《STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic》Chapter 25
The Ebon Hawk lifted off the hard floor of the spaceport docking bay floor. The docking hatches opened allowing them to fly out of the spaceport and ascend towards the atmosphere. The setting sun cast a warm glow off the surface of the water as they looked down on the ocean surface. The city was also cast in a shade of orange that seemed to glimmer as they left Manaan behind.
"Carth, you want us to bring you something?!" Venar called before stuffing some kind of fried seaweed in his mouth.
"That's ok I'll get it after we jump to hyperspace," he called back.
Venar stopped chewing as he saw Zaalbar sitting in front of him making impossible sounds with his mouth as he shoved fried seaweed, noodles, and something with tentacles into his maw. Sauce and grease dripped down onto the Wookiee's beard.
"If there is anything left later," Mission said. "Geez, Big Z slow down!"
"Mission," Bastila said sitting down with them at the table. "Have you had any luck with HK?"
"Eh," Mission responded after finishing chewing, "His programming is unlike anything I've seen before. I've reprogrammed a few droids but nothing like this."
"Military grade you think?" Venar asked.
"Looks like it."
"Canderous you're pretty familiar with military hardware," Venar said. "Would you know anything about reprogramming HK or digging into some of his hidden programing?"
"The only droids the Mandalorians ever used were the massive basilisks we rode on into battle," he responded. "I don't know much about droids other than that. Only how to take them apart."
"MOCKING RECIPROCATION: I would certainly like to see you try, meatbag!" HK-47 was standing in the doorway motionless watching them eat.
"It would be too easy," Canderous shot back.
"Hopeful Query: Master, certainly you cannot tolerate the presence of inferior meatbags aboard your ship... especially one as dull as this one. Shall I terminate him for you?" HK aimed and primed his blaster rifle at Canderous. The Mandalorian instinctively drew a blaster of his own and leveled it back at the assassin droid.
"HK stand down!" Venar said.
"Reluctant Compliance: I will do as you say, master," he said attaching the blaster rifle to his back, "but I am not happy about it." The droid stomped back out the doorway to a different part of the ship.
"I like that droid," Canderous said holstering his blaster.
"I will never understand how someone could 'like' something that just threatened to kill them?" Bastila said.
"It's all about the challenge," Canderous said.
"If you were Mandalorian you'd understand," Venar said.
"Hey Canderous," Mission said. "What happened to your armor? Don't all Mandalorians wear a full suit of armor?"
"After the Battle of Malachor," he began, "without Mandalore the Ultimate we had no leader. We were forced to accept we had been beaten by the efforts of a single Jedi, Revan. As part of the terms of our surrender we had to surrender our armor and our warrior way of life. Most of the clans scattered and now we're mostly nothing more than bounty hunters or thugs. It's... degrading."
"I am surprised you want to be part of our crew at all then," Mission said. "Being that this is, ya know, a Jedi task force and all."
"Task force might be too strong a term," Bastila chimed in, "but Mission makes a point. Why do you want to be with us."
"I don't hold any animosity towards the Jedi. Most Mandalorians feel the same though many do not," Canderous explained. "The Jedi gave us exactly what we wanted. We goaded the Jedi into one of the fiercest wars in galactic history. We sought honor and glory through combat and the conquering of Republic worlds, the seat of power. The power of the Jedi is legendary and we went head to head with them and we were winning. So many of the Galaxy's greatest warriors trembled before us.
Until Revan. And even though in the end we were beaten and our way of life was lost, no one will forget how before the Mandalorians fell we nearly brought the Republic and Jedi to their knees, all without using the Force. We have become legends ourselves and now history will never forget us."
"You're serious, aren't you?" Bastila asked. "You really find it an honor to fight alongside the people who defeated you don't you?"
"Like I said, most of us are just bounty hunters and thugs now. I'm a warrior. You're offering me a chance to be that warrior again. Working for Davik barely required any effort."
"Well as long as you're here," Venar spoke up, "we could always use your input. You've been helpful so far."
"Alright don't get all mushy on me here," Canderous said, "I do have something for you though..."
Venar and Bastila exchanged curious glances.
"What is it?"
"I'll show you."
Bastila gave Venar a short nod as him and Canderous got up from the table. Venar had to admit he was curious what this gift from the Mandalorian could be. His thoughts were dwelling on something else though. Someone else.
Bastila. Always her. Every time his mind was at rest his thoughts went to her. Even with the Jedi training he was finding it difficult to ignore the feelings that had been developing within him. He wasn't so sure he wanted to.
He wondered if she knew how he felt. Their bond through the force was a strong one. A dyad, a duality in the Force. As it had been explained to him it was an extremely rare phenomenon, manifest by the will of the Force itself. Did that mean it was easier for her to know how he was feeling? Easier for her to know his thoughts?
