《STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic》CHAPTER 12
Calo Nord's eyes opened to dusty darkness. He felt a bit of pressure on his legs, and as his goggles adjusted to the low light, he saw there was a slab of permacrete resting on top of his legs. His legs were fine, his extremely durable cutom-made armor saw to that. He sat up and struggled to shift the slab of rubble off of his legs. It shifted and he was able to slip out from underneath. Groaning and creaking sounded all around him and he realized he was still trapped under a pile of rubble, with only enough room crouch.
The built-in interface in his goggles began to map out the wreckage around him highlighting the most unstable areas. It also monitored the integrity of his armor and he was pleased to see that no real damage was sustained to it. His armor had been custom made out of cortosis alloy, one of the rarest and strongest metals in the galaxy. It was even resistant to lightsaber blades. It had been crafted by one of the galaxy's finest armortechs, and upon completion, Calo had put a blaster bolt in the man's skull to ensure the armor could never be replicated. That very armor had saved his life on countless occasions.
He chose the weakest part of the wreckage, moved himself as far away as he could, and primed a wrist rocket. He fired, and a small exposion broke open a hole just big enough for him to crawl through. He crawled through and was surprised when he looked up, he saw open sky where the ceiling and thousands of other floors should be. Smoke rose in the distance, and all around. He looked out on a dark and smoldering city, lifeless and stripped bare. How long had he been out? He brought up his vitals history on his goggles. Apparently it had been a few weeks. His armor diagnostics showed it had been giving him steady kolto injections within that time, slowly nursing him back to health. He must have took a bigger hit than he thought.
He needed a way out of this place. The Ebon Hawk was gone, stolen by Canderous and that other guy. He brought up the video feed from just before he lost conciousness and displayed the picture inside his lenses. He paused and zoomed in on the other man's face. He ran a facial recognition scan and waited for a result. After a few moments it came back with not one but three matches. The first one said he was a Republic scout by the name of Venar Moonrunner. The second showed a partial match with The Mysterious Stranger, though that was to be expected because there were no good holo images of him. The third result, though, was especially puzzling. It couldn't be, could it?
Whatever the case, he realized there was only one thing to do. The Sith would pay a fine price for bringing this man in, and if he was indeed the Mysterious Stranger then he could probably get double for the Jedi he was with. How fortunate then, that there just happened to be a Sith battle fleet overhead...
He extended his right arm and a grapple shot out of his armored gauntlet, snagging on a building across the way. He tapped a button and the line began to reel him in, launching him over an ominous and unforgiving drop. Should he fall, not even his armor could save him. Fires burned as far down as he could see, casting a orange-red glow against the lower parts of the buildings. It made it seem like there was a raging inferno waiting for him below.
He hoisted himself up onto the ledge of the other building as he was reeled in. He spotted a Sith fighter patrolling in low, heading in his direction. He retracted the grapple and primed it for another shot. He crouched low as the fighter neared, aiming his wrist towards the incoming aircraft. He had to time it just right or he would miss his shot. Just a little closer... Whoosh! The grapple shot out hitting its mark in the underbelly of the fighter. The sharp arrowhead pierced the hull underneath and lodged itself into place. Calo was swept up as the fighter passed, slowly reeling himself in as he was towed behind in the open air.
Once he was right up underneath the ship, he reached out and placed a small circular device that tapped into the fighter's comm circuits. Now he could listen in the everything the pilot and command were saying.
"No survivors spotted, finishing up my run and returning to port," came the static voice of the pilot.
"Acknowledged. You are clear to dock."
The small aircraft swooped up underneath the largest of the battle cruisers. The underbelly of the massive vessel split open by two large sliding panels that opened wide as if it was some sort of colossal beast swallowing them whole. As soon as the fighter was within the interior of the ship, Calo retracted his grapple and dropped down onto the floor of the hangar.
