《Lycans Of The Woods》Chapter 24


My fingers trailed along what was left of the bars before the window sill, feeling it's rough broken edges and the grains of dust that remained on my fingertips until I wiped them away with a cloth. The windows were open, and wind floated through smoothly, grazing my face and tickling my neck as I peered outside.

My eyes followed the movement of Alec, who had recently returned with his half-sister. The young boy jogged to a man who stood nearby, and I watched as they embraced.

Lilith paused to watch from a distance, arms folded across her chest and back facing me. She only turned at the appearance of her Alpha and several other warriors. Hannes stopped to speak to her, whilst the warriors went on their way, walking to their homes or wherever they intended to go.

My fingers wrapped around the delicate cloth I'd used to clean them, twisting and turning it as I watched the two lycans standing in the middle of the pack, and my mind drifted to Hannes' mother.

Did her personality mirror her son's? Did she loathe me for killing her sister?

I glanced at Hannes when I heard his murmuring deep voice come to a stop, and saw the way his broad shoulders stiffened under the uniform he wore, the uniform which held that eerily familiar symbol.

Lilith took a few steps away from Hannes when I looked at her, and after a small inclination of her head in my general direction, she walked away, back straight and steps careful and slow.

My eyes turned to Hannes once again, who steadily watched me; even from the distance, I could see the way his gaze darkened as he looked up at me from where I stood by the window.

The corner of his lips lifted in a humourless smile, the fingers of his right hand curling into a fist and I exhaled softly when he began walking to the house.

He soon was no longer in my line of vision and I heard the front door below open and close, and then the sounds of Hannes speaking to Jeremiah. I drew away from the windows, paused, and then leaned forward once more, this time grasping the handles of them and closing it in, a soft whoosh following the sound of the windows clicking shut.

My eyes skirted over the snowflakes that had drifted inside onto the floor and had begun to swiftly melt away.

Continuing to twist the cloth, I settled onto the bed, eyes taking in the view of the evening sky. The time in which I had to meet with the Elders was nearing, and my mind arose many different scenarios that could occur as I spoke to them.

Would I receive harsh spitting words from them? Would they believe my reasonings for killing Anabelle? Would they find me killing Anabelle to be even appropriate?

Willow opened the bedroom door, and I stood jerkily, surprised. Her eyes ran over me, and she moved to the closet, opening it roughly. I watched as she roamed through the clothes hung, until she pulled out a heavy, thick dark blue coat and pushed it into my arms.

"That should do." Willow muttered, watching as I simply held it in my hands. "The Ragged Cave usually becomes cold around this time, and you will need the warmth."

"The Ragged Cave?" I questioned, running my fingers against the soft coat, before carefully pulling it on. My body shuddered at how comfortably it wrapped around my upper body.

"The Elders will be speaking with Hannes and yourself in there," Willow explained. "It's an area nearby, and both of you should reach it in only two minutes or so."


I watched as she moved to a desk, her heeled boots clicking despite there being carpet on the floor and she pulled open a drawer, revealing many pairs of gloves.

Silently as I chose one, I wondered how she'd even come to know that the gloves were there, and she answered my unspoken question.

"Hannes purchased some clothes and other items for you yesterday, and I was asked to assist him in placing them in the various places of the bedroom when they were delivered to the pack."

I nodded, gripping the pair of gloves in my hand tightly, especially when I walked down the stairs and Hannes' large figure came into sight. A pause in the conversation between the Alpha and Jeremiah occured when I reached the last step, and I pulled on the gloves whilst the two sets of eyes remained on me.

My shoulders lowered, tension being relieved only momentarily when the conversation between the male lycans resumed once more. I crouched low, slipping on a familiar pair of boots, one which I'd used whilst being in Hannes' pack weeks before, and when I straightened, I staggered backwards at Hannes' sudden close proximity.

"Walk with me, Olivia." Hannes' voice was low, and I heard the retreating footsteps of the other lycans behind us. Nonetheless, I turned to look over my shoulder, and I locked eyes with Willow's before she spun on her heel and travelled up the stairs, with Jeremiah close behind her.

