《My Brothers' Enemy》11. The Text Message


Emma's POV

''to his Granny?'' Abbs asked with confusion drawn on her face. she was currently braiding her black raven hair, and i was spilling the tea. her arms stayed hanging in the air, as she stopped braiding, and transferred her attention on me.

''it's actually romantic, but weird, but good weird. i love that guy!'' she said with enthusiasm, and continued braiding her hair once again. i shrugged, playing with the hem of my shorts. i started thinking back to what happened yesterday, as what made him upset. i also left out this part, because i know if i tell to Abby, she would eat my mind about how stupid i am to back away, and not react to his move. but can you blame me? i am a girl who had the worst past with her one and only relationship, and it was not just a bad breakup, but it was toxic in general.

''aren't you going to get ready?'' Abby asked, finally tying her hair. i nodded, and walked to her closet, to fetch me something. i raked my hand through her clothes, that was a bit too much, and decided to wear black mum jeans, and a red over-sized chemise, and tie it from the bottom. i got out of her closet, and took one of her hair ties, and put my brown-hazel hair in a low pony-tail.

''let's go,'' i announced, and she quickly applied the last coat of her blush nail-polish on her right pinky, and we got out together. my mind went to Levi and her, since lately she has been obsessing over me and Noah together. so i decided to ask about them,

''how is it going with Levi?'' i asked, as we both descended the stairs slowly. she huffed on her pinky one last time, before answering me smiling.

''it's awkward! he keeps approaching me, but the only thing i think about is how i hit him! you and Carter are so dead to me, i mean i like the guy!,'' she confessed, her face getting all red, and hot.

i pinched her cheeks, ''how cute, my baby is growing up so fast!''. she slapped my hand away, and covered her face with both hands trying to cool it down. i grinned at her reaction, and we both went out to get in the car. ''hey, did you notice that Lucas has been acting weird lately?'' i asked Abby curiously.

''yeah! did you notice it too? it has to be a girl!'' she whispered, her eyes sparking with excitement.

''well, yeah, i hope. my baby boo needs someone good like him,'' i said like an old grand-mother looking at him. he was as usual, speaking on the phone, while leaning on the car waiting for us. Logan was inside in the passenger seat chatting with someone-probably a bimbo. he has been focusing on Amanda for a while now.

''is is Amanda?'' i teased getting inside the car. he ignored me, and continued texting. i pulled his head by his hair, and he whined like a cry-baby.

''leave me, devil!'' he screamed, but i didn't budge, but tightened my hold.

''wasn't your older sister asking you something?'' i used a serious tone. he gave me a confused glance, before wincing.

''what older sister? if you became an older sister, the universe would lose its balance, and global warming would be out of control,'' he said sarcastically, making me tighten my fingers.

''you are not helping,'' i warned, and when he knew that i was not backing away, he sighed.


''okay, no, it's not Amanda, it's Monica,'' he answered, and i instantly released him. he rubbed where i pulled him, cringing at the pain.

''Amanda didn't last long, did she?''

''she smelled like Mayo,'' he shrugged, and i shuddered in disgust.

''ewwwww, you ass-hole!'' Abby shrieked hitting his head from behind.

''okay, let's get this clear. if anyone hit me once more, i am going to hit him back, and i will not care if it's a girl,'' he warned giving us his serious tone, which is not serious at all, by the way.

''shut up, Lo,'' i said flatly, and he nodded obediently. i broke out laughing, and we finally drove to school.


finally practice is done for today! it has been a pain in the ass, since we have been practising more for the tournament, and everyone is already hooked.

''okay ladies, i am very happy with the progress you all have been showing. as you all know we are having a tournament soon in green hills. it's going to be very important to us, as it's the first time the ladies team is participating in such thing, so we will work really hard the upcoming period to prove ourselves. clear?'' the captain shouted each word with excitement, and i was listening to her, feeling ill to my core. i tried to show interest in what she was saying, but by the look on her face, i was far away from being interested. her eyes became hooded on me, and she started approaching me with cautious steps.

''are you okay, dear?'' she asked, smoothing my flying hair. i nodded, while smiling faintly.

''yeah, probably the sun,'' i shrugged, and she nodded slowly examining me. once she left, i let out a big sigh, and rested my hands on my knees trying to steady my breath. i stood up again, when i heard my phone's notification sound. i took it from my pocket, and opened the message that an UN-known number sent.

the message said. i looked around me, and found Noah with his football clothes in the corner of the field. i smiled at the gesture, and looked back at my phone to answer.

'yeah, from where did you get my number?'

i rolled my eyes, and looked at him from across the field. i smiled when i saw him shrugging.

i texted back.

'you are never a disappointment' my insides fluttered at his text message. how can he be so good to me, when i am the sister of the ones he loathes. they have got a lot of big fights, but still he is making sure i am okay in the best way possible. i was about to answer, but another message popped from another UN-known number.

i clicked on it, and read it multiple times, saying that maybe i was hallucinating, but every time i read it, it becomes more real.

'looks like you're having a good time. --E'

my insides became too narrow, and i felt everything was suffocating me. my breath hitched, and i looked around me like a maniac. he was here...next to me...seeing me. all of these thoughts swayed back and forth in my head, making my vision blurred. all those bad memories rushed back to my mind. all the breakdowns, betrayal, crying, nightmares, everything that i experienced was haunting me back.

