《Rookie Sequel》Part 4


When Harry gets home he finds Scott watching another movie and Louis lying curled up on Scott's chest.

"He's out to it" Harry says as he kisses Scott and then Louis on the head.

"He fell asleep two hours ago, he's zonked the poor thing" Scott says

Harry swipes Louis hair off his forehead and then he too hears Louis breathing, he looks to Scott concerned.

"He's fine, his breathing is just a little rattled, but he's sleeping fine and hasn't been struggling or anything" Scott reassures

"We will just keep an eye on him then" Harry says.

Scott nods and strokes Louis hair.

"How was the team?" Scott asks

"Well I think they got all the teasing out on me, so you should be safe come Monday" Harry chuckles

Scott smiles

"Nice to know you're good for something" Scott jokes and if Louis wasn't curled up asleep over Scott's chest, Harry would have whacked him in jest, he chuckles instead, shaking his head

"I do have news though" Harry then says as he looks to Scott intently

"Oh no...what?" Scott says

Harry sits on the coffee table in front of Scott

"Cody and Rhys made parole" Harry says

"What? But how? Their hearing isn't for two weeks" Scott says aghast

"I know, defence knew we were out of town and they pulled it off" Harry says defeated

"Shit, surely they won't come near Louis" Scott says.

Harry sighs

"What?" Scott asks worriedly

"I just think somethings going on, Troy has something to do with this. Even on the inside we know he's been speaking to his old associates out here. I just feel like this is planned for a reason" Harry says worriedly

"And it's something to do with Louis?" Scott asks

"I don't know Scotty, I really don't know" Harry says

"I don't like this" Scott says as he grips Louis tighter

"We will keep him safe. If they are smart there is no way they should want to come near Louis, one wrong move and they are both back in jail. Hopefully it's enough to keep them away" Harry says and Scott nods in agreement, hoping it's true

"I guess we need to figure out a way to break the news to Louis now" Scott says

"At least it's not Troy who's out, but I can't help thinking something is going to happen with that too" Harry says.

"Yeah I have a feeling it's not going to go straight forward" Scott says

"We just need to keep Louis safe" Harry declares

"We will H" Scott reassures.

Harry nods, just hoping Louis takes the news well.


Louis ends up sleeping through the rest of Friday and all of Saturday and then wakes Sunday morning at around 6am

Harry and Scott were worried enough to even call Andy but Andy assured them that he was just exhausted, he did say Louis could be coming down with something with the change of climate but that sleeping was the best thing for him anyway.


Harry and Scott are back to their sleeping routine and kicked the jet lag pretty easily but Louis seems to be struggling. When Louis wakes he feels like he's slept for a week and feels a bit better than he did when he got home.

"Well here he is, it's nice to see your face again" Scott jokes as Louis enters the kitchen

Louis looks at Scott confused, he can't have slept that long.

"You've been asleep two days Lou" Harry explains smiling

"I'm sorry what?" Louis asks upset

"It's Sunday morning" Scott says

Louis is confused as to why he slept so long, he doesn't understand.

"Um. Sorry I didn't mean to sleep so long" Louis says

"Don't apologise, you needed it, we called Andy and he said it can be normal and to let you sleep. Do you feel better?" Harry asks as he comes over and pulls Louis close, into his arms.

"I guess, I feel okay" Louis says as he snuggles into Harry.

Harry kisses Louis on the head and Scott watches the two smiling.

"Would you like some breakfast Lou?" Scott asks kindly

"Um, I might go for a run first if that's okay?" Louis says

Scott and Harry look towards each other. They don't really want Louis out alone now that Rhys and Cody are out, he hasn't eaten anything in two days and if Louis is coming down with something he shouldn't be running in the cold.

"We would really prefer you didn't Rookie" Harry says

"Harry" Louis whines frustrated

"You could be coming down with something" Scott says

"Why? How? I'm fine just jet-lagged" Louis says frustrated

"Your chest has been a bit rattled and you're clearly exhausted, it could be a recipe for disaster" Harry says.

Louis sighs, he gets so frustrated when Harry and Scott get like this, so overprotective, but he's used to it now, they have only become worse over the years and Louis knows they come from a good place.

"Please let me go for a little while? It will make me feel better" Louis tries pouting. That usually always works.

Harry and Scott sigh

"Can we compromise and can you have something to eat first?" Scott asks

"And you're only allowed half an hour" Harry adds

Louis sighs, it's the best he's going to get so he agrees and has some toast before he is out the door, the boys making sure he's rugged up sufficiently and has his phone and inhaler on him as always.

Louis feels refreshed when he finishes his run but his chest is wheezing bad, he gets angry at himself, why can't he just run in peace without his asthma flaring up. He's been fine for the past few years. A random attack here and there but nothing too bad.