Within moments he was surrounded by silver armored soldiers and several tall silver battle droids. Calo held up his hands in a surrendering gesture and with a sly smile said, "Hey boys, what do you say I get a meeting with your leader?"
"And why would we do that?" one of the soldiers barked.
"Because... I can find the Jedi he seeks. For a price, of course."
Venar walked through the narrow passageway of the cave. It was dark and damp, with no sign of life as he shined the light in front of him. His shadow loomed large against the wall as he walked through. He felt a warmness coming from up ahead, more within himself than actual temperature. The melodic chime in his head grew louder as he walked through.
He felt his power return to him as he drew closer to the source of the signal, re-invigorating him. He came to a large area in the cave where the roof sloped upward into a dome shaped formation. There was a small hole at the top where daylight shined through in a divine ray of light. That ray of light shimmered off a small pond in the center of cave. All around on the walls and hanging from above were clear kyber crystal formations. He also noticed along the walls there were some small tunnels and bore holes.
As he walked closer to the pond, suddenly all the crystals began to glow white as he approached. There was a formation in the center of the pond that jutted out of the water. These crystals shined brighter than all the others, and he was certain these were the ones that were calling to him. The jagged formation began to dim a little as he neared, but the peak began to glow brighter still.
Venar reached out with the Force, finding the shard of kyber that was calling out to him. He reached out his hand and grasped it with an invisible embrace, and seperated that small shard from the rest. Suddenly, the rest of the crystals ceased to glow, returning to a clear translucent state. His chosen glowing shard of crystal floated through the air and settled in the palm of his hand. As it touched his skin, it turned a vivid shade of royal blue. He turned it over in his hand, feeling the smooth texture and the warmth it radiated. He could sense it, feel it connecting to his very being and his mind, as if it were alive almost.
A shrill hiss multiplied over and over, pierced the air. He closed his fist around his crystal as several large kinrath spiders began crawling out of their bore holes. They were grotesque looking creature with two insect legs on either sides of their bodies. Their bodies themselves sloped upwards in a crescent shape where a fifth leg stuck out where it's face should be. The end of that leg was adorned with a sharp sickle-like stinger.
They quickly surrounded him on every side, shrieking and hissing in haunting tones. They were completely blind, not even possessing eyes of any kind. They navigated by seeing through the Force which was uncommon for a simple life form. The ends of their stingers dripped with poison. Venar knew that even one nick and he could very well end up fighting for his life out here.
Venar reached deep into the Force, channeling the soothing power of the crystal and using it to reach out into the minds of the large insects. They seemed to respond to his actions, becoming less agressive. He continued to project a feeling of calmness and serenity onto the creatures, slowly backing away from them. They gradually parted, allowing him to pass and back out of the cave. He was careful not to leave too quickly in fear of agitating them, and as he exited they crawled back into the holes they had come from.
He was relieved when he was finally back outside. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and refocus. That was way too many man-eating insects for one day. He opened his hand to look at his crystal once more. Even under direct sunlight it glowed that same blue color. He'd never really seen anything like it before. He pocketed it, and set off back towards the settlement.
When he finally returned to the Jedi enclave, it was late afternoon and Bastila and Master Zhar were there waiting for him in the training room. He wasn't sure if they sensed his arrival and came here, or had they just been standing around the whole time?
"You guys really need a hobby or something," he said taking out his crystal to the show the Jedi.
"Welcome back," Master Zhar said, "You have passed this trial."
"I had a feeling this was some sort of test," Venar said.
"Yes, but maybe more than you realized," Bastila explained, "Master Zhar told you to go and seek out a crystal cave North of the enclave. The truth is, there are many similar caves in that area, but there is only one crystal cave. Despite vague directions, you were able to follow the Force to that location. That is a trait that will be most helpful to you. In time, you will learn how to find what you seek on a planet-wide scale."
