《A Love Like This.... ✔》#14-- Light. ✔


(This is how it ends, i feel the chemicals burn in my... bloodstream. Fading out again, i feel the chemicals burn in my... bloodstream. Tell me when it kicks in......-- Bloodstream- Ed Sheeran & Rudimental)

I'm officially obssessed with this song and the lyrics are appropriate for the ending of this chapter. This is just the beginning. *winks* *winks*)


It's very clear that what I am thinking or what I was thinking, is right.

Should I be angry or should I be happy? I don't know. Why did she not tell me before? Why did give me the job? What was she thinking? Did she give me the job to make a fool out of me? But why would she keep away her identity from me?

Ashna and Ashu are the same person. Stupid me! Even the names are sounding similar. How can I not see that? If she is Ashu then she is not the previous Ashu at all. Both of their personalities are so different. Both of them are totally different. This proves how ignorant I am and have always been.


"What are you thinking?" Ashna asked, she was busy licking on her ice-cream from the cone.

She looks adorable just like a kid.

"Nothing." I said. "It's still half-n-hour to go before the doctors come out of the operation theatre."

"Yes." Ashna looked at me. "How long were you standing there?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Quite long." I shrugged, remembering what she said.

"Did you hear us talking?"

"I did."

"W-what did you hear?"

I sighed heavily. "I heard what you said. I'll talk to you about it when we get back to India tomorrow." I looked at her eyes intensely. "And I want to hear the truth."

With that I walked away.


I know what Roy wants to talk about but right this moment I can think of only one thing and that is my baby daughter will see me for the first time ever. 'Thrilled' would be the correct word to describe my happiness right now.

Would she recognize me? I doubt that. She didn't even know how I look like. Avery wasn't born blind as far as the doctors told me, it was an accident, an accident by some sort of light that affected her baby eyes in her infancy. Basically, she doesn't even remember anything that she saw in her babyhood. No one does.


It's time for her to see the light.

Roy and I, with the three eye-specialists and the surgeons were in Avery's hospital cabin. It was two hours later after the operation now, Dr. Harper- Avery's eye-specialist was opening the bandage from her eyes.

"Do not open your eyes, okay?" Dr. Harper told Avery and she nods her head.

Roy held my hand firmly because I was fidgeting with my fingers and my palms were sweating. This is a symptom of my nervousness and years back I used to have this when I was world's biggest social stigma.

"Don't be nervous." Roy squeezed my hand a little.

"I'm not nervous." I say and try to hide my nervousness.

"I know what are your reactions when you're nervous." He spoke with a blank face when I looked at him. He knows who I am or maybe he doubts. Whatever it is, the thing is why he is being so nice to me? As far as I know him, he would turn around and leave without a backward glance.

"How do you feel, sweetie?" Asked one of the doctors to Avery.

"I feel different." The doctor smiles at Avery's reply.

"Different good or different bad?"

"Different good." Avery smiles.

"Then you're good to see the light." The doctor said.

Slowly Avery opened her eyes, blinking a few times. Her new eyes were in a shade of deep blue which complimented her hair and skin colour perfectly.

"Do you see everything clear, cupcake?" Dr. Harper asked Avery noting down something on his tablet. Avery nodded.

"Where is momma?" Avery asked. Tears formed in my eyes and I hesitated to move forward. I don't know she wants me or her real mother. Well, no one knows who is her real mother but still something made me not move towards her.

"She needs you. Go to her." Roy said, literally pushing me forward.

"What if she doesn't want me and she is looking for her real mother?"

"Don't be stupid. She is asking for you." Roy pulled me and walked towards Avery's bed. "Snow." Roy smiled at my baby.


"Polar bear!" She exclaimed with excitement. "Momma!" She pulled me in a hug. I felt good, my nervousness subsided.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"I'm perfectly fine momma. Thank you so much." She giggled. I kissed her cheeks.

"Hey princess, don't forget me." Roy said.

"Give me a huggy." Snow chirped and they hugged.

Watching them hug made me feel like home and family. Now I know why they say love and happiness are homemade.

"I'll talk to the doctors. Be right back." I smiled at them.

The doctors were out of the cabin. I walked out and went to the doctors cabin.

Dr. Harper and the other 3 doctors were seated, I entered.

"Ms. Kapoor, we were discussing Avery's case." Dr. Harper said.

"Is there any complications?" I ask.

"No, the operation was successful. Congratulations." We shook hands. "There are no complications but we have to keep her under observation for a couple of days."

"Okay. Can we take her back to India and do the rest of the treatment?"

"Oh yes. We will discharge her from here and she will be admitted in Mercy Hospital where we were checking her previously in India."

"That would be great. Thank you so much, doc."

"We will send a nurse along with you when you leave."

"Thank you Dr. Harper."

He nodded and we smiled.


We were seated in my private jet, taking off for India. It was an 8 hour flight. Roy was totally quite which was somewhat strange.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He didn't reply, instead he took out his iPhone and put on his earbuds, listening music.

"Roy?" I asked sternly. "What's wrong? Why are you acting so weird?"

"Nothing is wrong, okay? Leave me alone, will you?"

"Fine." I frustratedly stood up and walked to the private cabin where Avery was sleeping with her nurse keeping an eye on that little monkey of mine, my little daughter.

When I entered the cabin Avery and her nurse were sound asleep.

I just need to keep my calm and deal with it. Roy doesn't have any reason to be angry here. If he found out that I'm the girl who he dumped 7 years back then that's not my problem.

I should be the one getting angry on him, he was the one who said all those rude words, he was the one who made my life totally dark that night, that I needed to blew up a whole goddamn factory to light up my life, that night.

That day was the worst day of my life. Roy was not the only reason for me to not trust men. It was my dad.

Till this day, whenever I get a flashback of that person, tears roll down my eyes. I always thought that my dad loved me, no matter what he did to my mother, how much he hit her and caused her pain every single day, I knew that he loved me. I know I was being selfish but I loved my dad. Until that night.

I don't want to remember what he did to me, I don't want to remember what he did to my mother, I don't want to remember my brother's face that night, I don't want to remember that man.

He was a beast. He was Lucifer. He was the devil. He was a cheater.

It was not only him, it was Roy too. I thought he would be my escape but I was so wrong. That night he broke up with me. Not that I didn't knew it wasn't permanent, because I knew. That night I needed someone, I needed Roy. I was tired of being strong for my brother and mother and for myself. I was tired of pretending to be okay. That night I was broken.

Broken by my dad. Shattered by Roy.



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