When I looked towards Hannes again, I saw that he'd already begun walking. However, he came to a stop when we reached the front door, and I hesitated when he opened it, stepping backwards so I could pass through before himself.

Adjusting the collar of the coat I wore, I did just that, whilst attempting to ignore the way the tips of my ears began to burn when I had to be so close to him, and feel his warmth as the side of my body grazed his own.

"How long will these questionings last?" I tersely asked Hannes as we walked.

"How long would you prefer for them to last?" Hannes asked after a moment of him evidently contemplating my words.

I adjusted the collar once more, and then dropped my hands to my sides as I quietly responded, "I'd prefer for there to be no questions at all." I lifted my eyes to his own, and I saw the faint gleam of something, something which I could not put my finger on at all, for it was so fleeting.

We carried on walking, saying nothing as our boots crunched noisily over the snow and the bottom of my coat constantly swished noisily against the upper part of my pants.

Hannes' voice eventually and easily carried over the sounds as we neared a peculiar, large cave, it's mouth large enough for myself and Hannes to slip through if needed.

"You will need to make an important decision today, Olivia. Think carefully about what you will choose before declaring it before the Elders and myself." Hannes spoke, and I jolted at the feeling of his fingers finding my own, effortlessly covering them briefly and then releasing them.

I watched him as he walked away, feeling my chest tighten and the rapid beating of my heart increased significantly.

"A decision?" I demanded, quickening my pace until I matched his own, and we came to a stop outside of the cave's opening.

"What decision, Hannes?" I hissed, worry circling in the pit of my stomach.

"You will know soon."


And before I could utter a word, he took my hand again, this time keeping my own clutched tightly in his own, and I was pulled into the cave.

Immediately darkness was all I could see, and I blinked rapidly at the sudden loss of light. I half-turned towards the entrance, seeking out the evening light, but paused at the sound of fire being lit.

I watched in bewilderment as fire billowed and grew from a heap of wood in the middle of the cave, and the area brightened. I almost darted away at the sight of cloaked figures seated on tree stumps, and my leg muscles twitched as I forced myself to remain standing in place, widened eyes drifting over their strange attire.

They sat in a circle, but angled their bodies so that they all faced us. The hoods of the cloaks prohibited me from seeing their faces, and they made no attempts to remove them.

Legs were crossed and arms were folded, and no words or greetings were exchanged.

Painful silence reigned in the room, until I felt warm fingers touch my cheek, calling for my attention.

The skin there seared and I looked up at Hannes in question, breath hitching when he lowered his head to speak to me, "They are waiting for my mother's arrival."

I glanced away from him, and once more I looked around me. There were no places for myself and Hannes to sit, although there was one tree stump beside one of the cloaked Elders; however, I knew that was more than likely for Hannes' mother.

"What is your mother's name?" I asked the Alpha, hesitating to move further into the cave. Despite a fire being lit, coldness drifted over any of my exposed skin and I was thankful that Willow had advised me to wear the coat; I would be much colder if I'd refused it.

Before Hannes could utter a word in response, it was one of cloaked figures who did this, muttering the word "Athena", just as the slapping of feet against the ground came from behind me.

I moved out of the way before the lady soared through the entrance of the cave, the sound of her bare feet against the cold ground echoing, and the bright yellow, tight-fitting long sleeved-shirt and long red skirt she wore such a striking, and almost humorous contrast to what everyone else in this strange cold cave adorned.

I blinked at the straw hat situated upon her head, and the bright red gloves which she snagged off her hands whilst she excitedly greeted the Elders and finally, her son. She lifted to her toes, brushing a chaste kiss on Hannes' cheek before sauntering to her tree stump, her giggles as she sat reminding me of what I imagined to be how small delicate fairies laughed.

When her eyes, so much like her son's fell on me, their spark remained. Her hand lifted, and she slowly took off her hat, allowing it to rest on her lap beside her gloves, and my eyes trailed over the flowers which were a similar color to her skirt decorating her thick, healthy twisted hair, the ends of them touching her slim shoulders. I noticed how well the colors of her clothes complimented her brown skin.

