《The Vampire King》22. On My Mind.


"I know I shouldn't say it

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind."

-On my Mind by

Ellie Goulding.


The maid, Olivia's bedroom,

Crystaline Castle.


------------------DAMIEN'S POV------------------

I knocked on Olivia's door and waited patiently for her to appear.

I haven't been at this part of the castle ever since I can remember. That human has seriously fucked up my lifestyle. I was always out doing business meetings or going to the clubs in the city to clear off my head after a hard working day, maybe even get laid, but I haven't slept with anyone ever since I released that human. For some twisted reason, it's starting to physically hurt me whenever I think about increasing the distance between us.

What happened today in my bedroom cannot be repeated, I tried to tell myself. I need to stay away from her, as far away as possible. Every damn second we spend together, the urge to make her mine gets stronger than ever before. I ran a hand through my hair, realizing how stupid my thoughts sounded.

Great, she's fucking with my head, too.

I can't let this happen. I can't let her get close to me to only leave me like she did. I can't let her use me like she did. This will only end in one way, me being left to drown in my own miseries. She will leave me just like everyone else had before her. It will be me losing again. I can't let that happen. Never again.

Olivia was seriously testing my patience, I angrily knocked on the door again. This time, her lavishing body appeared in the doorway. She stood there, looking as tempting as ever, in a white silk gown. The loosely tied knot notified me that the soft piece of clothing will be off in a second if I tugged on it.

But I really needed to pee first.

I looked at her already hunger filled eyes and told her I needed to use the bathroom first. She grabbed my hand, pulling me into her bedroom and locked the door. The room was familiar to me so I made my way to the bathroom, doing my business and brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush I had in the cup.

I had been here numerous times before, even spent the night after our moments of pleasure. So it only helped to keep some of my necessities here.

The moment I stepped out of the bathroom, a hand grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards Olivia's cold body.


A small part of my brain reminded me of the warmth I experience with Alexis but I pushed the thought away. I'm with Olivia now, and she's, no doubt, the hottest girl in this castle. She deserves every inch of attention.

Granting her with a rough kiss on her soft lips, I ran a finger through her pin straight hair.

Alexis' playful loose curls.

My eyes widen as she made her way into my mind again. Focusing on reality, I walked forward until I had Olivia's small frame against the wall. She moaned onto my lips, tracing her fingers on the muscles of my bare back. I didn't even notice when she took off my shirt. Her aggressive touch sent a mild chill down my back.

Alexis' pure touch makes me think I have a heartbeat.

I pried Olivia's hands off me and glued them on the wall, intertwining our fingers. I took a break from her lips and started kissing my way down her neck, inhaling her nectarine and sensual amber scent.

Alexis' luxurious rose scent.

Feeling angry at myself, I bit a small part of Olivia's neck rather sharply. However, she seemed to enjoy it as she let out a loud moan and in a voice filled with passion, called out my name.

Alexis' sweet voice.


I pushed myself away from her rather harshly, taking a couple steps back. What the hell is wrong with me? I have a woman who hundreds of men would kill to be with, right in front of me, and what am I doing? Can't help but think about that human.

My eyes met her demanding ones and I suddenly remembered Alexis' innocent ones.

"Stop!" I yelled out and took a hold of my head as if that will help me control my thoughts.

"Damien what's wrong?" Olivia ran to my side and grabbed my arm but I pushed her away.

Shaking my head, I managed to whisper, "I- I need to go."

Without waiting for her response, I disappeared as I teleported.

I can't let anyone see the effect that mere human has on me.


After spending the entire day keeping myself busy with the Kingdom's work, I walked back to my bedroom.

I was informed today that the witch I needed to see will be back in a month. I was glad that I wouldn't have to wait another three months or so to decide what I'm going to do with the girl who is supposed to be my destruction.


Destruction, my foot. She probably hasn't even killed a fly in her whole pathetic life.

A small part of me thought that what the witch would say will make no difference. I would never be able to kill her, period. If I could, she would be six feet under this ground now. Hell, I would even have a statue of her for my subjects to laugh at with the words, "apparently, she was supposed to be our destruction. What a joke." written right under it.

That is, if I was able to kill her. Everytime I go forward to hurt her, it only hurts me. All I seem to do is give her empty threats, I bet that's why she does whatever she wants and always disobeys me.

I realized I've reached my bedroom, and without even knocking, I simply opened the door and stepped in.

Alexis' back was turned towards me while Maria stood right next to her. Both of them jumped as they heard the door opening. Maria's wide eyes met mine as I stared at the both of them in confusion.

What were they up to?

Alexis turned around quickly, pushing her hand behind her. Her scared eyes confirmed that something fishy was definitely going on that the humans were hiding from me.

"Leave us." I ordered Maria and she obeyed, walking out of the room, but not before giving Alexis an assured smile.

As I heard the door being closed, I walked closer to Alexis and she glanced at everything besides me, her eyes not once meeting mine. That's when I realized this girl is an open book.

"What were you doing?"

She finally looked at me and said, "Maria and I were just cleaning the room, then you showed up... Hey, is your head still hurting? I'll go get you some medicine."

She started to walk out of the room but I stopped her by grabbing onto her elbow, "What's in your hand?"


Her heartbeat was running faster than ever and that's when I knew she was lying. I pulled her back.

"I know you're lying. This can go two ways. Either you show me what you're hiding or I snatch it from you because we both know who is stronger. But if you do force me to use that extra strength by doing the latter, let's just say I wouldn't be too happy."

Her eyes widen but she finally listened and showed me what she had been hiding.

It was a picture.


My body froze as I stared at the small picture of Katrina and me in Alexis' hand.

It was our first date, we already really liked each other. It all started when I finally got the courage to ask her to dance with me. The beautiful melody surrounded us as we swayed and danced across the floor in that fancy restaurant. She looked as lovely as ever, with her hair pinned back in a bun, but her loose brown curls hung around her flawless face. She was dressed in a baby blue simple gown that matched her eyes. The eyes I was still drowning in, even though they were in a picture.

"That's Katrina, isn't she?" Alexis whispered, snapping me out of the blissful memory.

I glared at her and she quickly realized her mistake, "I'm sorry. It's just that I can hear some of your thoughts like Emma said I would, because you gave me your blood... I didn't mean to invade your privacy. I just found that picture while I was fixing your closet. I'm sorry, I'll put it back."

I stopped her from taking the picture from my hand as I realized something.

"You opened that drawer I told you not to open, didn't you?"

She seemed more frightened now. Good, she should be scared of me.

"I- I-"

"Yes or no?!"

She jumped back at my suddenly raised voice and stuttered, "I- I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Do you ever listen to me?! Huh? I told you especially not to open that damn drawer! Why do you have to be so curious all the time? Haven't you realized by now that only brings you trouble?" I asked but she just looked at the floor. God, I felt like I was scolding a child.

"Or do you just go ahead and do whatever you want to get on my nerves? Is that it? Look at me, Alexis. What do you see? Do I look like I'm the person to be playing games with? I'm the monster that the mothers here warn their children about. I'm my enemy's worst nightmare. Everyone fears me and you should too!"

Suddenly there was a spark in her eyes that has never been there before. The fire in her eyes left me beyond surprised. She seemed to have gained a newfound confidence and I couldn't believe what she said next.



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