《The Vampire King》29. The Choice Is Yours.



"This ain't the right time for you to fall in love with me,

But baby I'm just being honest

And I know my lies could not make you believe

Running in circles that's why.. "

-Dark times by The Weeknd.


The King's bedroom,

Crystalline Castle.



The shock Damien was feeling was clearly radiating off the one word he said, or rather one name. His surprised look soon reflected on my face as I stood next go him, looking at the girl in the doorway.

I noticed Damien had tucked away his wings as quickly as possible, making me feel glad for some reason. He had showed me something he keeps hidden from the world, I couldn't feel any more happier. For once in my life I felt special. I felt special because it seemed like he had shared an important part of himself with me.

But that thought soon evaporated from my mind as I took in what he said.



It didn't take me very long to process her name. It was as familiar as the back of my hand. It was the name I haven't heard many times before, but the few times I did, I had felt like it held such a meaningful emotion as it rolled off his tongue like he had said it a million times before.

He had said it while he was drunk. He was thinking about her when I took care of him. He was so used to her affection that the first time I showed him some, it was her who crossed his mind.

I remembered the picture that dropped from his closet drawer as I took out the diary to stack it neatly with other piles of paper in the drawer. It was because of that picture he yelled at me for going through his stuff. The image of him holding it as hundreds of different emotions flashed on his face was still fresh in my mind.

But that picture had turned into reality as I watched the girl step into the room, walking a little closer to him. Her steps were hesitant, almost shaking. Her hands grabbed a hold of her long dress, lifting it up a bit so it was easier to walk without stepping on it. Her eyes took all the time in the world to take in Damien's form. The blue eyes were filled with unshed tears and strong emotions that almost made my knees quiver. She looked at his face, taking in all his facial features as if trying to mentally take a picture of him. The fact that he was shirtless was soon noticed by her and for the first time, a small hint of a smile was visible on her lips.

Averting my eyes away from her, I turned to look at Damien wondering why he's just standing there like a statue, allowing her to memorize every inch of his body.

But then I realized the look on Katrina's face was reflecting on his. The way he looked at her made me take a step back, away from him. His golden eyes were taking her in as well, they held admiration that has never been there before. The Golden pools were swirling with some other mixed emotions, longingness, sorrow, suspicious, hurt. Behind all the negatives feelings, there was something else there. Something that made me want to run far away from him like never before. Something that made me want to crawl under a hole and die. Behind the hurt radiating off him, love and hope were clearly showing in his eyes.


Even though it was hiding under the sheets of guarding emotions, the love he felt towards this no doubt, an important girl in his life, was visible. It was as clear as the day, it made perfect sense. They had a past. A past which held so many secrets that I will never be able to discover, but one thing was sure.

There was a chance they could tie those lose ends of their relationship together again.

I didn't know whether to feel happy about that or grieve over the new found information. If Damien took this girl back in his life, she will distract him from being around me. Isn't that what I always wanted? I didn't want anything to do with him.

"Damien," Katrina's voice was merely a whisper but it worked it's magic. It made Damien gasp as if he still couldn't believe she was here.

All of a sudden, as if just realizing there was someone else presented in the room, her eyes shifted to me, blinking with curiosity.

Suddenly, I didn't feel comfortable standing there anymore. I felt like I was invading their privacy, as if I was interrupting them by just breathing in the same room as them. I felt I didn't belong here.

The fact that Damien was not going to snap out of his shocked state anytime soon, I broke the silence, "I-- I need to fill water in the jug."

I gestured towards the empty water jug sitting on his bedside table, without waiting for his response I picked it up and almost asked Damien if I could borrow his wings to fly out of the room. Without wasting anymore time, I made my way into the hallway, leaving behind the two lovers to drown in their own past memories.











I never thought I would see this day in my eternal life. I never thought I would see her again.

After Alexis decided to break the images flashing through my mind, of mine and Katrina's past memories, I finally recovered from the shock.

Erasing the fake personality of hers from my mind, I looked at the selfish witch in front of me. A witch who used me for her own good. A girl who was never capable of loving or receiving any from others due to her own stupidity. I looked at the person in front of me who was a walking definition of back stabber and betrayer.

The part I hated the most was that she looked the same, the same Katrina I fell for. The same Katrina who loved and cared for me like no one else has before.

Getting rid of those thoughts, I tried to remember that no matter how beautiful and breathtaking she is on the outside, she's the complete opposite on the inside.

On the inside she's nothing but an empty shell who doesn't give two fucks about anyone but herself.

"What are you doing here?"

I watched her flinch at my harsh tone. Did she really not expect that? What did she think I was going to do? Have my arms wide open for her as she took her first step into the room? Or did she expect me to bow down and kiss her hand like I use to? Did she really think I was going to treat her like a goddess, showering rose petals on her and kissing the floor she walked on?

Reality check, darling, you're the same bitch who played with my heart, twisted it, and then stomped on it 20 years ago. It took every ounce of the energy in me to hold back the poisonous words.


"Ian... I-" She took a step closer to me but I stopped her.

"Don't. Don't call me that. You lost that right years ago. Just get the fuck out of here, I don't even want to see your face."

That was a big lie and we both knew it.