Despite her outward and seemingly warm nature, unease still weighed heavy in me, especially when all she did was watch me as intensely as I did her.

I shifted my gaze then to the Elders, who slowly pulled off their hoods, revealing some worn, old faces and only one of the Elders had a youthful appearance, other than Athena.

"You must be Olivia." A man was the first one to address me, and I heard the sounds of Hannes coming to stand behind me. I felt his chest graze my back, and saw the way Athena's eyes went to her son, the brief emotion of pride shimmering in their depths before it swiftly disappeared.

"I am." I confirmed, taking in the wrinkles on the man's forehead and the slightly sunken pale cheeks. A book rested in his hands and the cover appeared to be old.

"You shall address me as Helmitch." He didn't take his eyes off of me as he began introducing the other Elders as well, and by the time he was finished speaking of the three names, I was beginning to think that the lycan could not blink.

"We have a few questions regarding your actions towards a former Elder and one of our bravest and humblest warriors, Anabelle." Helmitch continued speaking, head lowering slightly as he looked upon his closed book and then regarded me. "She was the beloved sister of Athena."

I found my eyes moving to the female lycan, Athena. Her enthusiasm had noticeably dimmed, but what I sensed from her was not hostility, but rather, deep curiosity as she surveyed me.

Hannes' reaction was much more noticeable at the mentioning of his aunt's name, and I heard him expel a long breath behind me, and the clearing of his throat. I forced myself to face forward.

"Was she?" I murmured, noticing that the Elder had paused for several long heartbeats, and had simply begun peering up at me. What I said wasn't really a question, as it was clear that they shared the similar opinions of Anabelle.

"Indeed," Another male spoke, Declan, and he was the Elders who had a youthful appearance. His eyes were a startling, and very bizzare deep orange, and I found myself captivated by them, only momentarily.

The flames blazed near his sandaled feet which I tossed my gaze upon as he continued speaking, "And you killed her."

I nodded, head dipping and then raising high. "I did." My eyes found their way back to Athena's and her lips flattened at the lack of remorse that I knew was present in my stare.

"Hannes had provided us of what he believed to be the reasonings behind your actions." Athena told me, her voice quiet. "He told us about what happened to your parents, and his belief that they deserved it."

I felt my body bristle, the urge to face Hannes becoming stronger. "Did he now?" I bit out.

"He did." A female grunted, standing abruptly, her long gray hair falling down her back. Her hand was wrapped around a staff and she noticeably limped as she slowly made her way towards me. "I was not Anabelle's sister by blood, but all of us inside here and in this pack considered her to be a dear friend or sister. And she died by your wretched hands."

"She did." I hissed, stepping forth towards Bronwyn as she advanced to me. Hannes' hand swept up my shoulder and his large palm came to rest upon the side of my neck, fingers gently wrapping around it as he pulled me backwards, until my body grazed his hard one once more.

His thumb pressed against the pulse of my neck, and my ears stung as I heard him whispering for me to tame my anger.

I licked my lips slowly, eyeing the Elder as Hannes dropped his hand away from me.

"Anabelle did not deserve to die the way she did," Bronwyn snarled. "She was beginning to enjoy her life after retiring from her duties of being a warrior. Anabelle had suffered so many harsh, painful experiences in her life, things which you had the fortunate chance of never experiencing, and she deserved for the remaining years of her life to be filled with peace."

"You do not know me well enough to know what I have or haven't experienced, Bronwyn."

She snorted, and the noise irritated my ears. Her eyes were blazing with hot fury. "Have you ever felt cruel pain? Have you ever been stabbed little girl? Have you been shot at like Anabelle had?"

When I said nothing, she nodded in satisfaction, and her fangs glimmered as her lips parted as she uttered softly, "Of course you haven't. You could never endure what Anabelle had to and survive." Her eyes trailed over the Elders in the room, the satisfaction in her eyes becoming more pronounced.

