《Rookie Sequel》Part 7


"Okay darling you need to rest up now" Harry says as he and Scott help Louis into bed after changing him.

Louis woke up as Harry carried him into the apartment.

"But I have work to do" Louis says as he go's to get back out of bed

"Ah, Ah, Ah, back to bed, work can wait" Scott says as he gently stops Louis getting up

"You're so pretty Scott" Louis says as he stokes Scott's face.

Scott chuckles

"Thank you darling, you're so pretty too" Scott says as he kisses Louis on the head.

He lays Louis back down and Louis is out like a light in seconds.

It's only 6:30am so Harry and Scott decide to lay down next to Louis and get a few extra hours sleep, they can start work a bit later on.

They wake a few hours later, the clock reads 10am, the bed is once again empty and Louis is nowhere to be seen.

They panic and head to the kitchen calling Louis name.

Louis looks up as Harry and Scott walk in, he's at the kitchen counter, his arm out of its sling and he is buttering toast like he wasn't just in a car accident a few hours ago.

"What on earth are you doing?" Harry asks direct.

"I was hungry" Louis says innocently

"Louis, you need to stay in bed, Harry and I can get you food" Scott says

"No, I'm not helpless, I may be high on drugs but I can butter my own toast" Louis says

"You're not supposed to, you're going to do even more damage to yourself" Harry scolds.

"I don't even hurt, I'm fine...see" Louis says as he waves his sore arm around

Harry and Scott look towards each other

"How long did Andy say those drugs lasted?" Harry asks

"Well they are definitely still working" Scott says shaking his head

"Come on darling I'll get the toast for you, let's get you back to bed" Harry says as he walks towards Louis.

Louis huffs and Scott and Harry help him back to bed, the boys make sure he's tucked in gently. Harry gives him his toast and kisses him on the head.

"Scott and I are just going to have a shower okay" Harry says

"Okay, have a shower for me k" Louis says

Scott and Harry hold in their laugh.

"Be good and don't move okay, no getting out of this bed" Scott says with a fond scold.


"Pinky promise" Louis says.

The boys nod and then go to have a shower and get ready for the day.

When they exit the shower and finish changing, Harry and Scott enter the bedroom room to Louis on his side, tears in his eyes

"What's wrong darling" Scott asks concerned as he walks towards Louis. He kneels down beside Louis and strokes his hair off his forehead.

"Scotty it hurts, make it stop" Louis says upset.

"Well I think those drugs have warn off" Harry says placing his hands on his hips.

"I'll get you some more pain relief darling just relax" Scott says as he goes to grab the pain relief. He gives Louis some pills and Harry lays next to him and tries to help him fall asleep again.

"Just close your eyes sweetheart it's okay" Harry says gently stroking Louis hair

"It hurts, I didn't mean to get out of bed, it hurts" Louis sniffs

"I know darling, I'm sorry it hurts, those pills will work really soon okay" Harry says

Louis hiccups

"Just close your eyes, I'm right here okay, just relax and try to get some sleep" Harry says.

Louis listens and closes his eyes and he slowly falls asleep to Harry's caring words and soothing touches.

Harry holds him close as Scott looks on fondly.

"You do have the right touch H" Scott says

Harry smiles,

"Only sometime" Harry says and Scott smiles.

"Hopefully he stays asleep" Scott says

"Hopefully, he's exhausted so he will hopefully sleep for a while" Harry says.

"You want to stay home?" Scott asks

"Yeah, we should probably alternate" Harry says.

"Good idea, I'll stay home tomorrow then" Scott smiles.

"Come home early? Work from home?" Harry asks hopefully

"I'll do my best" Scott smirks.

Harry smiles and they kiss each other goodbye, Scott then goes to kiss Louis on the head and he leaves the apartment hoping to knock off early and get back to his boys.

Louis is sore over the next few days but stays in bed like he's told. He's learnt after last time to just suck it up and get through the bed rest and at least this time it's only for the next week.

