. She turned to Jin immediately.

"Stop the car and wait for me." She said.

Jin stopped his car abruptly and without waiting for him to ask anything, she went out of the car.

"You wait for me by the roadside for a while.. Give me 10 minutes and I will be back as soon as possible." She immediately leave.


Soon, Jin saw a traffic police walking towards his car, Jin stared at the no parking sign by the side and is mentally prepared that he'll be fined.

10 minutes later, Heeyeon ran back breathlessly carrying two big bags with her, bend down and looked at the unhappy Jin.

"Sorry, for keep you waiting for so long.."

"You are real daring, there's no woman who dare to ask me to wait for her." Jin said in a-half joking, half serious tone.

Though that's the case, he still opens the door for her. He looked at the plastic bag and saw some supermarket name printed on it.

"This morning at home, I mean at your fridge was empty and saw the supermarket along the way so asked you to stop the car. I apologise." Heeyeon explaining her reason.

"I am not asking you to cook." Jin drove away hurriedly.

"But.. you can't always eat out and buy take-outs too." Heeyeon, doesn't get used to eat outside.

Being influenced by her mother since young, Heeyeon has the habit of being thrifty, eating out and buying take-out food is very expensive. Besides she likes to cook so to her stepping into the kitchen is nothing.

"I am used to eating out." His reply seems to be simple but that equal to rejecting.

"I know each and everyone has different habit, but eating out every meal won't be nutrition so sometimes you ought to have a change. Though I am not very fabulous in cooking, shouldn't be that bad until can't swallow the food." She defended herself.

Jin turned and stared at Heeyeon.

She thought he's angry but didn't expect him to laugh.

"You are more nagging compared to my mother." He seem to have found something interesting. "Don't you know what the job of a woman is? You can request jewelries, nice clothes and money from me. This is the first time seeing someone like you who wish to step into the kitchen and cook. But what's this? Trying to feed my stomach then tie me by your side?"

Heeyeon stared at him, and don't seem to agree with his logic.

Jin stopped laughing and looked at her.

"But.. you aren't that smart."

"I am just fixing dinner only." She giving the unbelievable look and said angrily.

"Pardon me for saying something, you are being too suspicious." She turned back her head.

After waiting for sometime, there's still nothing from him. She turned back and saw him smiling.

"Aren't you angry over what I have just said?" Heeyeon raised a brow.

"What have you bought?" He ignored and asked a new question.

"... some green vegetables that I like." She replied.

"Oh? I hate eating green vegetables. I rather eat lobster and meat."

Heeyeon opened her eyes wide and stared at him.

Tsk, this guy. His really being spoil by girls.

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