《Rookie Sequel》Part 17


Chapter Text

Andy allows Harry and Scott in to the private cubical while he assess Louis.

Louis is sick a few more times and he's taken for scans, he's calmed by Harry and Scott Holding his hands and stroking his hair reassuringly.

"Just relax baby we're here, you're going to be fine" Scott says

"Scott make it stop please" Louis says desperately in between throwing up.

Scott looks to Harry for help, Louis is really sick and this is not good.

Harry strokes Louis hair and helps him lie back down once he's finished throwing up.

"Andy is going to make you feel better okay darling, just try to take some deep breaths for us" Harry says gently.

Andy puts a drip straight in Louis hand and starts Louis on strong antibiotics and lots of fluid.

"I'm going to give you something for the vomiting okay bud, just try to stay calm" Andy tells Louis as he gives him some medication in his drip.

Louis has tears falling down his cheeks, he feels like he's been hit by four buses and doesn't even know which way is up. Harry and Scott have never seen Louis this sick, they've actually never seen anyone this sick before, it's very scary.

"You're doing really well boys, just keep Louis calm like you are for me, you're doing great" Andy tells Scott and Harry smiling slightly.

Inside Harry and Scott are terrified, they try to remain calm and keep Louis calm while they wait for his scan results. Andy has rushed them urgently.

"Harry it hurts" Louis whimpers as he dozes in and out.

"I know sweetheart, you're so brave darling, being so brave for us. Andy will give you some pain relief and you're going to feel so much better" Harry says.

Andy does and Louis falls into a restless sleep whimpering every now and then. Scott and Harry are there coaxing him back to sleep and stroking his hair and holding his hand. Louis looks so innocent, tiny and sick it's worrying.

When Louis scans come back that's when things really pick up.

"Okay, he's got an abscess on his kidney and I need to take him and operate" Andy explains to the boys.

"Will he be okay?" Harry asks upset

"Yes, I'll remove the abscess and then we can treat his kidney infection and sepsis with antibiotics. He will be in the ICU when he comes out of surgery for at least the next week, he is really sick, but he should make a full recovery boys, I'm confident in that" Andy says reassuring them both

"Okay, yeah" Scott says in a daze

"Do I have your permission to operate?" Andy asks

"Yes of course absolutely" Harry and Scott say.


Andy nods.

"If you want to wait in the waiting room, I'll let you know his room number in ICU as soon as I can" Andy says

The boys nod and reluctantly let Louis go, he's asleep so they kiss him on the head and hesitate to walk out.

"I've got him boys, trust me okay" Andy smiles

The boys smile back nodding

"Thanks Andy" they both say and they head to the waiting room to wait on any news about Louis.


Louis operation goes smoothly and he wakes a few hours later in a private room in the ICU. He has oxygen and several drips hooked up to him and he feels so tired.

"Hey there Lou" Harry says as Louis opens his eyes

"Ughhh not again" Louis groans

The boys smile, thankful that Louis is okay.

"I'm afraid so baby, you're okay though and you will be fine. You're just in the ICU for a little while" Scott tells him

"Why?" Louis asks tiredly

"You have a very bad kidney infection that needed operating on. You've got blood poisoning and just need some strong antibiotics to help you get better" Harry explains.

"Far out" Louis sighs upset

"It's okay baby, just relax and rest" Scott says.

"I can't go home?" Louis asks upset, tears in his eyes. He's groggy and doesn't really remember what's happened.

"No darling, but we won't leave you okay, you deserve a good rest and some good drugs to help with the pain, just sleep as much as you can okay, that's all you need to do" Harry tells Louis gently

"And you won't leave me?" Louis asks cutely.

"Never, we will annoy you until you are sick of us" Scott jokes.

"Now come on, close your eyes and sleep" Harry says.

Louis listens and closes his eyes, he's so tired, he's nearly completely off when he whispers in his sleep and Harry and Scott just hear.

"I want to go back to Jamaica" Louis mumbles and then he's asleep.

The boys know he was dreaming but they look to each other

"That might not be such a bad idea, he's been through so much these last few months he deserves a holiday, I think we all do" Scott says

Harry is quiet

"You think that's a bad idea?" Scott asks when Harry doesn't answer.

"No I just....Well.....what if it's not a holiday?" Harry says

"What do you mean?" Scott asks confused

"Well, you have a years worth of paid leave saved up and so do I, Louis has about three months but he can just take the rest without pay, he doesn't need it" Harry starts

Scott sits back in his chair and thinks, it's not such a bad idea.