"Ah, yes. For now, it is time to construct your lightsaber," Zhar said. The twi'lek Jedi Master lead them out of the training room just down the hall to a little worshop of sorts. There were crafting tables and benches and many cabinets with drawers all arranged neatly about the room. "All the materials you need to build your lightsaber are in this room. The lightsaber is a Jedi's weapon, but it is also much more than that. It is an extension of your essence and your personality. The hilt of a Jedi's lightsaber is as individual as the one who weilds it. You must make it yours. There are diagrams on the crafting tables of basic matrix designs so that your lightsaber will function properly. Other than that, the hilt can be designed in any way you want."
"It may take several hours for you to complete your lightsaber," Bastila said, "and if at any point you require some assistance you may ask me or Master Zhar for help."
Over the next several hours Venar searched and dug through the various drawers of materials that were available to construct his weapon. He carefully studied the design matrix and tried his best to commit it to memory. After he was satisfied with the materials he had gathered, he knelt down on the floor and layed them all out before him. His crystal glowed blue amidst the scraps of metal and various inner mechanisms of the lightsaber. He closed his eyes, taking hold of each individual piece with the Force, the scrap floating in the air in front of him. He began to form an image in his mind of how his hilt would look, and the power matrix within. Piece by piece, he began assembling his weapon in the air in front of him. When he finally opened his eyes, there was his lightsaber, fully complete, suspended in the air in front of him. He brought it into his grasp and ignited it, the blue beam of energy extending from the curved slightly hourglass-shaped hilt. He felt the energy from the weapon vibrate in his hands.
"Remarkable," he heard Zhar's voice from behind, "It seems you set your crystal perfectly. It is extremely rare for an initiate to accomplish this the first time they construct their lightsaber."
"What does this mean?"
"It means it is time for your final trial," the twi'lek explained.
"What must be done?" Venar asked, deactivating his lightsaber and strapping it to his belt.
"Not far from the settlement there is a grove that is strong in the Force. Recently, it has been tainted by the Dark Side. It has drove the kath hounds in the area mad and especially aggressive. You must find the source of the corruption and cleanse it."
"What am I looking for?"
"I cannot tell you anymore than that. Only that this will be the most difficult test you will have faced thus far. Remember, there is always more than one way to solve a problem, and the one that bears the best results may not always be the most obvious choice."
"Isn't there anything more you can tell me?"
"Only to rely on what you have learned, and may the Force be with you."
"Cryptic as always Master Zhar..."
"Would you really expect anything less?" Zhar said with a sly smile.
"Fair enough."
Suddenly the Jedi Master took a step forward and put his hand on Venar's shoulder. "You've done well, Venar," he said his voice taking a serious tone, "You have the potential to be a great Jedi. However, not everyone in the Order is going to see it that way. Some members on the Council take an overly rigid view of the code. You must follow the path the Force guides you on, regardless of what others around you may say."
"Why are you telling me this?" he asked, curious as the intentions of the old Jedi.
"I'm afraid the cards are stacked against you. You will have to prove yourself more so than normal initiates and Padawans. The Council is taking a special interest in your progress. Trust in the Force, my friend, and you'll be fine."
"As you say, Master Zhar."
"Go now. Your trial awaits."
Evening was beginning to stroll forth over the region, bringing with it a rosy sunset that accentuated the sky. The air had cooled down substantially and a light breeze licked the air. The brown flowing hooded robe he had been given trailed behind him as the breeze struggled to carry it away.
The Ancient Grove was a place strong in the Light Side of the Force, a place of tranquility and peace. Often Jedi would use it to meditate and to focus themselves before and after being deployed on a mission. Now though, an overwhelming amount of vicious kath hounds had taken up residence in the grove, preventing many younglings and Padawans from being able to focus their power there. Just as Master Zhar had said, Venar sensed a dark presence here as he walked through the tangle of trees that provided a sheltering canopy of leaves overhead.
Throughout the area there were stone meditation circles constructed hundreds of years ago by previous Jedi. Statues of hooded figures were scattered about the area and a clear reflection pool in the center of the grove. The stone structures and statues here looked old, with a worn mossy texture to them. The area was conspiciously quiet, and there were no kath hounds around that he could see.
