《My Brothers' Enemy》13. You Are So Annoying, Noah Knight!


Emma's POV

''thank you, ladies! you can go change now,'' the captain finally announced, after a heck of a training. Abby jogged over to me, looking drenched in sweat, as she was practicing with the other girls. we entered together the girls changing room, which was fully packed with sweaty bodies. i spotted Della talking on the phone, so we quickly went to her.

''hey dells,'' once she heard my voice, she quickly hid her phone behind her back, exactly like she didn't want me to know who was she talking to. she chuckled nervously, giving her hair a flip.

''oh, Emms. how are you doing?'' she asked smiling nervously. i gave her a confused look, but decided to let it slide.

''good!'' Abby answered instead sensing the tension in my gaze. i shook my head, and smiled at her sincerely.

''i was checking on you. how are you doing?'' i asked, trying to avoid myself from asking. she smiled, as she hang on whoever was on the phone.

''i am good, practicing was very bad, i am drenched in sweat,'' she remarked.

''yeah i am too tired,'' i told her, smoothing down my flying hair. no matter how many times i actually try to let it down, it just stands up again.

cabins started getting empty, so we quickly entered and took a quick shower, as the training today was too intense, that we smelt like dead fish. getting out of the cabin, i quickly braided my hair, and the three of us got out.

''see ya,'' Della waved for us, as she now had physics, but me and Abbs had English. we parted ways, and finally entered the English class to find Logan seated in his usual seat. i smacked his head, causing him to glare up at me, so i quickly raised my hands in surrender, earning an eye roll, that he and i are famous of.

Abby and i took our seats behind him waiting for our favorite English teacher ever! note the sarcasm*

''good morning class,'' the chubby teacher entered with a scowl on his face, ''i have two things you need to know. first, there is a trip the coming week, a camping trip,'' once he said that, the class started clapping and whistling, but the teacher used his ass-sized book and slapped it on his desk multiple times to stop the screaming. once there was silence, he started again ''second thing, you have an English pop quiz,'' he smiled like a psychopath.

the whole class started groaning, including myself. he had a grin on his face hearing all the disagreements from us, and he started today's lesson. not really caring about whatever he was saying, i rested my head on the desk and started thinking back to Noah's words.

'you are mine.'

what did he mean by those words? was he acting that way out of jealousy? but why? i don't think so, but his words stayed with me all day long.

it was now lunch time, so i quickly ran to the cafeteria because i was starving. i took my seat, and dived into the pizza in front of me. while i was eating, i could hear the high bitchy voice of Stella as she was entering the place, making her iconic appearance. she was wearing a blue body suit, that was displaying her boobs leaving nothing for imagination, and a black skimpy shorts.

''everyone! there is a pool party tomorrow at my house. everyone is invited!'' she said with enthusiasm clapping her hands together, followed by whistles and voices of happiness from the cafeteria.


''weird,'' muttered Carter.

''why?'' i looked at him with confusion.

''she never invites the whole school, she usually invites the football team members and some others, but she leaves out the nerds and people like that,'' he explained, earning nods from Lucas and Logan.

''we are going, haa?!'' Abby jumped in excitedly, looking at the boys with sparkle in her eyes.

''except me,'' i muttered taking another bite from my pizza. she quickly shifted her attention to me, having a sad face.

''why?! it's going to be fun!'' she whined, and i instantly covered my ears, and glared at her. once she realized what i was talking about, her face fell down, as she gave me an apologetic look. i smiled faintly at her because i hate it when she is upset.

''why don't you wanna go, little one?'' Lucas asked caressing my arm.

''just not feeling it,'' i shrugged. he looked at me suspiciously, but then nodded anyways. i started eating again, but my phone's notification sound popped. i brought my phone out of my pocket, and opened a message from Carter. i looked at him weirdly, but he nodded to my phone. shrugging, i opened the message.

'you can always wear a one piece swimming-suit' i smiled at the message, and heard after that an excited whimper. i looked next to me and found Abby looking at me with a convincing look. thinking about it, it will not let my scar appear, and i will make them happy. sighing, i nodded at both of them, Abby squealed like a teen-age girl, and Carter smiled happily.

