《The Vampire King》Author's Important Message


Hello, my lovely readers!

How are you guys doing?! I know I went missing for the past.. couple years. *Nervous Laugh*

I don't really know if you guys want an explanation or even care to know; but I've just been focusing on my undergraduate studies, I am pre-med student so its been hard to find any time to actually sit down and write! There were a lot of things; family, friends, college, work, which all demanded my attention. I hope you guys understand that life happens, to all of us, and I hope you are able to forgive me for not continuing Damien and Alexis's story.

To be honest, I was experiencing major writer's block, I had no idea how to shape their love story next! Plus, it had been a few years so I figured I come back to the story so refresh my memory. I edited the whole thing, changed up a few things. Okay, I actually made some major changes to the story, added some scenes, even changed the characters a little bit. Now you are probably wondering what in the world am I going to do with these changes and how can you read them?

I have a very important message for you:


I knew I just couldn't give up on these characters, but there was a lot of room for improvement so I am still polishing this book. Once I feel satisfied enough with it, I will have it available for you guys on Amazon as an eBook AND as a hardcover!! So yes, you will be able to hold your own physical copy of THE VAMPIRE KING in your own hands.

IMPORTANT: Once I publish the book on amazon, I will be taking it off Wattpad so you will only have access to it on Kindle. I will publish it on amazon this MARCH, so please keep an eye out for a link that I will post on my profile. I'll write another author's note like this on the book itself with the link, but that will only be up for a day or two!


**If you really don't want to miss when I publish the book and can't wait, you can follow me on Instagram where I'll have the link in my BIO!**


Again, I want to thank you guys sooo much for loving this book and always coming back to it. You don't know how blessed I feel to have such an amazing group of readers! Thank you all for reaching out to me, for worrying about me, even for the threats that I got to update! LOL.

Take care, you guys! I'll be in touch soon!

*On my way to write the much awaited sequel now* XD

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