《Hunting Season》Journey into Darkness


Adira woke up a little earlier than she would've had she been back in her warm home.

Droplets of mist glided down her tent as she unzipped it, a wave of cold sending a chill down her spine as she stared out at the foggy world.

The fire had been long gone, and by the looks of it, it didn't seem she was ransacked by a bear or whatever was out there.

The woman quickly pulled off her clothes, giving herself a little bird bath as she changed into a heavy jacket and some jeans. She packed up her tent, ate a granola bar, drank some water, and pulled out a knife. She marked a thick bark with a large "X" just so she would know how to head back. It seemed from there on out there wasn't any form of knowing where to go, as the path came to an end.

Adira checked her phone. Full battery and faint service. Better than nothing. She placed it gently back into her coat and began to walk.

It would have been a pleasant trip had it not been for her missing boyfriend. The thoughts of him being alone with his other two friends scared her now that she realized how enormous and terrifying Whispering Winds was. Anyone could get lost, but it was only off that now people were going missing. Maybe it was the reoccurring fog that was redirecting folks elsewhere? Could it have been this hard to see when Mitch was there? In the last photo he sent her it was clear as day, but weather could change quickly.

She marked another tree, hesitant as she looked back at where she had come from. She could barely make out her old campsite and hardly the X on the previous tree. Was it wise to continue in such weather? What else could she do. She would only worry and pace the floors of her house while her lover was probably struggling out there...


It made her panic for a moment and she started to pick up the pace, marking trees as she went. It was unnerving, being the only thing in the forest making noise while you could barely see a foot ahead of you. There was no knowing what you would run into.

She must have walked for almost an hour when she decided to stop and relax. Her back was now being dragged behind her, picking up leaves and mud on the way. Hiking was no joke. She only did it once with Mitch a year ago. He was way ahead of her, beckoning her to hurry up in his usual teasing voice. It was the day of their anniversary and unaware to the two, the last one they would share. Mitch had given them both matching necklaces, each with their pictures and a heartfelt message inside. Adira never took hers off, and neither did Mitch. He even wore it when he went to go hunting with his friends that unfortunate day.

The rock Adira decided to sit on was messy and wet with dew, but she didn't care as she dropped all her items on the floor and laid her hand over her chest. Fingers trailed over the locket wrapped securely around her neck, now damp with sweat.

The silence around began to dissipate as the animals began to rise from their slumber. A few birds chirping nearby relaxed Adira as she peeled off her shoes and aired her sweaty socks. She even took off her jacket, noticing her shirt was damp under her arms. She had to change before continuing on.

With gentle fingers, she unclipped her necklace and laid it down beside her to dry off, taking off her shirt as well.

It was weird being half naked in the wilderness, even if there was no one around. She hurried as she reached for a thinner long sleeve shirt inside her back and quickly slid it on. The socks would be fine, just as long as they were dry when she put her boots back on.


Adira felt the rock beside her, ready to grab her necklace...but there was nothing.

She whirled her head, patting the empty space beside her with worry. She looked behind the rock, beside her, all over the floor...it was like it had vanished into thin air. That was impossible. Did something grab it while she was looking elsewhere? How. She would have heard them! Maybe it was a bird or squirrel?

Adira quickly hopped into her shoes, grabbing her knife as she put her jacket back on. For now she would leave her items there and look around. The locket couldn't have gone too far due to its heavy weight. Whatever little creature had stolen it wasn't too far either.

The determined young woman started to inspect the area once more, traveling further and further. She bit at her nails, nervousness turning into panic as she dropped on all fours. The necklace kept her calm, focused, and was her only connection to Mitch. Now that it was gone-.

Adira felt her hand touch nothing as she accidentally crawled forward, and soon she was tumbling down a hill made of sharp rocks and rough twigs. A loud cry escaped her lungs as she finally hit rock bottom. Her body ached as she quickly tried to get up, limping slightly but thankful for no broken bones. She tried to steady herself as she stared at her shaking hands, still recovering from the immense fright she had just experienced.

Looking up, she could make her way back to the top but it would require skill and a rope...she had no tools except for her knife.

"Calm down, Adira. Calm down. You got this." She tried her best to make her way up without anything, but no matter what she did she fell back and was close to twisting her wrist.

Perhaps if she continued to walk, there would be an easier way to get back up. For now, she would have to find another way.

Adira quickly walked down the side of the hill, praying her fall didn't attract any unwanted attention. Her eyes darted around her, hoping for an easy solution to her problem. She was only met with an even more downward path that isolated her further from her items. It was no use. She had to go back and find someplace else.

The woman turned, grumbling frantically to herself until something unexpected captured her attention.

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