Laying in bed at night he could often sense the turmoil within her as she slept. Something from her past was taking a heavy toll on her, but she would never say. Something was causing conflict in her at present as well. He wasn't sure if that was because of him or something else.
He found it hard to believe that Bastila, already a legendary Jedi Knight, would fall for him. She had trained her whole life for this. Surely, she would be above such sentiments.
"Here we are," Canderous said, breaking him out of his musings, "What do you think?"
They were now standing in the crew quarters, outside his open locker. Inside was a brand-new polished set of what appeared to be Mandalorian armor.
"Woah, you made this?" Venar asked.
"Not exactly," Canderous said, "I've been gathering the beskar for awhile now. I had it shipped off-world to a Mandalorian blacksmith to have my armor reforged."
"The beskar, it was-"
"My old armor. It had been melted down and was sitting in a Republic warehouse, collecting dust."
"How did you get-"
"You don't wanna know," Canderous said. "This isn't exactly what I wanted to show you though. See, I got my hands on a little extra beskar and..."
Canderous reached into the locker and pulled out a silver chest plate and pauldrons, as well as armor to cover the abdomen. He handed them to Venar unceremoniously.
"Wow... Canderous, this is-"
"Don't mention it."
"This is a great honor," Venar said. "Beskar is meant to be worn only by Mandalorians."
"I've been watching you in our battles," he replied. "You might be a Jedi, but you fight like a Mandalorian. It would be an honor to defeat you in combat, but perhaps, a greater honor to fight alongside you."
"Thank you, Canderous. Perhaps, we can spar sometime."
"Heh, I look forward to it. Try it on."
Venar began fitting the armor plating over his light brown robes. The rare metal was much lighter than he anticipated, yet it's rare properties allowed it to withstand blaster fire.
"It actually might be good to get some practice with it in before I use it in the field," Venar said. "A Jedi is used to fighting unrestricted."
"I could show you a few things if you want."
"Yes that would..." he trailed off as he felt Bastila's presence in the Force. She was standing outside in the hallway. "That would be great. Maybe another time though."
"Yeah sure. Whenever you're ready."
"Thanks... I'll see you later." Venar hurried from the room and immediately turned to face Bastila.
"Your senses are improving..." she said a little surprised. "I was attempting to mask my presence."
"Perhaps it's just the bond."
"Yes... about that... can we talk? Privately?"
"Of course."
They walked to the back of the ship to the secondary crew quarters. Thoughts were already beginning to swirl through his mind about what she wanted to talk about. Had she sensed his thoughts from a few moments ago? He didn't think so, but maybe...
He did his best to keep his thoughts and feelings hidden from her as they entered the room. She tapped the wall panel and the door hissed shut. When she turned to face him she looked... worried almost.
"There is something we need to talk about," she said seriously. There was a small waver in her voice. It was unusual for her and he could sense a great deal of turmoil in her. Whatever it was she had to say it was taking her an abnormal amount of effort to say it.
"I'm listening."
"We need to talk about how to handle our... situation," she said cautiously. He wasn't following.
"Yes. You know what I'm talking about," she said in a more hushed tone. "Do I really need to say it?"
"Um... considering I don't know what you're talking about... yeah you should probably fill me in."
"Unbelievable!" she huffed. "How could you be so... thick headed?"
"Unless we had some conversation I magically forgot about... I'm not recalling any situation."
"Fine. Since you insist." She took a deep breath. "I'm referring to the way we feel about each other..."
"The way we...? Oh..." She rolled her eyes in response. "I'm sorry I didn't realize you felt..."
"Well I do," she admitted. the defiance seemed to leave her as soon as she uttered the words. "Maybe it is a side effect of the bond we share I don't know... but I do know that there is more between us than there should be."
"I... know what you mean..."
"We obviously cannot act on these... feelings. We are Jedi and we have a responsibility and a-"
"So what?"
"We are Jedi. We can't possibly-"
"Why not? What's the worst that could happen?"
"It could lead us to the Dark Side. We could be expelled from the Order! Are you willing to risk all of that?!" She raised her voice but lowered it for fear of the others hearing.
"You said it yourself. We share a bond. What did you say we were? A dyad? Two that are one? The Force brought us together not the Jedi. And the last time I checked the Force does not belong to the Jedi. The Jedi are supposed to follow the guidance and the will of the Force. So you asked me would I risk it? Yes, yes I would. And I would do it for you. To be with you."
"Venar... I..."
"You've been feeling this way for a long time haven't you? Maybe as long as I have. We're going to be on this mission for who knows how long. Tell me, could you hold back these feelings for that long with us working so closely together?"
"I... I don't know... I suppose..."
"Bastila, you are the first thing I think about when I wake up and you are the last thing I think about before I sleep. I see you in my dreams... I..." It wasn't until then he realized he had gotten much closer to her, his face inches from hers.
