《You Belong To My World (Completed!)》Chapter 2: The ghost's name is Kongpob


This has been my life long dream — to meet and talk to a ghost. And its finally come true.

I walked ahead and stood in front of the ghost.

"Hey Mr Ghost. Happy New Year! I am Arthit. I was hoping we could co-habitate here for a few months. You see I am a broke college student and this is the only place I could afford to live. I just need to get by 2017 anyhow. By next year, I should have enough money to move to the college dorms."

The ghost figure continued moving around the kitchen to find food, totally ignoring me.

"Hey Mr Dead Ghost. I am trying to talk to you. Its been a long lost dream of mine to make a ghost friend"

I tried waving my hand around his face, but still no response.


May be he really can't hear me.

"This is interesting" I grinned.

I moved closer to the ghost to inspect him properly. With conviction in my mind, I tried to touch the ghost, but to my surprise, my hand went completely through the ghost's body.

"Wow. what was that?"

I tried touching the ghost again, but the same thing happened — my hands went through the ghost's body, like there was nothing there at all.


Why were the previous tenants even afraid of you?"

I started scanning the ghosts body while he was cooking food in the kitchen. I could see tiny droplets of water hugging the ghost's tan skin and his hard abs.

"Ah Mr Ghost, did you really have to wear pyjamas to hide your amazing body? If you are going to be shirtless, you might as well go all the way"

"Why is this ghost laughing at his own food? What is he even making?"


I moved closer to check what was in the pot.

"Plain chicken meatballs, seriously? You are a damn ghost and you still can't make delicious pretend food?"

The ghost finally finished cooking, came out of the kitchen and sat on the living room sofa in front of the TV. He clicked on the TV remote and my TV started on its own.

"Wow. This ghost can do some magic." I came out and sat on the sofa next to the ghost

The ghost was watching a superhero movie that I had never seen before. It seemed like an Avengers movie, but I had never seen this plot before.

"Is this Avengers? I have never seen this movie before. Is this even real?"

The movie got interesting quickly and I brought out popcorns to watch the superhero movie with my new ghost roommate.

"Wait a second..why is Tony Stark dying? Mr Ghost, what kind of Avengers movie are you watching? This never happened. Are you making up weird storylines out of your own imagination just to keep yourself entertained?"

"He is really dying, isn't he?" I was sobbing watching the movie end. It was just too sad to handle.

"Honestly Mr Ghost, if you made this movie out of your own imagination, it was a pretty good movie, except the end"

Suddenly the ghost started laughing.

"Is he seriously laughing right now while poor Iron Man dies? May be the ghost was some kind of sadist in his life and he liked watching Heroes die.

Listen, Mr Ghost, I like you very much. You make good movies, but lets not watch movies with sad endings anymore. I have enough sadness in my life already.

I wish I knew your name though. Calling you Mr Ghost is just too long."


I was just getting up from the sofa to go back to the bedroom, when I saw the ghost fiddling with his phone.

"OOooooo. Mr Ghost even has a phone?" I got closer to the ghost to see his phone screen.

"What kind of phone do you have? The apps make it look like an iPhone, but why isn't there a home button? Is it one of your weird ghost things."

Right then, the ghost opened his Instagram app.

"WOW. Hold on. You have 1.8 million followers on Instagram? Are you like an influencer in the after-life?

Were you one of those people addicted to social media, and now you are manifesting all these followers in your imagination?"

I got closer to the screen to check other details about the ghost on Instagram.

Its nice. I guess it does suit you."

I finally looked at the ghost's feed to check his photos.


Give people some room to breath at least. I need to go take a bath with holy water after seeing all of these pictures."

Wait a second, may be his account username was always the same. I could try tracking him down on Instagram to see what was he like.

I tried my best to find the ghost on Instagram, but no avail. The username seemed invalid.

"You really did make an Instagram profile in your after life, didnt you? For all its worth, I think you could become an actor or a model. You are pretty hot, Mr Ghost.

Oh, sorry, your name is Kongpob.

You are pretty hot, Kongpob


Do you think Kongpob is really a ghost? What's your theory at this point?

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