He's trying to control his breathing and when he gets back to the penthouse lifts he's getting in and pushing the button as two other people enter and then.... Cody and Rhys.


Louis is confused and double takes. What the hell. Louis palms begin to sweat and he just tries to calm his breathing and concentrate on regulating it

They smirk at him but Louis keeps his head high. Inside though, he's freaking out.

Did Harry and Scott know about this, he wonders, surely they would have told him. Louis knows Cody and Rhys only received five years in prison and he knew parole would be possible early, but not this early and why would they come back to the apartments.

They both look bigger than they did when they left, more bulkier and more tattoos, ugly ones, that make them look rougher, not hot like Scott and Harry's. Cody has a scar on his face and they look really rough around the edges.

Louis thoughts are interrupted by the ding of the lift and he hops out

"Good to see you again Louis" Rhys says smirking and his voice sends evil shivers down Louis back. He doesn't look at either Rhys or Cody and continues into the apartment. Trying to breathe

Harry and Scott have been on edge the last half hour trying not to worry about Louis being out in the cold. They relax when they hear Louis enter. Until they get a look at him, he's white as a ghost.

"What's wrong baby" Scott asks concerned.

"Um....I" Louis says

"Shit Rookie, where is your inhaler" Harry asks

Louis is in a bit of a daze

"Umm" he responds confused

Harry rushes to the kitchen and grabs Louis two inhalers and comes back in front of him.

"Okay take a deep breath" Scott says as Harry puts the inhaler to Louis mouth.

Louis has a few puffs of each medicine before he's breathing better.

"I think Andy is right, you're coming down with something, your chest is worse" Scott says

"It's the change in climate, we will get Andy to come out after work" Harry says

"I'm fine but..." Louis starts

Harry and Scott look at each other and then back to Louis.

"But?" They both ask, Louis is still pale and is confused about something.

"I..just saw Cody and Rhys in the lift" Louis says kind of a question.

"Ughhh fuck" Harry says

Harry and Scott look at each other and back to Louis sympathetically.

"We didn't want you to find out like this Lou" Scott says

Louis nods his head, he can't blame Harry and Scott for not telling him, he's been asleep for two days.

"It's fine it was just like... a shock, that's all" Louis says

"Did they talk to you? Touch you?" Harry asks defensively

"Not really, said it was good to see me" Louis scoffs dryly.

"James is having a restraining order sorted so they won't be able to come near us" Harry reassures.

"Why are they out?" Louis asks

"They got early parole, the hearing was pushed forward while we were in Jamaica, it was planned by their defence so we couldn't testify. They are on six months parole and then they are free" Harry says.

Louis sighs, he supposes he just has to find a way to deal with it. He's happy right now and doesn't want anything to ruin that or his relationship with Scott and Harry. He doesn't want to go back to those dark feelings after everything happened. Watching his back all the time, trying to find normalcy again after they were first put in jail.

"Troy isn't out though right?" Louis asks.

"No darling, we're confident his hearing will be rejected" Scott says

"Um...when's his hearing?" Louis asks upset, he didn't even know Troy was up for parole

"It's scheduled for next month" Scott says cautiously

Louis closes his eyes and shakes his head, his breathing picking up again.

"Were you going to tell me?" Louis asks

"Honestly......no, not until we knew more about what was going on" Harry says

"Harry" Louis says upset

"Look baby, just breathe okay, we will have to take you in if your breathing gets worse again" Scott says.

Louis tries to relax, he knows Harry and Scott are only doing what they think is best and honestly Louis doesn't even want to have to think about Troy right now. He needs to have a shower and find a way to relax

Louis nods.

"I'm just going to have a shower" Louis says, as he goes to walk off

"Lou, if you want to chat or anything, we're here for you" Harry says.

"I know, I'm fine really, it was going to happen at some point. As long as there is a restraining order against them all it's fine. I'm not going to let them have any affect on my life" Louis says trying to sound convincing

He walks into the bathroom and Harry and Scott look to each other

"Well he didn't yell at us so that's a win" Scott says smiling.

"I think he handled that well considering. We just need to get that restraining order in place. Hopefully they aren't staying in the building permanently" Harry says.

Scott nods and they head to the couch, wanting to spend the last day of their time off curled up together.

Andy turns up at 5 and they have to wake Louis up again, he's just so tired. Andy prescribes Louis some antibiotics for his chest and tells him to try not to let work stress him out too much and to relax and rest as much as he can.

Louis agrees and the boys are at ease knowing Louis has antibiotics on board. They just hope Louis listens when it comes to work and doesn't stress himself out too much about everything that's happening.

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