"Oh you damn fool..." She grabbed him and pulled him the few extra inches towards her. Their lips met and for a moment everything else vanished. The war, the mission, the crew.... all of it. Now it was just them and nothing else in the galaxy mattered. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her closer as they continued to share the kiss.
Suddenly, the ship jolted and they lost their balance momentarily, breaking the kiss. Venar held her close and kept her from falling to the floor. They locked eyes as they were brought back to the real world.
"We've got company!" Carth shouted over the loudspeaker. "Battle stations now!"
They ended the embrace and Venar went running straight to the ventral cannon. He hoisted himself into the swiveling chair as Bastila reached the cockpit and sat in the co-pilot's chair. She began flipping switches and smashing buttons as Carth attempted to steer them out of danger. Five Sith fighters were closing in on them quickly and firing green blasts of energy at their hull.
"Can't you jump to hyperspace?!" Bastila asked as the ship lurched, threatening to throw her from her seat. She strapped in for good measure.
"You don't think I've been trying?!" Carth shot back. "Something is wrong! The hyperdrive is offline!"
"Mission!" Bastila called over the com, "The hyperdrive is offline! See what you can do!"
The interior of the Ebon Hawk erupted into chaos as they did their best to flee from the fast and nimble fighters that were quickly closing in. Mission and Zaalbar frantically ran to check the hyperdrive and Venar began firing his first volley of laserfire at the incoming ships.
The ship shuddered as their shields absorbed the impact of a volley of incoming fire. Carth launched the ship into a barrel roll, attempting to avoid further hits. He steered them towards a large line of freighters waiting for clearance to land on the planet. He did his best to use them as cover, weaving in and out of the ships.
Venar closed his eyes, drawing himself in from his surroundings, reaching out... Boom! One of the enemy fighters exploded, sending shrapnel flying out in every direction. With his eyes still closed, he felt the surge of the Ebon Hawk as they dropped out of cover from a large medical frigate. He fired the canon again, taking out another of the Sith fighters.
"We need to get out of here," Bastila said.
"We can't exactly go anywhere until the hyperdrive is working!" Carth shot back.
"No, I mean, away from the civilians. We're putting them at risk."
Carth didn't say anything in response, just nodded and took them out of the cover of the bigger ships and began moving towards open space.
"Uh, hey guys?" Mission called over the comm.
"What is it Mission?" Carth said, anticipating the worst.
"Well, good news is, the hyperdrive is booting back up..."
"And the bad news?"
"There was nothing wrong with it... someone turned it off."
Carth and Bastila exchanged quick glances of concern.
"How long?" Bastila asked.
"Three minutes," she replied.
Meanwhile, the last three fighters were closing in and Venar was having trouble getting a shot. Now that they were no longer in cover, Carth was having to use much wilder maneuvers to avoid the blaster fire. Venar sat quietly still drawing on the Force, waiting for the moment to come... there! The shot wasn't a direct hit, it took off the left wing of the middle fighter causing it to spin wildly out of control. His wingman didn't see it until it was too late. Both fighters collided and erupted in a short burst of flame.
Now Venar set his sights on the last one. This one was further back, firing from a greater distance, making him a much smaller target. Rather than wait for a specific moment of opportunity, he decided to pepper the area in laser fire, forcing the fighter to focus on maneuvering rather than attacking. He fired volley after volley, the Sith fighter dodging every time. Then, Venar felt it through the Force, his moment to deliver a decisive strike.
Suddenly, the stars began to stretch into lines, and then the fighter was gone. They were in hyperspace. He sat back, and took the headset off and rested a moment. The last fighter had escaped.
"Attention, everyone," Carth said over the comm, "I need everyone in the common room now, please." Venar could tell by his tone of voice he was not happy. He got up from the gunner chair and made his way back into the main ship.
He could hear Carth's shouts as he picked up the pace and jogged down the hallway. The scene he arrived to was not a good one. Carth had his finger pointed in the face of the Mandalorian and was chewing him out. Canderous for his part, stood silently glaring at Carth with a stone-faced expression.
"I know it was you!" Carth shouted. "I've said it from the beginning!"
"Woah! Hey! What's going on here?!" Venar shouted as he put himself between the two veterans.
"Someone turned off the hyperdrive!" Carth shouted. "He's been on the ship the whole time you guys were down there! That means he had to have sabotaged us to be captured by the Sith!"
"Do you even hear yourself?!" Venar shot back. "Calm down and think things through. If Canderous was going to sabotage us, why would he do it knowing he would be most likely to be accused. Not to mention, if he was trying to get us captured he could've easily stopped Mission and Zaalbar from turning it back on!"
That earned a growl of protest from the Wookiee.
"Sorry Z, He's Mandalorian," he replied. The Wookiee shrugged in response.