"So take a whole year off?" Scott confirms.

"Why not? We could rent our penthouse out, or not, we don't need too, we can just leave it vacant and we can stay where we did for our honeymoon in Jamaica, our own private house. James will hold our jobs for us, of course he will and Louis would love it" Harry says

"He would, he would absolutely love it" Scott confirms.

"We would be paid to holiday" Harry chuckles and Scott follows suit

"What are you two laughing about" Andy smiles as he comes in to check on Louis.

The boys smile at Andy

"We were just talking about the possibility of heading to Jamaica for a year" Scott says

"Just to have a break, be together, put the last six months behind us and focus on us" Harry says

"I think that's just what Louis needs, he's run himself into the ground, his immune system is so low and he needs to build it up again, needs to de stress and take some time out. I think he would really benefit from that" Andy says seriously

Harry smiles at Andy

"Well I'm sold" Harry says

Andy chuckles

"What do you say Scotty?" Harry asks

"Alright, I'm in, let's do it" Scott says smiling

Harry beams back at him.

"Let's not tell Louis and surprise him" Harry says

"He will hate that, it's brilliant" Scott smiles mischievously

"You won't say anything Andy?" Harry confirms

"My lips are sealed" Andy smiles

"Great well let's wait a few more days until we know exactly what's happening with Louis and how long he will be here and then we will plan it out" Scott says excited

"Great idea" Harry says

"Well his obs are looking better so as long as he keeps doing better day by day he should be out in no time" Andy says smiling


Of course Louis recovery doesn't go as planned and he declines rapidly on day three.

"Boys, I need you to wait outside" Andy says as he tries to stabilise Louis.

"This can't be happening" Scott worries

They are taken to another room in the ICU to wait

"We are meant to be going to Jamaica, this isn't happening" Scott says as he paces back and forth in the room.

"Calm down Scotty, it's all going to be okay" Harry says

"They brought the re-suss trolly in, he's going to die Harry" Scott nearly yells

"Hey hey hey, he's not going to die, just try to breathe, Andy won't let him die okay, he's been through a lot worse shit than this, Louis is strong, he won't leave us" Harry says determined

"I can't do this anymore, I want him to quit the force, I want him to just stay home in our little bubble and we can look after him" Scott says frantically.

"Weren't you the one convincing me to let Louis have more freedom. That he isn't going to bow down and obey our every command?" Harry says smiling slightly trying to get Scott to settle down.

Harry can't actually believe how calm he feels right now, normally he is the one absolutely freaking out while Scott calms him.

"Well I was wrong, I take back everything I said" Scott says.

"Scotty just...come here" Harry says as he brings Scott into his arms and holds him tight

"I know we've been through nearly losing Louis more times than we would like to count, we've seen the inside of a hospital more times in the last three years than ever in our lives, but how much has Louis taught us, how many times as he shown us that no matter what, you can get through whatever life throws at you. How many times does he need to show us how strong he is. Look what he's done this year alone, he's tough and amazing and he is going to pull through and teach us so much more about life. About how overprotective we are and how we can worry and be as overprotective as we like and it actually makes no difference" Harry ends smiling.

Scott smiles slightly back and takes a deep breath

"Yeah, you're right, you're right, I'm sorry" Scott says

"Don't ever be sorry, we will get through this, with each other" Harry says

They are interrupted by Andy walking in.

"He has more than nine lives I swear that kid" Andy says shaking his head smiling

"He's okay?" Scott confirms

"We got him back, he's okay. He's stable now, slight setback, but we are confident we've fixed what caused him to deteriorate" Andy says

The boys sigh relived

"Bloody hell, thanks Andy" Harry says

"I should charge you boys by the hour" Andy laughs and the boys chuckle

"Come on, you can wait in his room until he wakes up" Andy says as he leads the boys back to Louis room

Louis looks so small on the bed when they enter, they get a really good look at Louis and can see how small he is and how much weight he's actually lost. These last few months have really taken their toll on Louis and Harry and Scott are kicking themselves for not stepping in sooner, for not seeing the signs something was wrong, for being so far up their own arses they didn't see what was really going on.

They decide they really need to compromise with Louis about his independence but also about keeping him in their safe bubble.

Andy leaves them too it and the nurses are in and out every ten minutes checking Louis obs and making sure he's okay

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