《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Farewell


This one is gonna be a bit angsty. Sort of an au where dazai dies?

Chuuya was broken.

His heart had been shattered, rebuilt and obliterated again, and again.

That foolish bastard. He left him, and came back. Told him that it's all right now. They'll be together now.

Chuuya trusted him, and that was te biggest mistake he ever made.

Dazai Osamu was not an ideal version of happiness and love. He was the definition of darkness, betrayal, war and bloodshed. He was not a comic relief in life. Dazai was the pain and hatred that life had to offer.

Now he won't ever come back.

And Chuuya was left alone in this unforgiving world.

He remembers Dazai's rare genuine smiles that lit up his Christmas.

He remembers laughing as he pulled his silly friend away from the tinsel.

He remembers having more fun than he ever had that Christmas.

Now, he will never feel his heart beat again.

Sympathy followed him everywhere and he was sick of it.

What happened, happened. And life goes on.

Or so he told himself, with every glance and card he received.

But life did not just go on.

Double Black will never be whole again.

Nor, will his heart.

Every tear he shed was for that dead man.

But no matter how many tears he shed, the dead do not come back.

Chuuya visited his dead lover's grave.

He attended his funeral, but said few words.

He wasn't the same Chuuya everyone knew anymore.

Mori started picking up that. So did Ane-san. But however many days he took off will not bring the Chuuya everyone knew back.

That Chuuya died along side Dazai, and was buried with him six feet under ground.

And after a few months, Corruption took over, and Chuuya wasn't coming back either.

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