《Rookie Sequel》Part 9


Louis is moving onto the last file in the pile when Drew walks back into the office.

"What's going on?" Louis asks Drew

Drew shrugs

"Some big crack in a case upstairs, media room was full, I couldn't get in" Drew says

Louis nods

"Want to go get some lunch?" Drew asks

"Nah, I'm not hungry. I can hold down the fort while you go, I still have one file to go" Louis says smiling

Drew nods

"I'll bring you something back" he smiles

"Coffee would be awesome" Louis says shyly

"Anything for you" Drew says as he goes to leave

"Oh, and Jake is looking for you, has a packet of gummies for you" Drew says.

Louis laughs.

"He owes me two packets, I won both bets the cheapskate" Louis jokes.

Drew laughs.

"If I see him, I'll let him know" Drew smiles

Louis chuckles and goes back to his file. Harry and Scott haven't tried to contact him and he is a little upset that they are still mad at him. Scott hates when there is tension between them all and Louis feels bad knowing he's caused it. He knows Scott is upset about it and hopes he doesn't start resenting Louis. Harry was so cranky at him this morning. Louis hated seeing Harry like that, hates the feeling in his gut that he's caused Harry to be upset, that he's caused Harry to be disappointed in him.

Louis sighs

He leans back in his chair and rubs his hands over his face.

Everything was going so well and now it feels like it's all falling apart again. Louis wishes they could have stayed in their little bubble in Jamaica, where Harry and Scott loved him and their was no distractions and shit with his dad and Cody and Rhys. He hates causing trouble and he feels like that's all he's doing recently.


Louis thinks it's best if he maybe sleeps in the spare room for a while, give Harry and Scott some space. He just hopes everything will be okay and they won't want to end their marriage before it's even really started.

Louis makes it back into the apartment around 6pm, Harry and Scott already home and watching TV. Louis normally would have had a message from them asking him where he was, but there wasn't any calls or messages. Louis thinks he's really fucked up.

"Hey Lou" Scott greets him from the couch

Louis half smiles in greeting

"There's dinner in the oven for you" Harry says, his tone is still cold.

"Um thanks" Louis says.

He's not hungry whatsoever but he doesn't want another fight to break out over him not eating, so he makes his way to the kitchen and grabs his dinner out of the oven. He grabs a drink of water and sits at the bar stool alone. He ends up lost in thought just playing with his food.

"How was your day?" Scott comes in to ask as he kisses Louis on the head smiling.

"Fine, how was yours" Louis asks

"Long" Scott says and Louis nods.

"How are you feeling?" Scott then asks as he checks Louis temperature, he's a little warm but nothing too severe.

"I'm fine, just tired" Louis says as he goes back to playing with his dinner.

"Come watch TV?" Scott asks

Louis looks to the couch and Harry is just sitting there watching a show with an angry look on his face.

"I don't think I'm really welcome right now. I'm just going to go have a shower and have an early night" Louis says as he gets up.

He begins walking to their bedroom

"Lou, wait please. We are married now, this is a stupid fight that needs to be sorted out. Can we just sort it out" Scott asks as he looks between Louis and Harry.


"Louis knows how to fix this Scott, it's his problem" Harry says harshly

"Harry" Scott says

"By fix it you mean follow your demands? I am capable of making my own decisions when it comes to work and my health Harry, I'm not 12, I'm 22 years old, I can look after myself" Louis says upset.

"You can can you? Well you do just that then Louis. Don't call me if you're in trouble, don't ask for my help and I'll treat you like one of the normal recruits from now on" Harry says.

"I've never asked you to treat me any different, that's on you, if you're going to go back to how you treated me at recruits, fine, do it, I handled it then and I'll handle it now you big jerk. I thought we were married and had a proper relationship? You're my husband, I took your name and you're going to treat me like a recruit at home too? You're just pathetic Harry, screw you" Louis says upset and he turns to leave.

Harry sighs, he's a huge jerk

"Rookie" Harry tries.

"Don't fucking call me that again" Louis says angrily and storms off

He has a shower and gets dressed for bed, he falls asleep alone in the spare room and if he sheds a few tears, he'd never admit it to Harry and Scott.

Harry feels terrible and when they both walk into their bedroom to turn in for the night, they see it's empty and it really unsettles both of them.

"I'm sorry" Harry turns to Scott and says seriously

Scott sighs

"Please just fix it H" Scott says and he hops into bed.

Harry gets in behind Scott and holds him close, he will give Louis his space tonight and fix things first thing in the morning.

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