''what happened, Abby?'' Lucas asked giving her a curious look. she cleared her throat a bit, and shook her head as if nothing happened.

''you know what guys,'' i cleared my throat,''i think i will go, i mean why not?'' i said raising my hands. they both gave me a confused look.

''you two are crazy,'' Logan remarked taking a bite from his burger. i quickly held one of the fries, and threw it at him, but the talented ass of him, he quickly took it in his mouth, making me groan in annoyance.

''what made you change your mind?'' Lucas asked giving me a serious look.

''i don't know, guess a little bit of fun won't hurt,'' i shrugged, and he nodded his head. suddenly, his phone started ringing, and a smile broke on his face. he excused himself, and walked away from the table.

the moment he walked away, all of us brought our bodies forward and rested them on the table.

''you all are thinking the same thing I'm thinking about,'' i stated and they all nodded their heads eagerly.

''he has been an extra sweet heart the past couple of days,'' Logan said with narrowed eyes.

''he is talking on the phone quite a lot,'' i said.

''he smelled like feminine yesterday,'' Abby said pointing her finger to her neck.

''he is zoning out a lot!'' Carter whisper yelled. we stayed quite for a moment, and then realization hit us like thunder.

''WHO IS SHE?!'' we all asked in the same time, and i gasped in surprise, pointing at all of them.

''we need to investigate!'' Abby said with enthusiasm. yeah stalking is her talent.

''there is no way for us to know, but to take a look at his phone,'' Logan said looking deep in thoughts.

''he is right, and this part you and you will be responsible for!'' Carter ordered pointing at me and Logan.


''why us?!'' Logan whined, but stopped when i pinched his nose.

''we are his siblings, idiot!'' he nodded understanding, earning an eye roll out of me. Abby hushed at us all of a sudden, as Lucas came back looking like he was with a unicorn a while ago. Carter glared at all of us, and we all zipped our mouths and brought out silly conversations not to grab any attention. Lucas eyed us suspiciously but continued eating anyways. Logan sighed out loud, but quickly Carter elbowed him. i giggled silently, along with Abby who looked overly excited.


''this doesn't look right, mum,'' i whined as she continued applying eyeliner on my eyes. she watched this tutorial on YouTube, and was extra surprised with. unfortunately, i was her first victim, but i couldn't argue with her, though.

''and what do you know about makeup?'' she shouted at me angrily, and continued whatever she was doing, looking flustered.

''but at least i can know when there is something extra ugly,'' i muttered, but she smacked my head indicating that she heard me. i imaginably zipped my mouth, and crossed my both arms.

''AAAAHH!'' Logan screamed exaggeratedly once he saw me.

''is it that bad?'' i asked him, but he covered his mouth instead of answering.

''worse than Annabelle,'' he said rather too quickly, and ran out of the room. i jumped off the couch, and went to the nearest mirror, which was hanging near the house door.

''OH MY GOD, MUM!'' is shouted, as i looked at my reflection in the mirror. scratch that! Annabelle's reflection in the mirror. she jogged to me still holding the palette in her hand. she looked like she was about to laugh, but fought against it. i groaned angrily, and looked at her with an even angrier look.

''okay, i quit,'' she said raising her hands in surrender, while bursting out into laughter. dad joined her as he passed us, looking at me as if i am the most impossible thing ever. i stomped up the stairs not sparing them a glance, and instantly chose a black short, and a grey t-shirt, that is actually Lucas', and entered the shower. i stripped, and let the warm water eat me.

after a good 10 minutes of heaven, i was out of the shower, and dressed. as i was just about to hit the sheets, my phone started ringing. i looked at my phone, and found 'annoying ass' calling.

why is Noah calling me now? i huffed, and hang up on him, and quickly got under the duvet. not a moment after my phone rang again, so i quickly grabbed my phone and answered him.

''get down,'' that was the first thing i heard from him.

''what are you talking about?'' i asked quite confused by whatever he is saying.

''i am in front of your house,'' he stated confidently, while i was losing my mind. i quickly opened up the blinds and found him leaning down on his motor-cycle and waving at me. my jaw hit the ground, as i looked at him flabbergasted.

