《Zero Falls: Season One》Welcome-Part One


minor violence)


Bill Cipher was awakened by the heavy rain drumming against the window.

He had been leaning against the cool glass, falling asleep after starring at the passing sights. His back and shoulders ached, from the position he was in. Bill was sitting in a moving bus, and a storm was brewing outside, he almost suspected the weather was matching his current mood.

He heard a soft mumble from beside him, and turned to face his brother. Despite them being twins, they couldn't be anymore different. While Bill was confident, his blond hair spiky and full of volume. Meanwhile, Will was shy, his blue hair almost fell over his eyes and was sometimes fluffy. Yet, no matter their differences, they were good together. Not even good, but great. Bill couldn't ask for a better brother...even though Will could grind on his nerves at times.

Like right now, when the blue haired boy was sleeping against him, practically drooling on Bill's shoulder.

Bill growled softly, and shoved his brother off. Will landed on his side, and he hit the bus seat with a thud.

"Ow," He groaned, his eyes opened slowly. "What happened?"

"We hit a bump," Bill lied.

Will rubbed his eyes tiredly, before sitting up. His gaze drifted to the window, and almost jolted at the sudden clash of thunder.

"T-that's quite a storm outside," He noted, nervously.

Bill rolled his eyes. "Really? I didn't notice."

"The road could be slippery, what if we crash--"

"Will, I'm sure we have a competent driver," Bill reassured, then turned to the bus driver and asked. "Isn't that right, good sir?"

The driver answered gruffly. "I'm just doing this because I was kicked out of Backupsmore University."

Bill blinked. "That school is made for literal losers! How the heck--"

He was interrupted, when more thunder struck, and Will was whimpering softly at this point. The blond haired boy regarded him, and sighed heavily. His brother could be really pitiful at times, but that was why Will needed him. Bill stripped his yellow jacket off, so he could cover his twin's shoulders with it. Will gave him a grateful nod.

What would you do without me?, Bill thought, giving his brother a small smile.

Seriously, how would either them live without the other? Bill protected Will at all cost. As for Will, he helped reserve Bill's mental health. Bill had the wits and strength, while Will had the compassion and reasonability. Two halves of an almost perfect whole, if it weren't for them helping each other, they would've never survived their hellhole of a household...

Bill's spine shuttered, remembering all the cruel scenarios their so called parents had forced them into. It filled him with rage, as he recalled the numerous spats he had with his father, that resulted in a few broken ribs and bruises. Bill was then filled with dread, at the reminder of their escape.

It happened only hours ago. The twins had packed all the resources they could find, including stealing their father's wallet. They then had to exit their rundown apartment. However, what had seemed like an easy task, became difficult, when their father found them. He had cursed at the twins, before reaching out a grubby hand and grabbing Will by the throat. Bill had watched in fear, as his brother, the one person he cared about, was strangled by the demon. The blond had known his father well, he knew the man wouldn't hesitate to kill his son. Bill had no clue what happened next, it had been a blur. Vile fury had pooled in his chest, and he had released a outraged roar. And at once...his father had froze, then his eyes had rolled to the back of his head. Bill stared, when the man had collapsed, releasing Will. The blue haired boy had gasped for air, then eyed the body in shock. It had only took them a moment, before they came to realization...


...their father was dead.

They didn't have time to properly digest the situation, because Bill had ushered them both out so they could catch the bus in time. After a short discussion, they both suspected that their father died from a heart attack, since the man didn't take much care into his health. Despite that assumption, the astrosphere was thick with gloom instead of relief. Bill knew he had to lighten the mood, before things became too depressing.

"Hey, now that we're out of that terrible place," He started. "What do you think our new dream home is gonna be?"

"I'm pretty certain we're gonna sleep in a ditch tonight," Will replied.

"Good imagination," Bill said, nudging the other playfully. "Though I was thinking along the lines of something fancier, like a tent on a side of a road or--"

"Bill, I'm serious," He interrupted.

"So am I, tents are where it's at," Bill joked. "What? You want the other hobos to make fun of us?"

Will sighed heavily, burying his face in palms. "We should've planned this through more. How are we suppose to live like this? We're only 15!"

Bill regarded his twin's worried expression, and put a comforting hand on Will's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll get through this," He reassured. "We have enough money to at least pay for a motel room, then in the morning, we'll find jobs."

That managed to calm the boy down a little, but his brow still creased. "OK...where's this bus heading, anyway?"

When asked that, Bill realized he didn't know the answer. The last thing he remembered, was handing the driver money and telling him to drive them far away from their home in California. He didn't really decide on a specific destination...

"Wait here," He told Will, then stood up.

Will watched curiously, as his brother moved to the front of the bus. Bill almost lost his footing, when the bus suddenly jerked again, before getting his bearings. He paused beside the driver, who had his eyes glued to the road.

"Excuse, but where exactly are you heading to?" Bill asked.