Carth took a deep breath and sat back down on one of the lounge booths, uttering a defeated sigh. Canderous relaxed his stance but didn't say anything more.
"Fine," Carth conceded, "Then who sabotaged us?"
"Obviously the Sith," Mission said. "But when?"
"That's the question," Venar said. "When we were down in the base did you guys leave the ship unattended at any time?"
"No- I mean, not that I can think of," Carth said exasperated. "There was always someone here."
"Yeah, no there was always someone on board the ship," Mission confirmed. "There were plenty of dock workers walking around outside the ship though, and none of them came aboard except the Port Master to check our manifest."
"Yeah but we were here the whole time," Carth said. "One of us would've noticed had he done something."
"What did he look like?" Bastila spoke up.
"I don't know, dark hair... kinda stern looking-"
"That's how they did it," Bastila said confidently. "He's the one who sabotaged us."
"How do you know?"
"Because the Ahto City Port Master is a Selkath."
"Damn..." Carth sunk back in his seat defeated. "I don't know what to say... I can't believe I missed that."
"It's not your fault Carth," Bastila said putting a hand on his shoulder. "You're lucky to be alive. He was probably a Sith. All he would have had to do was walk past the room and use the Force to switch it off. A well timed move for them too. Had any of us Jedi been on board at the time we would've likely sensed the deception."
"They were probably watching the ship the moment we landed," Venar said, "When they saw all three of the Jedi passengers leave they probably figured that was their window to make their move."
"Yeah but I still should've realized the dock authority would've been Selkath..." Carth said shaking his head. "After all it is their planet. I should have caught it."
"Carth," Bastila said speaking softly, "No one is blaming you. You shouldn't either. It has been a long and stressful journey so far. But if there was anyone you should apologize to, its Canderous."
"No need," Canderous said in a gruff serious tone. "If I were him I would have assumed it was me too. Can't trust anyone in our line of work."
"I guess," Carth said, "Still, for what its worth I apologize. Let's just focus on the mission for now."
Sword of Ending
Ollowyn’s Life began unlike any other. Born with snow-white hair, he was brought into the woods to die according to age old traditions. Left to the will of the gods, the helpless child waited for his death. However, the gods showed mercy. A young wolf cub, lost and cut off from its mother, stumbled over the young Ollowyn. Half frozen to death and dead tired, it snuggled to the warm body. When it was found by the mother just hours later, Ollowyn already smelled like one of her own. Adopted and cared for he grew up among wolves. He learned to live after the rules of the pack, continuously fighting to survive. As the years went by, he grew stronger than his brothers and sisters, hunted with different means. But even though he loved and adored his family, he noticed more and more that he was different. No fur, no claws and as much as he tried, his teeth would never find prey by themselves. What made him different? The urge to find answers grew with every day, until he set out aged seven to find them. But after days of searching hunger and exhaustion brought him to his knees as he collapsed on a dusty road. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- German Version can be found on RR as well. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/19996/sword-of-ending-german. But it isn't written as well and only serves as my own template for chapters. For those of you that would like to join my Discord: Discord: Florean Fortescue Feel free to join, to ask questions, favours or interact with other readers. Enjoy reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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⋱ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴇᴀ ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴇʏᴇs ɪs ʜɪs ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ sʜɪɴɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴍᴏʀ. 🌌 ⋰Percy used a washable marker to draw pink hearts on the hybrid's cheek, near his eye. "Really, love?" His eyes scanned over her features. Despite what she was doing to his face, he enjoyed the position. She was leaning in close to his face and her hand gently held his neck to keep him steady. "I thought you liked art," Percy grinned. Klaus kept his eyes on her lips. She bit her lip as she concentrated on her masterpiece. He responded to her words, "I don't typically like putting the art on my face, love." The demigod chuckled. "Well, get used to it." ☼☼☼ᴏʀ ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ, ᴘᴇʀsᴇᴘʜᴏɴᴇ ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ ᴀsᴋs ᴋʟᴀᴜs ᴍɪᴋᴀᴇʟsᴏɴ ᴛᴏ sᴀʏ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴡᴏʀᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪs ᴀᴄᴄᴇɴᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʏ ғᴀʟʟ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ. ✦sᴇᴇɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴅɪᴍᴘʟᴇs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʜᴇʀ sᴍɪʟᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ sᴇᴇɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ᴇʏᴇs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜᴡʜɪʟᴇ.✦• ~ • ~ • ~ • Klaus Mikaelson x Percy Jackson (fem) This story takes place in Mystic falls during seasons 2-4 of the Vampire Diaries This is my first story but I hope at least some people don't hate it :)) I'll give you a cookie if you read it.💙 ⋱Maybe Strawberries and Dinosaurs will be our Always. ⋰-[ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ ]Feb 3-July 12, 2021 @QueenShayOfFandoms
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