''what the hell are you doing here?!'' i whisper yelled at him, but he looked unaffected, sending me over the edge even more.

''get down, i wanna show you something.'' he said.

''what?! no! the whole house is sleeping,''

''that's why it's easier,'' he said, and started getting closer to the house. i started jumping and pointing for him to move away, but all he did was chuckle and shake his head. he went behind the house for a moment, and returned back with a ladder in his hand.

''what are you thinking?!!'' i whisper yelled at his cold figure that was annoying the shit out of me.

''are you coming down, or do you want me to come and get you?'' he grinned from ear to ear as he placed the ladder over my window. i wasn't afraid actually, because it was not my first time using this ladder to go down. i used to do it everyday to get down to Vicky- my dog, but she died when i was 14.

''shut up! just shut up! i am going down!'' i hissed at him through the phone, releasing part of my anger towards him. i opened the window widely, and slowly locked my phone and threw it on the bed. i grabbed the window door tightly, and slowly placed my right leg outside, and onto the first step of the ladder. with my other hand, i grabbed the ladder for balance, and let my left leg out. slowly, i turned around, and started descending the ladder.

everything was going on pretty well, but when i was about to touch the grass, my leg slipped. i was preparing myself to make out with the ground, but firm hands took hold of my falling body. i let out a breath of relief, and looked at Noah, who was having a smug face.

''you are full of surprises, princess,'' Noah said, as he was carrying me bridal style. amusement was dancing in his grey eyes, making me forget how to breath.

''what did you want?'' i asked him going straight to the point. without saying a word, he started moving towards his motor-cycle, that was parked on the other side of the street.

''you know i can walk?'' i asked him with a sharp tone. he nodded grinning, but continued walking any ways. once we reached the motor-cycle, he slowly let me sit, making me gasp at him.

''are you crazy, Noah?'' i asked him, folding my arms over my chest.

''no?'' he shrugged carelessly, getting on the motor-cycle in front of me. i punched his back, and quickly got off.

''where do you think you are taking me?!'' i whisper yelled at him. i felt the cold street in my legs, and cursed my luck, i was down here with me bare-feet!

''i am going to show you something, and then i am going to get you back her safe and sound,'' he said starting the motor. ''quickly princess, you want that to end quickly,'' he smiled. i huffed out a breath, and quickly got on behind him. he ran down the street, causing my wet hair to fly with the wind bringing me the best sensation ever. i enjoyed as much as i can the ride, and didn't even notice that he stopped.

''you liked the wind,'' he stated smiling at me. i nodded at him, and got off the motor-cycle to take a look around. we were in a deserted place, that looked like a beginning of a forest. there were a lot of thick trees around, with the moon shining above them.

''where are we?'' i asked him, panicking just a little bit. scratch that- panicking a lot!

''don't worry, i want to show you something,'' he said, giving me his hand to hold. i looked between his hand and his face eerily.

''do you trust me?'' he asked me with a smirk plastered on his face.

i rolled my eyes, but eventually took his hand, and he held it tightly. we started moving into the trees, which was very hard because of my bare-feet, but i continued walking with him any ways. his hand was soft yet firm, and it made me feel something-- tingles of electricity that were hard to ignore.

''ouch,'' i hissed, when i felt my foot walked on something sharp. he stopped immediately, and looked at my foot.

''why didn't you say that you were bare-feet?!'' he asked, hunching down to take a look on my foot. he grabbed it, and twisted it gently, running his hand across it.

''it's nothing,'' he said, and in a swift motion, i was scooped up in his arms. his sexy/hot smell invaded my nostrils, making me shake my head before i get into my own dream land.

''what are you doing? put me down!'' i shouted at him.

''and let you hurt yourself? not a chance,'' he dismissed the topic, and started walking, making my heart flutter on its own. why does he make me feel all of this weird stuff? I've never felt like this before, not with Ethan, not with anyone.

''we are here,'' he announced, so i quickly averted my gaze from his face and looked around me. we were standing in front of a lake, that had the best view of the moon. the moon was sparkling above it, making it look even more magical. my mouth opened on its own, but no words came out. he slowly placed me down, letting my feet feel pure grass.