"I haven't been shot," I said softly, watching the way her almost prideful gleam in her eyes slip away at my voice as she slowly faced me. I swallowed thickly, my anger getting the best of me. "But I have been whipped until the skin of my back split open, until my flesh was upturned and blood spilled down my body. Kanes was one of the many lycans who did this to me, and he was a dear friend of your beloved Anabelle."

My world tilted as I once again fought to reign in my anger, a heavy pool of disgust resting in my stomach as I recalled the scent of my blood and the pain which had racked my body countless times whilst I was whipped by Kanes and others.

What infuriated me more however, was when the damned woman began to speak again, claiming that Anabelle had never truly known any man by the name of Kanes.

Lies. Their beloved Anabelle had known the evil man Kanes was.

"Enough!" Hannes' voice bellowed in the cave, halting the beginning of the woman's rant and I released a soft breath, feeling my eyebrows furrow as Athena abruptly stood.

Heads turned in her direction, but her fingers simply fisted the folds of her skirt, her slender neck tilting as she began the slow journey of circling Hannes and myself.

"What day were your parents killed?" The male and pale lycan, Helmitch, slid out a pen from amongst the pages of his book, and it took me a few seconds to focus on him, for I had been enraptured by the almost predatorial, calculating glaze in Athena's eyes as she walked around her son and myself.

"I can not recall the day," I answered the Elder, Helmitch. "But I believe it was in the month of April."

"And how did Anabelle lead your parents to their demise?"

A flash of red and yellow breezed by me, and I frowned, noticing that Athena's footsteps could not be heard despite her clearly moving. Hannes released a small deep sound behind me, as if irritated.

"She and the Klawmoon warriors forced them outside her home, the home which she said my parents and I could stay in temporarily," I told Helmitch and those who were listening. "She knew Kanes' intentions to kill my mother and father, and watched as he and the Klawmoon warriors did so."

Helmitch's pen wavered a few inches over the pages of his book, and I heard the clearing of a throat. My eyes found the orange colored ones of Declan's.

"Hannes spoke of how his aunt witnessed your parents murdering his father, and of you denying this to be true."

I said nothing.

"Anabelle was never a liar." Bronwyn hissed from where she now sat, her fingers gripping the staff. I opened my mouth, preparing to snap at her, but Athena came to a pause from her circling and rose a hand before I could utter a word.

"But she did lie." Athena revealed, moving to stand by her son, Hannes, who I peaked a quick glance at. Confusion was written across his taut face, and his eyes held many questions.

I watched in silence as Athena rested a hand against the Alpha's cheek, but then drew away, straightening as she faced the Elders.

"Footage was captured of a young girl and two persons, a man and a woman, leaving Westland Town, whilst my mate was being killed. And it is beyond obvious that the girl in that video was Olivia." I felt Athena watching me as I stared into the flames and my teeth grinded together, hard.

Although I had been telling the truth all along, I felt some form of relief that Athena knew the truth as well, as it was evident that none of these lycans, including Hannes, believed my words.

"Mother...what?" Coldness trailed over my back when Hannes moved from behind me, striding to his mother. "What footage?"

"Video surveillance captured the entirety of what happened that evening. I have it with me, but it is on my laptop in my suitcase in your house. I can show it to you all if need be. Anabelle was seen in the footage as well, and she had done little to attempt to save your father."

Heavy silence followed Athena's words, and my eyes slowly raised from the crackling flames, and I met Hannes' stare. I saw the way his lips parted and closed, guilt and bewilderment warming in his eyes until I pulled my attention away from him and studied each Elder.

"Would you all have slain me if Athena had not spoken about the footage?" I demanded. I heard a low growl from Hannes, but ignored him as I awaited an answer.

Helmitch snapped his book closed. "No. Our intentions were to question you and us Elders and Hannes would have had a deep, long investigation about the day your parents were killed and the circumstances that led to the murder of Harrison, Athena's mate. Anabelle had been highly respected, and we'd all trusted her words, so the possibility of her allowing innocent humans to be killed was something we have had difficulty fathoming."

"But you will." Athena's voice came from beside me, and I stiffened at the feeling of her hand coming to rest on my arm. "I have the proof that Olivia's parents were innocent and shall show you all as soon as possible."

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