《The Poems of Light and Edge》Perfect Human


Perfect grades,






Perfect everything.

I do so much,

And I don't let my grades fall down.

My friends ask me for favors,

And I do them.

My family wants to spend time with me,

I do it.

My life's so perfect,

And yet I'm only human.

I can only take so much,

Until I break.

I still bleed,

And fall,

And hurt.

I still feel pain,

Yet people just...

Don't get that.

I guess they'll never understand,

That I'm not perfect,

I'm just a simple human.


Hope you enjoyed this! I'm sorry about not posting as early as I used to, but school does take a lot of time. I'll try my best to keep up (ᵔᴥᵔ). Please , and ✌🏼🖤

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