Even though Louis is doing as he's told and staying in bed, he's listening to everything Scott and Harry tell him to do. They are both distracted for some reason and Louis doesn't know why, they aren't themselves and become a little short with him and Louis has no idea what's going on.


Harry and Scott are in the kitchen having a heated discussion with Joey on the phone while Louis is sleeping in their room.

"What do you mean it's a sure thing?" Harry asks angrily

"I mean, I've heard from all the people on the parole board and they've said that they will grant parole when Troy is up for it" Joey says.

"How? This is ridiculous, how is he being approved?" Scott asks upset

"We don't know who's on the inside but it's someone on the board, but that's not all, the hearing is in three days" Joey says

"Fuck this" Harry says angrily

"How are we supposed to keep Louis safe now" Scott asks

"Maybe they won't come anywhere near Louis" Joey says

"Apart from the fact that Cody and Rhys have already tried to kill him, there is no way they will leave him alone, something is going on and we need to find out what" Harry says

"I'll see what I can dig up before Monday"'Joey says

The boys agree and they hang up, wanting to just spend the weekend with Louis and hold him close. Harry is starting to feel out of control and angry and he can't help it when he's a little short with Louis, he just needs Louis safe.


"What do you think you're doing?" Harry asks as Louis walks into the kitchen dressed for work three days later.

"What do you mean?" Louis asks confused

"Get back into bed" Harry says.

"Andy said a week H, Drew is back today and I want to go back too" Louis says.

"Louis, Andy said you were coming down with something and needed to rest, stop being difficult" Harry says his tone fierce

Louis stops in his tracks, Harry never gets upset at him and he seems actually angry.

"I'm fine H" Louis says

"I didn't ask if you were fine or not, I asked you to go back to bed" Harry says riling up

"Why are you angry at me?" Louis asks as he gets upset

Harry is on edge with this case and Troy's hearing being today, he's letting his worry consume him and having Louis in that car accident just reminds him of what he and Scott have to lose. He's taking it out on Louis again, like he did all those years ago at recruits.

"Louis just listen to me for once" Harry nearly yells.

"Whoah, what's going on" Scott asks as he comes into the kitchen after finishing getting dressed.

"Louis won't listen to me, like usual, and won't go back to bed" Harry snarls nastily.

Scott is a little taken back by Harry's tone but he knows what Harry gets like sometimes and understands a lot better than Louis. Harry usually just needs a time out and to sort through his feelings and gain his composure and control back.

"I'm not listening to you when you're being a jerk" Louis says back defensive.

"You know what, fine go to work, don't come crying to me when something else happens, I don't want to hear about it" Harry says

"Why would I come to you anyway, so you can continue to be a dick?" Louis sasses back.

"You're the one who's being a dick and selfish" Harry yells.

"Okay, okay, let's just cool down hey" Scott says, ever the peace maker.

"I'll be in the car" Harry directs to Scott and leaves the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Louis hides his tears and goes to grab his backpack, forgoing breakfast.

"Lou, he's just stressed out, he didn't mean it" Scott tries.

Louis hums and nods his head.

"Come here baby" Scott says.

Louis shakes his head

"I'm fine, it's fine, I know how I can be a burden sometimes" Louis says.

"Darling you're not and never are a burden" Scott says.

"I'm going to catch a lift with Drew this morning I'll see you tonight" Louis says

"Baby you don't need to do that" Scott says.

"Harry obviously doesn't want to be near me right now Scott and I don't feel like being on the receiving end of his stress right now. I'll see you tonight" Louis says.

He walks over to Scott, kisses him and leaves the apartment.

Scott sighs and grabs his things and leaves the apartment, heading to the car with Harry. It's going to be a long day. Harry will never direct his anger or anything at Scott, Scott knows how to ground Harry, how to calm him just by being in his presence, but the team wont be happy. Harry in a bad mood means a day of walking on eggshells for everyone else.

Scott understands Harry is feeling out of control with everything that's going on. He knows the feelings of nearly losing Louis and hates going through that. It's hit him hard this time and Scott needs to help him get through these feelings and to make up with Louis. Scott knows Harry is going to be hating himself badly

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