"I'm sorry, I'll do anything you say. You don't want me to call you Ian? You will never hear it again, but just hear me out. Please." The pain in her eyes made me go soft for her again. This was the thing I hated the most. The effect she will always have on me, is undescribable.

"You have two minutes, say what you want then leave and never come back if you value your life."

She sighed in relief, "How do I say this..." She was struggling to find the right words, making me grow impatient.

"One minute, 30 seconds left." I was done playing games with her.

"Damien, I'm sorry for what I did years ago. I know you will never be able to forgive me, but I had to get it off my chest. I still remember the look on your face when you found out the truth about me. Oh God, it was so heartbreaking that it made even a heartless bitch like me feel something I had never felt before. Guilt. The feeling haunted me everyday and my nightmares were filled with only the hurt look that I wish I never saw on your face. Everyday it became hard for me to even function, it became hard to live with this regret buried in my chest. It still suffocates me Damien, I-"

"Why are you telling me this?"

If it was someone else, I would have been a little more sincere and understood their feelings. But it wasn't just someone else, this was Katrina we were talking about, she's the biggest liar known to me. It was better to just take in her words through one ear and throw them out the other. I couldn't let myself fall for her sweet talk again. Not gonna happen.

By now, tears were streaming freely down her face at my emotionless words, "I left them, you know. I left it all behind."

I stared at her in confusion, she couldn't be talking about what I think she's talking about. That's just impossible.

"What?" was all I could say.

"For you, Damien. I left behind my people, my family I grew up with. I left everything for you. These past years, I've realized how much I love you. You were the only person on my mind. I went to sleep with you as the last thing on my mind, and woke up with you being the first thought. I missed you so much. You were -"

"Kat, stop. You have no right to just walk back into my life and apologize. Don't you dare think that everything will be back to the way it was just because you've finally decided to get your head out of the gutter and regret the mistakes you made. It's too late for you to want me now. I don't love you."

I turned around, ignoring the fact that I just called her by that nickname again. This just proved that her words were affecting me. They were seeping in through my skin, over to my heart. They were the fire which was melting the cold walls I had put up in all these years. My Mind was clouded with her extraordinary scent even though she was a few feet away from me. I didn't even want to think about what I would do if she was closer. I mentally shook my head to clear my lust filled foggy thoughts.

"Where will I go, Damien? I don't have anything left, they won't accept me back. Now they know that I love you. Why would they take me back when I'm in love with their enemy? Please don't reject me. I don't have anywhere else to go, you're my only home now."

I could feel her taking a step closer to me with every words she said. Her voice broke at the end, shattering the emotionless mask on my face. I chose to ignore her persuasive words, still turned around.

"I didn't force you to leave them. That's your fault for making a wrong decision once again. Go back and beg them for forgiveness, or here's a better option, find someone else. I'm sure there are millions of men out there who would accept you as a lover with open arms. Charm them into loving you like you did to me. You're an expert at it, you even have experience now, I'm sure you will get them on their knees in no time. Just do that hair flick thing you use to do whenever our eyes met from across the room, or lick your lips to seduce them, I'm sure that will get them in bed with you in a blink of an eye. So are you gonna leave now or should I give you some more ideas?"

I finally turned around to face her, surprised to be met by a even more hurt expression on her face. I was so use to the cheerful, laughing Katrina that it shocked me to see this side of her. But I still couldn't let her get to me.

"Damien... It's you who I've always wanted. Nobody can take your place in my life. In these past years, I haven't been able to get close to anyone without feeling like I was betraying you all over again. Please just give me a chance."

Now angry with her protests, I grabbed the back of her neck, bringing her face close to mine. Her widen at the tiny distance between us but I didn't care. I needed to get my point across.

"Didn't you hear me? I don't love you anymore. We. Will. Never. Be. One. Again." I hissed through clenched teeths.

"Liar. You still love me. I see it in your eyes. They still sparkle the same, there's love buried deep in them, which you're trying to hold back. You still love me Damien, believe it or not. And this time, I love you, too. Your Katrina loves you. What's holding you back from accepting me then? We could go back to the way we were. We can become one again. Damien and Katrina aren't two different people, remember you said that? You said we're two bodies but one soul. Our hearts might be separate, but they beat as one. Without Damien, there is no Katrina. And without Katrina, there is no Damien. When is the sun away from the sky? When are the waves away from the ocean? Never. So how can we be separated? I belong to you Damien. Isn't that what you always wanted? Now you can finally have that. My mind , my body, my soul, is all yours."

It was suddenly becoming hard to breathe. The temperature around me noticeable rose. I loosened my grip on Katrina but she didn't move an inch away, just kept glancing back and forth between my eyes and my lips. While me, I was too damn scared to even look anywhere but her eyes, but something made me take in her facial features as well. Her flawless skin was brightened by the sun which had just risen above the horizon, making it impossible for me to think about anything else but her.

I felt my guard being completely let down as I whispered the words I knew I would regret later on.

"I missed you so much."

Her eyes smiled with happy tears building up in them. What happened next was unexpected but there was no room in my mind to complain about it.

This will be the second thing I'll regret later on, I thought, as her lips softly crashed against mine.



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