《STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic》Chapter 10
That night, both Venar and Bastila were wary of going to sleep, should they share another dream. Instead, Venar had returned to the ship with a bottle of imported Correllian wine. Once the others had learned of it, they of course wanted a bit of it for themselves as well. Soon, they found themselves all gathered around in the main room, spread out on cushioned metal sofas. Bastila had at first protested to having some herself but upon the encouragement of the rest, decided to have a glass as well.
"So Carth," Canderous said after taking a swig from the glass, "What battles did you fight in? I'm curious if we fought in the same battles."
"I prefer not to remember the battles I fought in," Carth responded, looking slightly uncomfortable.
"Really? I would've figured you out of anyone here would've appreciated the glory of war."
Venar casually listened to the two converse as Bastila and Mission played a round of pazaak.
"Why would you think that?" Carth responded, "We're nothing alike."
"No? We're both warriors are we not?"
"I'm a soldier, not a warrior. A warrior like yourself, seeks war, they enjoy it. A soldier doesn't seek war, we simply respond to it to protect the innocent and the weak, mostly, from warriors."
"Heh, you tell yourself so you can sleep better at night don't you?"
"I don't sleep most nights. Why don't you explain something to me, Canderous. Why did the Mandalorians attack the Republic? What could you have possibly hoped to gain?"
"We believe in glory through combat and war. We are only as good as the enemy we choose to fight. From the time we're born we are trained as warriors and through our skills we seek to gain glory through the enemies and the worlds we conquer. The Republic was the dominant power in the galaxy, who better to achieve the honor of combat with?"
"But you lost. So where's the honor in that?"
"Its true in the end we were defeated. But before we fell we made the entire galaxy tremble at our approach and we nearly brought the Republic to its knees. Through the actions of one Jedi, Revan, we were outmatched. He employed tactics and strategies we would have never expected the Republic to use. He was a brilliant commander and one deserving of our attention. There is no shame in losing to an opponent like that. Even in defeat, there is honor."
"Yeah, I bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep, huh?" Carth downed the rest of his wine in a swift gulp and stood up to leave. "I'm gonna check in for the night. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He walked off towards the sleeping quarters, leaving the half bottle of wine to the others.
"Canderous," Bastila said, looking up from her cards, "Perhaps it might be best to give Carth some space... He is a bit touchy about his time in the war."
"No skin off my back," the mandalorian replied, "I'm just saying, he should be proud to have fought and won against an enemy as fearsome as us."
"Not everyone sees it that way," she said carefully, "Just, take it easy on him."
"Hey Bastila," Mission said with a sly smile, "You ever use your Force powers to like play a prank on someone who annoys you or something?"
"What? No," Bastila said, as if the idea was so preposterous that it had never crossed her mind once, "Jedi are above such petty things. We only use our power to help people."
"That's no fun," Mission said frowning, "come on I know there must have been times where you wanted to."
"I... well there was this one Jedi during my training as a youngling," she admitted, "He was always showing off, he always had to be the best and he loved to rub it in. I had always wanted to just trip him from across the hall or something like that, but of course I never did."
"Sounds like a swell guy," Venar said, "who was he?"
"It was Revan, actually," Bastila said.
"I didn't realize you knew Revan for that long," Venar said, curious.
"Well we were both taken into the temple around the same time. We were never close or anything if that's what your wondering."
"Sounds like you were jealous of him."
"I was not. He just got on my nerves a little."
"Hey Bastila?" Mission asked suddenly.
"Can't you like use the Force to make Zaalbar's breath smell better?" She scooted slightly away from her wookie friend, waving her hand in front of her nose.
"No," Bastila said with a mischievous smile, "but I can do this..." She waved her hand toward Zaalbar, and suddenly he let out a loud belch that seemed to last for a good three seconds. Mission burst out laughing and even Canderous seemed to take satisfaction in it.
"What happened to Miss Perfect-Jedi?" Venar said teasing her, "Maybe I should tell the council about that..."
