《Save me || Jungkook ff ✔》15 - SHOPPING ✔


We sat down at the little coffee table. Nina-eonni and Junghyun-oppa sat in the small blue velvet couch. Jungkook sat down in the matching armchair. I stood beside Jungkook. There were no more places to sit.

"Y/N." Jungkook said and patted his lap. I shook my head.

"No No, it's fine. I'll stand." I said embarrassed. Jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me down in his lap. He slid his arms around my waist and kept a soft but stern grip around me. He quickly pecked my ear secretly. I don't think they noticed but I surely did.

The three of them talked a little. I couldn't focused on what was said. I could only think about how Jungkooks breath hit my neck and right cheek, how his hands were wrapped around me, how his chest moved when he breathed, how his clear voice went past my right ear.

"Y/N?" Jungkook said. I hummed and looked at him.

"Nina-noona was asking if you wanted to go with her to shop tomorrow." Jungkook said. I looked at Nina-eonni. She showed me her shining smile with her perfect white teeth.

"Oh, uhm. Ye-yeah sure." I said and forced a small smile. She nodded happily. My mind got, over again, cut off by Jungkook. He put his chin on my shoulder and leaned us back in the armchair. I was now, practically, laying on his chest with his breathing just at my right ear.


Jungkook and his brother went to do something and left me and Nina-eonni alone. I was a bit uncomfortable but she seemed nice.

The kid from earlier came back. He grabbed eonnis hand.

"Noona, come play with me!" He said and pulled her hand.

"Y/N-ah, you can come too. Right?" She said and looked at the kid. The kid nodded and held out his hand for me. I grabbed his small hand and followed them to his play room.


"Y/N-noona Sit here." The kid said and made me sit on the floor. Eonni sat opposite from me and the kid sat beside me and eonni.



When I came back to the small living room, they were gone. I looked through the rooms close to the living room. I found them in the play room.

I quietly stood by the door and watched them. They were playing with his toy cars. Y/N and noona were smiling as they drove the cars around on the floor with the little guy.

Y/N noticed me and showed me her beautiful smile.

"Kookie! Come and play with us!" She said happily. I chuckled a little at her cuteness. I sat down beside her and joined in.


We were talking to the others, well I was and Y/N was trying her best still having a good grip on my hand.

She suddenly grabbed my hand tighter and nudged my arm. I looked at her and she didn't look well.

"Bathroom." She said and covered her mouth.

"Oh shit." I quickly pulled her toward the bathroom and locked the door behind us. She threw up in the toilet.


I had told everyone that we needed to go home and quickly drove home with Y/N.



Nina-eonni called and said that she was standing outside.

"Kookie!" I called him from the hall.

"Yes?" I heard his footsteps coming closer until I could see him.

"I'm going." I said. I was really nervous and somewhat scared.

Jungkook approached me and wrapped me in his arms.

"If anything for some reason goes wrong, call me. I'll be there just a minute later." He said and leaned back to see me.

"Thank you." I whispered. I stood on my tiptoes and pecked his cheek. I stood back down. Jungkook cupped my face and placed a kiss on my lips.


We smiled to eachother before I turned around and walked out of the door. I waved to him and he waved back. I turned around and walked when Jungkook suddenly grabbed my arm and turned me around. He brought me into a deep kiss.

"Jagi, be careful. Okay?" He said. I nodded still a little shocked at what he addressed me.


Me and eonni was looking through the different stores and found really nice clothes.

After a while with eonni I could relax a bit. She was really nice. She felt like a real big sister.


"Yess! That looks amazing! We need to get that for you!" She said and almost jumped excitedly.

Most of the outfits consisted of jeans a t-shirt and an oversized jacked or hoodie. I really felt comfortable in that and eonni thought it looked good on me so we ended up getting a lot of that.


We went back to the car and put away the bags with clothes.

"Should we stop by at a cafe?" Eonni asked as we sat down in the car.

"Yeah." I said and showed her a smile.


We went in the small cafe. It looked pretty cool in there. It was kind of old-fashioned with a touch of the modern.

We sat down at a table at the window.

To be honest, I had never been to a cafe before. A guy came up to us and asked what we wanted. At first I got scared of the guy but eonni calmed me down. She whispered that this was his job as she grabbed my hand in hers. She ordered for both of us because I had no idea about what to get. The same guy later came with our order.

I noticed someone familiar walking by the window but I didn't catch who it was. The person just swished past.

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