《YOUR EYES TELL || Taekook ||》[8]


Small sniffles could be heard from the boy who was weeping on Taehyung's chest.The elder tried hard to not break down but it didn't help at all.He hugged the crying boy tightly, in a protective manner, letting him cry all he wants.He knows Jungkook needs it.The boy has kept everything to himself for so long and it will be better if he let's everything out.He needs to let go of of every single things that's bottled up inside him.Taehyung will be there for him.He'll be there to protect Jungkook, he'll be there to wipe the younger's tears away, he'll do his best to make him happy.








It was the weekend after Taehyung and Jimin's final exam.Their exam ended two days ago and they felt relieved to get rid of all the study pressure and those annoying assignments.

Jimin's parents wanted to go on a family vacation as their son almost completed his graduation.That is why the elder left for home early in the morning.Taehyung stayed.He wanted to talk to Jungkook.That day, when Jungkook got the nightmare and cried hard, Taehyung asked him what was all that about.The boy tried to say something but eventually it lead him to have an anxiety attack.

Taehyung was angry with himself, thinking he might have crossed the limit by wanting to dig in Jungkook's life more than needed.But again, he was worried sick.After that day, Taehyung never even mentioned about that incident to Jungkook.Instead, he gave the younger some space.

It was when Taehyung had his last paper, Jungkook called him at night.At first, he asked Taehyung about his and Jimin's exams but towards the end his voice cracked while hesitantly asking Taehyung if he would listen to something he had to say.Taehyung wondered what it was about but nonetheless said yes.

Jungkook came the next day after his classes and spent the rest of the day with the best friend duo.Jimin and he cooked together while Taehyung did the dishes after eating.Later they watched some movies and went to sleep.Taehyung didn't ask Jungkook anything about what he said in the call,wanting the younger to start the conversation himself.He didn't want to let the boy go through another anxiety attack.

The next morning Jimin left after dramatically crying over how he would miss his soulmate and his baby bro Jungkookie.He hugged them like the human version of koala he is and finally went home.He was really excited for the upcoming family vacation anyways...








Jungkook didn't go to college after Jimin left.H stayed with Taehyung to tell him about his traumatic past.He trusted Taehyung with his everything.It's not like he doesn't trust Jimin.He does.But he's not comfortable to talk freely about his past.For now, he just wants to get rid of the heavy feeling in his chest, the feeling he has been carrying inside him for so long.


So there they are.Jungkook opened up to Taehyung about his past, about his family, everything with so much difficulty.He mourned over his lost parents, his long lost happiness.He told Taehyung how he wanted to just give up on his life but he couldn't.Jungkook cried his heart out in the elder's embrace telling him how much he misses his parents, how much he misses being in his home which was shattered by those people in just one go.

Jungkook also explained how the Drug mafia were bugging his father to give them fifty percent of J Corporations' shares.Mr. Jeon was a man of law and order.So he didn't hesitate to say no to them.He would never deal with someone who are destroying the young generation and also are doing many illegal works.They threatened Mr. Jeon several times but instead of giving in, he complained an FIR against them when they threatened him to harm his family.Mr. Jeon had some proofs against them which he was about to hand the police for further enquiry.But somehow they got to know about it and came after the Jeon family.They planned to kill each member of the family but Jungkook was saved by his parents right on time.Mr. Jeon handed his son the proofs along with the other necessities before he ran away.

Taehyung listened to him as tears streamed down his own cheeks.He let Jungkook cry as much as he wanted and kept hugging him tightly.He didn't have words to console Jungkook.The boy went through so much at such young age.He never deserved it.The way Jungkook didn't give up on his life just because of the promise, Taehyung felt proud of him.His baby is strong, really strong to go forward without having anyone by his side.Taehyung's love and respect for the younger doubled after knowing everything.Not everyone is as strong as Jungkook.His baby indeed is something else, he's someone who deserves so much happiness.Taehyung mentally promised himself to make Jungkook happy at any cost.He won't let Jungkook die little by little.He'll bring back the old Jungkook at any cost.