The driver shrugged. "I'm guessing we're someplace in Oregon."

"And when, will we be stopping?"

"How should I know, kid?"

Bill narrowed his eyes. "You're the bus driver!"

"And I can't see anything in front of me," He replied, squinting at his windscreen. Even with his headlights on, darkness shrouded ahead.

The blond looked at him in annoyance. How were they supposed to find a place, if they didn't even know where they were heading? Bill grimaced at the prospect that they might have to sleep in the bus until morning.

"Don't you have a GPS?" He asked the driver.

The driver shook his head. "Nope. Spent my money on something better."

"Like what, exactly?"

"This little Hawaiian girl," He said, pointing to the hula dancing figure on his dashboard. "Aww! Look at her little hips swinging."


At this point, murder sounded like a reliable option for Bill.

But instead, he growled under his breath, and turned away from the driver. "Thanks for nothing!" He called over his shoulder.

"Your Welcome!"

Will looked at Bill in concern, as the blond flopped beside him with a groan. "So, what happened?"

"For now, we have no idea where we're going," Bill sighed.

"What!?" He gasped, his hands twitching nervously.

"Relax," The blond said. "We do know, that we're in someplace called Oregon."

"Are there even any towns in Oregon?"

Bill thought for a moment, trying to find a solution to their mess, when the bus jerked again. This time, it was so strong, that the twins were almost flung out of their seats. The bus's breaks shrieked, as the vehicle came to a stop at the side of the road.

"What is going on?" Bill demanded.

"There seems to be some difficulty," The driver announced. "Something appears to be stuck under the wheel, I'm gonna check it out."

"Alright, but hurry up," He responded.

With that, the man sat up and exited the bus. The inside was now empty, except for the twins. As they waited, an eerie feeling drifted into the air. Bill looked out of the window, but couldn't see the driver, only rows of trees.

"I have a bad feeling," Will whispered, as though afraid of what would happen if he were to rise his voice.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Bill said. Although, a part of him was alert, ready for any danger that might launch out.

The blue haired twin, looked around cautiously. "How long do you think he's gonna be?"

"Not too long, he's just seeing what's under his bus," He pointed out. "So, stop worrying for once, and relax."

Will nodded in return, and took a few therapeutic breaths. After that, his shoulders fell limp. "OK..."

Bill smiled in approval. "That's it. It's a wonder why you were so afraid in the first place--"


The twins spun around, just in time to see the driver smashing through one of the windows. A shower of broken glass and blood covered the floor, surrounding the body. Both boys jumped off from their seats, and regarded the driver in horror.

"Is he alive?" Will breathed.

Bill quickly knelt down, and checked his pulse. He sighed in relief. "Yes, he is."

Will began to hyperventilate softly. "Who could've done this?"

He had his answer, when a monstrous growl broke the silence. The hairs on the back Bill's neck stood up, as the trees outside began to rustle and the ground vibrated under the bus.

"I don't know," Bill replied. "But something tells me we don't wanna find out."

A another growl rang out, along with a strike of thunder to add another layer of terror. As quickly as he could, Bill grabbed their bags and his brother's arm, and rushed towards the exit. They faced the sliding door, which was closed shut. Bill shouldered it in desperation, even trying to pry it open with his fingers. Fortunately, Will found the lever by the driver's seat, and pulled it. Immediately, the door swung open, causing cold air and rain to pour in.

Bill grabbed Will's forearm, and pointed outside. "That way! Now--"

A earsplitting roar put the thunder to shame, and a shadow loomed over the vehicle. Neither of them had time to move, when the bus suddenly rose a few inches off the ground. The twins clung onto each other, as the bus shook violently, while the ground distanced itself from them. Bill made a look of distress, when they ascended higher.

"We gotta jump!" He yelled, over the sound of the storm.

Will looked like he wanted to protest, but then nodded in agreement. They held each other tightly, then at the count of three, they flung themselves out of the bus. They rolled across the dirt covered pavement, staining their clothes and causing bruises to form on their sensitive flesh. Bill groaned, as he landed hard on his shoulder, glad he didn't dislocate it. His attention returned to the road, when there was a grind of metal.

He gasped in horror, at the sight before him.

Towering over the trees, was a giant shadowy figure. The monstrous form was crushing the bus in it's fist, before tossing it over it's shoulder. Bill flinched when he heard the crash, remembering that the driver was still in there. The monster rumbled loudly, it's eyes glowing like possessed headlights.

"Bill," Will whispered, looking more afraid than he ever was. "What do we do?"

Bill was unresponsive, starring at the beast. The thing glared back, his menacing gaze piercing through the boy's soul. Then, it rose it's enormous arms, and released another roar.

"Run..." He decided. "WILL, RUN!"

Bill shot to his feet, and dragged his brother along with him, as they retreated into the forest. Meanwhile, the monster didn't chase after them, only glaring at them as they left.

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