''it's grass, so it's safe,'' he trailed off, ''what do you think?''

''it's amazing!'' i whispered with enthusiasm, and instantly his face turned into a bright a smile.

''i always come here...alone,'' he sighed, and sat down slowly on the grass. without a word, i did the same and let my eyes wonder around.

''then why did you bring me here?'' i asked him, while playing with some of the grass on the ground. i was loving this moment to the core. don't ask me why, but the scenery with him next to me, made me feel safe. a new kind of safeness, that made me happy, and worried. worried that it all might be the calmness before the storm kind of thing, but what do they say? enjoy the moment till it lasts.

''i still haven't figured that out,'' he mumbled, his hands behind him on the grass. he was looking at me lovingly, and i liked it. his eyes were pouring into mine, but i didn't look away, my eyes stayed on his bravely.

''how did you find this place?'' i asked him with a sigh, as my eyes roamed around the place again for the millionth times.

''i had a fight with my parents that day, and kind of hanged around acting mad, and it showed up to me, i guess,'' he explained with a soft voice. ''can i ask you a question?'' he asked after a while of just comfortable silence.

''yeah,'' i answered him.

''why did you really faint that day?'' he asked with a look of suspicion on his face. i felt my veins freeze at his question, but tried not to show it.

''i told you it was th-,'' he cut me off.

''don't give me this crab, Emma. i know there is something that you are hiding from your brothers,'' he said, his tone getting a little bit sharp. i shouldn't have under-estimated him, he is way more smarter that i ever thought, or it is just me who is too obvious. this was the topic that i thought will never be talked about-especially with him, but here we are.

''there is nothing, why would i hide it from my brothers?'' i asked still acting dumb, but my battery was about to be emptied, because i can never talk straight in this topic. i was about to stand up, but his hand stopped me by grabbing onto my arm.

''stop running away every god-damn minute, Emma!'' he said, anger oozing out of his voice. i haven't noticed how close we are, until i felt his hot breath fanning my face. my breaths were unstable due to us talking about Ethan, and also because of our closeness. him being this close to me affects me...really bad.

''i think we should go, it's getting late,'' i said looking at his grey eyes. those grey eyes that i can look into, and never get bored.

''again with the running,'' he said with a sharp tone, that made my anger rise. i yanked my arm out of his grip, and stood up with all my will.

'' i am not running, Noah! why would i be running if there is nothing to run away from!'' i shouted, while he was standing up.

''i don't know,'' he trailed off, ''maybe because you are bad at lying!'' he shouted taking me by surprise.

''i am not lying! if that's too hard to believe, then that's your own problem!'' i shouted again, trying not to go and kiss the life out of him. WHAT?! what the hell did i just say? i meant punch... punch the hell out of him! yeah right, totally right!

''yes Emma it's too hard to believe because it's unbelievably crazy to believe that you are believing that you are not lying!'' he said, making me a bundle of confusion.

''what the hell are you saying?!'' i shouted at him, making him flinch.

''let's just blame it on you!'' he shouted too.

''you are so annoying, Noah Knight!'' i said, and started walking into the trees we came from. i tried to ignore the fact that my feet were about to curse the hell out of me, and continued walking.

''hope you get your foot stuck or something!'' i heard him shout.

''God won't really listen to you any way because you are freaking Lucifer!'' i shouted back, but it was quickly followed by a scream, as i felt something passing from between my legs.

''EMMA! what happened?! are you okay?'' he shouted, sounding concerned. i heard his foot-steps approaching, so i stayed quiet.

''where the hell are you?!'' he shouted.

''i am here!'' i shouted back.

''yeah, and that's really helping,'' he muttered, and i heard him which means he is near me now. suddenly, i felt myself being carried up into someone's chest.

''are you okay?'' he asked, his eyes roaming all over my face. i nodded slowly, and he released a breath. he started walking our way out, and i was pretty much enjoying it. once we got out of the trees area, his motor-cycle showed, and he slowly placed me down. he rode it too, and started the engine. shortly, we were in front of my dark house, which means that everyone was still asleep.

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