She simply looked at him, cocked an eyebrow and with a simple gesture sent him toppling backwards out of his seat. He hit the floor with a thud, spilling his wine all over him. Mission lost it, laughing hysterically nearly falling out of her seat herself. Bastila just tried to hide a smile of satisfaction behind her hand, before taking a sip of her wine.
Venar got up off the floor, his hair wet from his spilled drink, and a stain over the upper half of his shirt. He shook his head back and forth, droplets of the liquid flying through the air towards Bastila and Mission. He let out a hearty laugh as he purposefully tried to hit Bastila with the excess wine. She simply held up a hand, freezing the droplets of the potent liquid suspended in the air for a moment. Mission's and Venar's eyes went wide, and with a simple flick of her wrist, Bastila sent the droplets flying back at Venar. He closed his eyes as the droplets hit his face and his expression turned to an amused frown.
"That's it," he said, "you've convinced me to become a Jedi, if only to be able to pull stunts like that."
"Mhmm," Bastila responded, taking another sip, "well I'm not going to teach you anything."
"Yeah, well, just wait. I'm going to go get cleaned up now. This isn't over, Basty."
"Don't call me that."
"Basty, Basty, Basty..." He kept saying it over and over as he walked out of the room towards the refresher and the shower.
The next day Venar and Bastila went back to the Council Chambers in the enclave. Neither of them really knew what to expect, though Bastila had said that more likely than not, the Council likely decided that they would not accept Venar into the Order. Which is why, when Master Vandar had stated a few minutes later that Venar was to be trained as a Jedi, she was very surprised.
"After much consideration, and consultation with the rest of the Council," Master Vandar said, "we have decided that Venar, if he so chooses, will be given the opportunity to train as a Jedi."
"This decision was not made lightly, Venar," Master Zhar continued, "But it is my belief that you could play a vital role in this conflict should you accept. It is the collective belief of the Council that the Force has guided you to us."
"I still have my doubts," Master Vrook said.
"Your opinions have been noted," Vandar said, "but they do not coincide with the rest of the Council. The decision has been made. Venar, the choice is yours. You may take a day to decide if you wish."
"That won't be necessary, Master Vandar," Venar said, "I accept the invitation to train as a Jedi."
"Excellent," Master Vandar said, "Master Zhar will oversee your training."
"Thank you, Masters."
"Bastila," Vandar continued.
"Yes, Master?" she replied.
"The Council is most impressed with your handling of the situation on Taris and of guiding Venar to us. You displayed yourself as a model Jedi Knight, it won't be long before you become a member of this Council yourself."
"Thank you, Masters."
"Your patience and perseverance has paid off," Master Vrook said, "We have decided you will assist in Venar's training."
"We believe that the dreams you've shared are evidence of a Force Bond, similar to those between a Master and his Padawan," Master Zhar continued, "Rarely does a bond ever manifest itself so quickly, and because of this you will take to training Venar as if he were your own Padawan. Perhaps together, you both can draw on each other's strength."
"Understood, Master."
"One more thing," Master Vrook said to Venar, "Beware the Dark Side. Its pull will be especially strong with you, but you must not give in. Remember, that path is the path to destruction and ruin. You will lose not only yourself down that path, but everything you stand for as a Jedi."
"I will do my best to follow the Light, Master."
"Good, may the Force be with you."
"Follow me this way," Master Zhar said, "Your training will begin immediately." The twi'lek Jedi Master lead them out of the Council Chambers down several corridors towards the back of the enclave. He brought them to a large circular training room, with waterfalls pouring down into small little pools at the edges of the room. There were several racks with sparring blades and practice sabers. Off to the left side of the room, were several large heavy stone blocks in a heap on the floor. To the right side of the room, was a doorway that lead into a smaller room of some sort, it seemed to be changing room of sorts. Zhar pointed to the room, "In there, you will find a set of training robes. Once you're changed, you may come back out to begin the lesson."