He cautiously walked over to the reflection pool. The water was still like a glass surface and clear. He threw back his hood and stared into the water at his reflection. He looked different than he had when he first arrived on Dantooine. His hair had grown longer, combed tightly in a neat straight backwards swoop. The stubble on his face had grown in more and the patch of hair below his lip more pronounced. He still had his doubts but he had to admit that the Jedi were having a positive effect on him.
Suddenly, he felt a cold chill run through the air and he stood up to investigate. "Who dares enter my sanctuary?" a chilling female voiced whispered through the air, as if coming from all directions.
"Who's there?" he called, his voice unwavering.
"Leave this place... unless you've come to die..." The shrill voice responded.
"I'm afraid I can't do that miss... what's your name?"
"So be it. Death it is."
Suddenly, he saw the reflection of several pairs of eyes twinkling back at him through the shadows of the grove. Deep growls began to emanate from the kath hounds lurking there. Their eyes had a yellowish tinge to them as they walked towards him from all sides. He activated his lightsaber, the blue beam of energy humming and lighting up the area.
"Ah, so we can't be friends then?" The wild beasts surrounded him growling through gritted teeth and salivating at the mouth. No response came from the mysterious voice as he prepared for the attack. "Guess not," he muttered to himself.
Just then one of the wild beasts lunged forward snapping his jaws toward his leg. He swung his lightsaber to counter the blow, the blue beam of energy searing through the creatures jaw, severing it from the rest of his body. The large animal slumped to the ground in pain, shrieking and howling. Venar stabbed down with his weapon, piercing the kath hound through the skull, ending its life.
The rest of the pack was undeterred, however, and three of them began to move in together for a simultaneous strike. He responded by spinning a Force augmented kick to the one coming in from the rear and then slashing forward at the other two hounds. One of the hounds dodged underneath his blade but he struck the other one in the shoulder. The other one proceeded to ram him head on, striking him in the abdomen. He fell onto his back as the beast bared down on him its jaws open wide to take a bite out of his face. With lightning reflexes, Venar brought his lightsaber up across his face to defend. The kath hound snapped its jaws shut, biting down on the lightsaber beam that in turn seared through its jaws as Venar sliced forward, disconnecting the beast's head from its body in a molten mess. The smell of burning fur reached his nostrils as he kicked the body off and got back to his feet.
He grabbed the other two kath hounds with the Force and threw them clear across the other side of the reflection pool. Their bodies struck against the bow of a tree and they fell to the ground motionless. The last two kath hounds let out a shrill bark and barrelled toward him leaping through the air. Venar spun out of the way of one as he sliced right down the center of the other kath hound as it flew through the air. When it landed, it was split right down the middle, its organs and intestines spilling out as the heat from the lightsaber couterized wound. The last kath hound swung back around at full speed, determined or maybe just driven mad. Venar threw his lightsaber through the air and it lodged in the skull of the incoming beast. Before the animal even slumped to the ground, Venar recalled the hilt of his lightsaber to his hand.
"Is that all you got?" Venar called out to the darkness, "why don't you come out so we can talk?"
"Be careful what you wish for..." the mysterious voice sounded closer now. He turned back towards the reflection pool. Now the water was jet black and rising from it was a humanoid female figure walking forward towards him. She wore a tight fitting black suit with a long tattered battle skirt flowing down from the hip. Her skin was covered in short ligth tan fur and her yellow eyes had a feline quality to them. Her ears were pointed and the longer fur on top of her head had been combed back down the back of her scalp. Venar recognized the species as Cathar. Humanoid feline people that were native to some planet in the Outer Rim. She stepped completely out pool and stood only a few meters from Venar.
She looked young, maybe late teens early twenties. She pulled out a lightsaber from her belt and ignited a crimson glowing blade. They stood regarding each other for a moment, each one studying their opponent.
"You're a Jedi," he said finally.
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