''Emma! Emma, baby, are you okay?'' asked a concerned voice. i tried to see who was it, but i couldn't see, it was like my soul was taken away from me. ''Emma! stay with me, baby, we are going to the doctor. open your eyes, baby...'' the voice continued to say with worry, and the next thing i knew, i was scooped up in his arms.



it was his smell. he started running inside, and all i could hear was him mumbling sweet nothings. i clutched into his shirt, when i felt my panic attack getting better, but there was still that fear that settled in the bit of my stomach.


the first thing that i saw once i opened my eyes was the plain white ceiling of the school's clinic. i blinked a few times trying to adjust my eyes to the light, and when i did i felt my whole body freeze.

the text message...



i shrieked up when i remembered what happened, and hissed when my head started hurting me from the sudden move.

''hey, easy easy,'' a familiar warm voice soothed. i looked next to me, and found Noah, who was still in his football attire looking terribly tired. his hair was extra messy, and his eyes were a mixture of worry, and relief.

''are you okay? what happened?'' Noah asked, his hand reaching out for my hand. he was holding it firmly yet gently, making me feel safe somehow. his eyes searched my face, as in making sure if i am really okay. i nodded my head slowly, looking at him questionably.

''i am fine, I'm fine,'' i sighed, and raked a hand over my face. his hand reached for my face, and he softly soothed a lock behind my ear. his eyes were pouring into mine, and he looked really tired.

''you scared the shit out of me, Emma. i thought something bad happened to you,'' he confessed, sighing at the end. my heart shuttered at the sight before me. he looked really concerned- his eyes were bloodshot, making me feel guilty. but the dumbass i am, couldn't say anything, but watched and observed him with a soft look on my face.

''i should probably tell your brothers? the news will spread, any ways. most of the school saw me carrying you,'' he said. i shook my head vigorously, disagreeing with him.

''no, no! there is no need for that, it was probably the sun,'' i said rather too quickly, earning a suspicious look from him.

''are you hiding something?'' he asked with hooded eyes. i swallowed the lump in my throat, and shook my head slowly. his eyes softened, and he bent down to kiss my head. my heart skipped a beat at his gesture, but i tried to maintain a steady face.

''i will know what is it when the right time comes,'' he whispered in my ear, causing my spine to shiver. i bit my lip in nervousness, as he looked in my eyes-his face too close. his eyes trailed on my lips, and then looked back to my eyes. they were having a different sparkle in them, making me wonder how many emotions can those eyes show.

suddenly the door opened cutting our moment. the doctor entered, and Noah automatically kept his distance.

''are you alright dear?'' the doctor asked as she came next to me, and held my wrest to check the pulse.

''yes, i am better now,'' i nodded my head.

''what happened to her? why did she faint?'' Noah asked, his eyes focusing on the doctor.

''her blood pressure dropped, nothing to worry about,'' she smiled warmly, ''you are free to go, but don't exhaust yourself,'' she remarked, and helped me stand up.

''thank you so much,'' i thanked her, and stood up noticing that i was still in my practising attire. sighing, i was about to take my first step, when i felt Noah's hand around my waist in a secured grip.

''no need, i can walk,'' i said, but he didn't budge, and walked me out of the clinic. i tried to escape from his grip to not to grab a lot of attention from the students, but his hand was much stronger than my attempts.

''stop struggling, princess,'' he whispered. ''are you sure you don't want anyone to know about what happened?'' he asked as we passed the first hallway.

''no, as she said my blood pressure dropped, nothing to worry about,'' i said, still thinking about how much this doctor sucks. i had a panic attack, and all she observed was a low blood pressure. but that's the iconic thing about schools- the dummy doctor.

''yes we will stop here, i still need to change my clothes,'' i said as we passed by the girls changing room. he stopped in his tracks, his arm never leaving my waist. he looked down at my outfit, and nodded.

''yeah, this is too short,'' he mumbled under his breath, but it reached my ear. i was about to smile, but decided against it.

''it's not short, by the way,'' i said, and entered the room ,before he starts speaking again. i know that if we continued talking, it would end up as a fight.


i was on my bed right now. reading the text message over and over again. what does he want now? was he actually near me the time he sent the message? how did he get my number? am i going to cower away like last time, or stand for myself?

i walked to the mirror next to the closet, and stood before it, examining myself. my eyes looked dull, and tired, and i couldn't help but remember how my eyes looked like before. it would always sparkle, and have within it the most innocent, trouble-maker aura. i used to wear skirts, shorts, cropped tops, and go around like a little Barbie, but now it's almost like i can't stand my own body, i avoid looking to the mirror, scared to find someone who i can't confront. i slowly raised my shirt a little, exposing my scar. it was a medium sized scar, on my abdominal. i roamed my finger around it, and forced my eyes to keep looking at it.

my eyes started to water, and memories of pain came by like a broken movie. tears streamed down my face, but i still forced my eyes open to see the scar.


''Ethan doesn't scare me any more! he can't do anything because i won't allow him to. let him send as many messages as he wants, i will not be scared like before,'' i tried to convince myself, but the pain inside my chest was making it impossible for me to stand. i sobbed loudly, so quickly i covered my mouth. i walked back to my bed, and curled like a ball of shame, sobbing quietly, till my eyes couldn't take it any more.

i slept...

there is something i would like to say.

thank you!

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