He walked through into the room and inside in one of the stalls, was a set of neatly folded robes sitting on a bench. He changed into them and found them to be surprisingly comfortable. They were rather plain. A simple white long-sleeved shirt and white training greaves, over which hung a loose short-sleeved brown tunic and brown knee-length boots. He walked back out into the training circle. Bastila was grabbing a training staff off of one of the racks.
Master Zhar walked over to him and handed him a training saber. It looked like someone had just stuck a long metal pole into the hilt of a lightsaber.
"Bastila tells me you're quite skilled with a sword," Master Zhar said, handing him the weapon, "You will face Bastila in a sparring match to get an idea of your skills. Then we will work on refining your technique and teaching you how to attune the weapon to yourself through the Force."
Bastila walked over to them, twirling her staff with expert skill. Venar pressed the button on the hilt of his training saber, and the long metal rod which served as the 'blade', lit up a glowing yellow, crackling with energy.
"Your goal is to either disarm or deliver a killing blow to your opponent," Master Zhar explained, "Of course its only a training saber, so it will only administer a non-lethal stunning shock."
Bastila flipped the switch on her hilt, and both blades lit up in the same yellow glow. Venar steeled himself and grasped his weapon firmly in his hands. Bastila circled him slowly, studying his stance and posture. He lashed out in a wide swing aiming across her abdomen. She sensed it before he even attacked, blocking it easily with one end of her staff and then spinning around to jab with the other end.
He ducked underneath as the crackling yellow blade whizzed over his head. He kicked out with his foot aiming for her ankle. She jumped over his kick and brought the end of her staff down vertically, aiming for his chest. He rolled out of the way just as the blade struck the stone floor. He jumped back up to his feet and responded with a series of quick strikes, seeking to throw his opponent off balance. She easily side-stepped every strike and with a quick twirl of her staff struck the hilt of his weapon and sent it flying out of his hand through the air. Master Zhar caught it just as she brought the edge of her staff to Venar's throat.
"Perhaps you're not as skilled as I thought," Bastila said.
"I'm not done yet," he replied as he struck out with both hands and grabbed the hilt of her staff and wrestled it away from his throat. She shoved him backwards and swung the end of her weapon towards his midsection. He rolled forward, dodging her swing and reached up and grasped the center of her staff, both of them vying for control. He swung his leg at her ankle, knocking her off balance and sending the staff flying through the air out of reach. She hit the floor and he used the opportunity to try and pin her down. She kicked out, catching him square in the chest and sending him flying backwards several meters. He landed hard on his back, the wind going out of him.
"Well done," Master Zhar said, signaling the end of the fight, "Even though you were severely outmatched, you persisted even when your opponent seemed to have you beat. You will make a fine Jedi yet."
"I... need a nap..." Venar said gasping for air.
"And so begins the next lesson," Zhar said, "While normally you experience the physical limitations of relying on your own strength, you must instead, learn to draw on the Force for your strength. Your mind is filled with too much noise, and that distracts you from seeing clearly in combat, and in everyday situations."
"Focus on your breathing, Venar," Bastila said, her voice kind and soft, "Close your eyes and push away the thoughts that cloud your mind. Focus on your own heartbeat, then on the sounds around you. Feel the shape of the room with your mind, feel the presence of those around you..."
He drew a deep breath and closed his eyes. He tried his best to clear his mind of distractions. He became more aware of his heart beating in his chest, and then that of Bastila's. He imagined the circular room which was built around him, the racks of weapons, the staff still lying on the stone floor.
"Good," came Zhar's voice, "Reach out with your mind, find the stone blocks that lay on the far side of the room. Through the Force, everything is connected, everything is bound. There is not a single object in all the galaxy that is not touched by the Force. It binds all living things together, just as you and Bastila are bound together. Without the Force, life could not exist."
"Find the stones, Venar," Bastila said, "reach out to them. Imagine them simply lifting off the ground."
