《Undercover Gangleader》Chapter Two


"Did you hear? Apparently there's going to be a fight today." Hana says, practically jumping out of her seat as she tries her best to conceal her excitement in class." At one. A football player against a basketball player."

I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty excited too. A fight is literally the only exciting thing that happens at our school." Did they say who?"

She smirks over at me and ducks her head, trying to stay clear from the teachers attention." Jacob and Jake."

"The Battle Between The J's." I whisper as I copy the notes written on the board. She smiles and a comfortable silence goes over us, as the teacher begins to lecture the kids in the back that they'll actually use this in they're life time.

"Asher. Give them a list of things they'll use pythagorean theorem for. Just simply pythagorean theorem , none of this." The teacher gestures to the board and a sigh out, before standing in front of the class.

I look at the football players and roll my eyes, before beginning." Okay. Let's say there was a football game." I hastily draw a field and three player, each making a point of a triangle." So player number one, and player number two are ten feet away from each other. And player two and player three are straight in front of each other, at a distance of fifteen feet. So how far does player one need to throw for it to reach player three."

They all look around, adding it all in their heads and the tallest and most muscular one answers," Around eighteen feet."

I smile to myself and says,"Correct." And I sit down, before handing them the paper where I had worked out the problem as I came up with it. Maybe one will keep it and if they don't, oh well.


"Thank you Asher." Mr. Swords says to me before finishing today's lesson.

"I see the nerd doesn't have a fear of talking in front of class anymore." A football player whispers to me and I shrug, before toning him out and listening to the teacher., acting as if I don't care.Who am I kidding? I'm practically jumping up and down that I overcame that fear. Now if I could just get over Cat tails......

I've missed first period by the time I make it to the school, mostly because the fight I had put up before I left. My attire has gone to shit, and my motorcycle has been replaced by a Jeep. A Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Kids my age all wander around the halls as they head to second period as I may my way to the office for the paper that supposed to guide me at this hell hole. There's reasons as to why I dropped out of school, the students and teachers being most of them. I tighten and untighten my jaw as I walk into the crammed office that smells of nothing but ink and cheap perfume." Hello. How may I help you?"

A blonde woman sits behind the counter, her hand spread out as she files her long red claws. She looks at me expectedly, meaning that smoker voice that should belong to a truck driver came from her. The cigarettes she smokes probably has nothing to do with it , the problem being all that orange gunk on her face she calls makeup has probably formed a sand castle in her lungs." I was needing my schedule."

Her dead eyes meet mine, as she pops her gum with her spray tanned finger."Name?"

It's give my damn schedule to me or you won't have to wait for the lung cancer to kill you out." Xavier Samuels." My hatred for the last name probably showing on my face. I get the changing of the name so no one will recognize me but why the most basic name you could probably find on google?((


A sarcastic smile forms on her face showing her mix match of white and yellow teeth." Here you go honey." She says before slipping the paper on the desk after I wouldn't grab for it. There's no way I'm going to touch that hand that probably shares the same DNA as a bag full of STDs." Come again."

"I'd rather drink gasoline." I mummer under my breath as I go back into the hallway, this time it bend less chaotic. A group of cheerleaders stand in the corner, all surrounding a football player. Some letting out giggles while others feel his arms. Why couldn't I get a role like that? One that I could actually enjoy.

"Okay, okay. Go to class or you all have detention." A mans voice booms through the hallway making the jocks all scatter away, some nearly running into walls." And what do we have here?" He says and turns to face me, his brow creasing slightly." A new student?"


He smiles at me, his teeth actually white unlike the woman's, the air around him seeming clean." My names Jason, but call me Mr.Grands when the super attendants are around. And are you needing help with finding your classes?" He runs his hand through his balding and greying hair.


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