《The Poems of Light and Edge》Work


You sit around.

You play your games.

You stir up drama.

You laugh with friends.

While I'm right by you,

Taking all the papers,


With jobs I have to do.

I do your work,

I hand it back,

And you hand it in.

I'm tired and exhausted,

And then you say,

"Why can't you work today?!"

I want to sleep,

I want to watch a movie.

For goodness sake,

I want to lay in bed and read!

But no, I can't.

I have to stay up,

Doing work that you didn't do

Because we share the result.

You make me want to fall,

Give up.

Each morning,

I want to lay in bed,

And just do nothing.

My head is aching,

My skull's too small for me.

My back is hurting more

When I stand straight.

The needles around my heart,

Poke me more and more

Until I fall.

And I can't breathe!

It hurts, and aches to live.

I understand that you have a life,

You have your problems.

So here's the surprising thing:




It's new I know.

I have a life.

I have my dreams,

My fears,

My hopes and wishes.

But you don't seem to care.

I'm so tired,

That I'm the one that cares.

If only I could tell you.

If only you knew.

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