《Daddy, I love you.》I


She sits on her fairly small couch watching her favorite show "The Bubble Guppies" she giggles and reaches for her sippy cup containing her favorite apple juice. She shivers as a breeze passes through her. "It's so fucking cold" she mutters. She sighs and gets up making her way to the bathroom.

She hums and drops a bath bomb in her tub making her smile. She steps in and sits finally relaxing as its her day off from working at the diner. She sighs and closes her eyes, her thoughts starting to be filled with candy and toys and her running around a park in her favorite baby blue dress. After a while she starts playing with her toys and laughing by herself.

The fun comes to an end as she exists the bathroom and goes to her room. She looks into her wardrobe although she doesn't own much. She remembers when she was little and her parents used to buy her things and actually love her till things happened, her breathing becomes uneven and she collapses on her bedroom floor, breathing heavily and crying.

She picks up her phone and dials a number, after the third ring the person on the other end picks up and a deep voice says "hello" but she is too scared and terrified only hating herself for what she did. The man on the other end hangs up and she is left alone. Again.

Minutes pass and she is staring at nothing in particular, the walls are white and her sheets are red. Strong arms pick her up and lay her on the bed. "Cassidy" the voice says, her lips seem shut. "C'mon you're going to be okay, look at me" they say and her eyes slowly look at the dark-haired man standing in front of her.

She gasps as if she has been under water and had failed to come up for air. He wraps his arms around her and she cries into his chest. "I'm glad you called honey" he coos and she shivers slightly. After minutes seem to turn into hours, she releases herself from his grip. "Bad memory?" He asks as if he already knew what what wrong, she simply nods and notices she is still in just a towel from when she got out of the bathroom, her cheeks warm up a bit and she clears her throat.


"Do you mind?" Its as if her voice shakes, he looks at her confused at first then gets the hint and gets up to leave but she catches his arm "im only going to the living room sweetheart" he smiles one of his charming smiles that makes her melt inside and makes her have these feelings that she doesn't want to have. She nods and he closes the door behind him.

She picks out black ripped jeans, a stripped black and white shirt an oversized demin jacket and some of her old converse. She leaves her naturally curly hair just the way it is. She exists the room and finds him sitting on the couch. "I wasn't aware you drank from a sippy cup and watched cartoons" he said not making a move to look back at her.

She stopped right in her tracks and her heart came close to leaving her chest. She didn't want anyone to know. They couldn't know. "I-I can explain" she mentally kicks herself for stuttering, "there's no need for that little girl" he says. "Please don't tell" shes already on the verge of tears, "darling you are too beautiful too cry, come sit on my lap" she hesitates at first but does as shes told.

Not wanting to make eye contact with him she lays her head on his chest hearing his heartbeat. He sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Cassidy, please look at me" he speaks after a while. She lifts her head up and is met with his his gorgeous blue eyes staring back at her brown ones. She hated her eyes.

"I know you work hard and it has not been easy for you here but I do care for you a lot and I know what you like and don't like. What im saying is you are so beautiful and you make my heart ache when you're not okay. Be my little and let me be your daddy". He wipes the tears she didn't realize she had let spill from her eyes. A daddy she thought. "C'mon princess I have to get back to work" he adds on, she nods and smiles.


"Pack your things I will be back to pick you up and take you to my house" he tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and he kisses her cheek, making her giggle. She jumps off his lap and meets him at the door. "Have a good day at work daddy. I'll see you later" she hugs him and he chuckles. "Thank you baby" he bends down to kiss her forehead "be a good girl for daddy okay?" She nods and just like thats he's out the door.

A daddy. My own daddy. To love and care for me. She squealed and jumped on her creaking bed. She packed her suitcases and smiled like an idiot for the whole day. At 8, her stomach was growling but she had nothing to eat in her fridge and so she picked up the phone. On the second ring, he answered "hey baby, im almost at your house" he said and she could sense the smile on his face. "I'm hungry" she practically cried into the phone.

"What does my princess want to eat?" He asked, she stuck her tongue out and thought about it. She finally said "I want a happy meal from McDonald's please daddy" she begged "alright princess I'll be there in a few" she thanked him once more and then hung up. She fixed her shirt and sat on her old couch watching the television. She heard a knock and rushed to the door, to find her daddy on the other side.

She squealed and jumped into his arms. He put the food down and caught her in his arms. She smiled and he kissed her cheek. "Did someone miss me?" He asks and she nods eagerly "aww that is so sweet babygirl, I missed you too" he says and she giggles. He washes his hands and sets the food on her table for them. She denies her food. "Why is my princess not eating? I can hear your stomach growling" she sees the worry flash through his eyes.

"Wanna sit on daddy's lap" she huffs "bring your food and come sit on daddy's lap then" she beams and makes herself comfortable. His dress pants are soft and she feels the stubble on his face from lack of shaving when he kisses her. "Daddy the hair on your chin tickles" she places her small hand on his cheek "I know, im going to shave tonight" he pouts "no, I like it" she places a soft and gentle kiss on his cheek. "Aren't you the cutest little girl ever?" He tickles her stomach.

"Is that all of them?" He asks, placing her suitcases in his truck. She didn't own much. She nods and he picks her up, setting her on his hip. "We are going shopping. Love the shoes darling believe me but you need new ones" she nods and dozes off. When she wakes up, she is in a dark room with a little night light. She gets scared and walks into the next room where Vince was peacefully asleep. She climbed onto his bed and he stirred in his sleep.

"Daddy I got scared" she said, her big eyes watering "its okay baby, come here" he makes room for her and she notices shes wearing an oversized shirt. His she thought. Soon enough they were spooning and that was the first night in a while that she didn't have a nightmare. She finally had a daddy and soon she would be happy.

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