Venar searched the room in his mind, remembering where the stone blocks sat. He focused on them, blocked out everything else. He imagined reaching out with an invisible hand, grasping one of the blocks and setting it neatly on the floor. He imagined doing this over and over again until the blocks formed a small pyramid in his mind. When he opened his eyes, the blocks were arranged exactly as he had imagined.
"Remarkable," Master Zhar said, "You are a much quicker learner than I would have expected. One lesson and you're already ahead of most younglings."
"I can't explain it but... I just knew how... I felt it," Venar said, rising to his feet.
"You are certainly a special case," Zhar said, "Very rarely is anyone your age ever accepted into the Order. Even rarer is your natural affinity to the Force. I've never seen someone learn that quickly."
"What does that mean?" he asked.
"Its hard to say," Zhar admitted, "your path is clouded. The Council was unable to see what the future holds for you. Your next step in training, is to study in the library here in the enclave. Master Dorak will meet you there. He has set aside some texts for you to read. If you are to become a Jedi, you must learn the fundamental tenants of our Order."
"I will work on developing a combat training regiment for you," Bastila said, "after I guide you down to see Master Dorak."
"Great... sounds exciting, "he said unenthusiastically.
"It may not be the most glorious of tasks," Zhar responded, "but I'm sure that in time you may find the knowledge you gain to be quite beneficial."
"So, when do I get my laser sword thingy?"
"When you learn the proper term, and when you are worthy."
"Alright, I get it gotta prove my worth and all that jazz first. Come on Basty lets go learn me some Jedi stuff."
Zhar gave a short cordial bow, signaling it was time for them to move on. Bastila and Venar, now Master and Padawan, turned and walked out of the training room. They made their way back down the hallway they had come until they came to a small outdoor courtyard at the center of the enclave. It was a circular area with smooth stone pavement around a circular fountain again with a statue of a Jedi adorning its center.
The entire structure and layout of the enclave was designed to imbue its occupants with a sense of peace and tranquility. All the other Jedi they passed seemed so at ease and calm, he could feel it projecting onto himself. He wasn't used to places like this. He was used to busy and foul-smelling ports he would come across on odd jobs in the Outer-Rim. This was all new and refreshing, yet it was a somewhat familiar feeling. Even Bastila seemed less up-tight walking the halls of the Jedi Enclave.
"You should try to show some more respect to the Masters," Bastila said suddenly. Well, so much for her being less up-tight.
"Hey, I'm just being myself," he replied in his typical light-hearted tone, "Besides, I think you like it."
"Even if I did, you are in the a temple of the Jedi. The Masters will be watching your progress especially closely. If they get the impression that you're not taking it seriously they may decide to discontinue your training. As we've already been over, we share a Force Bond now. Our fates are tied whether we like it or not, so please, try to take this seriously." They walked out of the courtyard to a staircase that lead down to the sub-level of the temple to where the archives are kept. They headed down another corridor as Bastila took a breath to continue her lecture.
"Alright, alright, I get it, I get it. I'll try to act more grumpy and emotionless like you."
"I'm asking you to act like a Jedi," Bastila said, stopping outside the door to the library and making eye contact.
"What's the difference?" he quipped and opened the door to the library and walked inside. Bastila just sighed and followed after him. They were met by Master Dorak, the Chronicler of the Order. He walked over and gave a bow and motioned with his hand a seat at one of the record terminals.
"Welcome to the Archives," Dorak said, "I'm afraid its not as big as the one on Coruscant but it will be sufficient for your training."
"How come I'm not training on Coruscant like most Jedi?" he said, taking the seat in front of the holoscreen. "That is where the main Jedi Temple is right?"
"That is correct. However, a portion of the Council has located here to be better able to assist some of the more outlying worlds in the war. Also we're uncertain whether Malak has spies on Coruscant. This location is much more remote and of little interest to the Sith."
"Excuse me, Master Dorak," Bastila interrupted, "I must go attend to working up a combat schedule with Master Zhar."
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