It was 6pm.Jungkook was making dinner, knowing Taehyung will be there in any minute.It's been two weeks since he has talked about his traumatic past to Taehyung.From then, Taehyung has never let him be alone, except for his classes.He made Jungkook stay in his apartment for the time being.Taehyung tried to take Jungkook out to have fresh air every evening, he brought Jungkook his favourite snacks, he watched Jungkook's favourite movies even after not having a single bit of interest in most of them.He just tried to cheer the gloomy boy up, doing everything he could.


Jungkook was noticing everything.He was glad to have Taehyung by his side.To be honest, he felt a bit peaceful after talking to Taehyung that day.But he still couldn't forget everything that happened.He wanted his parents to have justice.A sigh left his mouth as he remembered his family times....

The doorbell rang, snapping Jungkook into reality.He got startled at first but soon a smile formed on his lips knowing it must be Taehyung.He ran to open the door when his phone rang.It was in his pocket as Taehyung has a habbit of texting him every now and then.Jungkook checked his phone nearing the door but frowned when he saw Taehyung's name on the screen.Jungkook flinched hard when someone banged the door much loudly this time.Past memories flooded in his mind as he took few shaky steps back.

Jungkook picked up the phone after taking a shaky breath.

"H-hello h-hyung" a sob left Jungkook's mouth, thinking this will be the last time he'll be hearing Taehyung's voice.

"Jungkook-ah, listen to me carefully.Take some deep breathes and go to my room." Taehyung spoke in a calm tone, but inside he was freaking out.He told Jungkook to go to his room since it's the furthest from the entrance.

Jungkook couldn't utter a single word but he obeyed Taehyung.The elder's calm voice told him to believe him.He walked to the elder's room with shaky steps.The bangs were getting louder by the time passes...just like that cursed day.

"I-I'm h-here." Jungkook said in a hushed tone.His skin was getting paler because of getting really scared.

"Lock the door first and then open the window." Taehyung instructed.

Jungkook did as Taehyung told as teardrops kept falling down his cheeks.His breath hitched when he heard the breaking sound of the main door.Everything reminded him of that day when he lost his parents in front of his eyes.He heard footsteps going everywhere in the apartment.He opened the window which was facing the backside of the apartment.

"Jungkook, baby, do you trust me?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, h-hyung." Jungkook managed to as tears made his vision blurred.

"Get out through the window but close it before running forward." Taehyung said in soft tone to not make the boy more scared than he already is.He had to stay calm or at least acting like nothing is serious for Jungkook's sake.

Jungkook sniffled and got out of the window, clutching onto the phone for his dear life.When he was closing the window, he saw the door of Taehyung's room was banged hard by someone.A whimper left his mouth but he closed the window as silently as possible.He flinched again when cracking sound could be heard.His phone fell down on the grass because he was too distracted.It was too dark to find his phone.He felt helpless as he didn't have much time.He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths before running for his dear life.Jungkook was unaware of where he was going but he ran just as Taehyung asked him to.Because of crying so much, his eyesight got blurry.He heard a loud braking sound and he understood that the goons broke the door of Taehyung's room.He ran and ran but stumbled on something hard when he heard gunshots.It was getting hard to breathe.Jungkook remembered the moments he spent with his parents, Taehyung and Jimin.He cried knowing this might be his end.He felt sorry for not being able to make his late parents' wish come true, he felt sorry for himself to not see Taehyung in his last moment.

Jungkook closed his eyes, getting ready for what to come.But before something could happen,someone engulfed him in a warm embrace, scooping him up, bridal style and ran from the place.Jungkook cried hugging the male.He didn't need to check who it was.He knew the owner of this warmth - Kim Taehyung, his savior, his love!

Taehyung stopped at some point.That's when Jungkook look up at him with teary eyes.Taehyung was looking at him with the same pained expression, with tear filled eyes.Jungkook closed his eyes when Taehyung leaned in to kiss his forehead.The soft touch made Jungkook feel alive and he broke down again.Taehyung didn't put him down and carried him to his car that was standing few steps away from them, on the road.He made Jungkook seat on the passenger seat and himself took the driver seat before driving away.

All the while, Jungkook kept sobbing.But this time he wasn't as sad as before.Because Taehyung was there beside him.

He didn't know what just happened.He didn't have any idea how those people found him, that too in Taehyung's place.But it seemed like Taehyung had the answers.Jungkook will wait for him to explain.For now, what matters is he is with Taehyung, safe and sound.

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