《My Brothers' Enemy》6. The Party


Emma's POV

it's been a week since the school year has started, and let's just say-it was handful, but not any more. Noah has been ignoring me for the past couple of days. he is not even sparing me a glance. it's not like i care, of course, but it's just kinda weird...

''pretty please, Emma!'' Abby whined as we entered the cafeteria. i glared at her, and continued walking any ways. she has been whining about going to that party for hours now, and my answer is still no! my last party was last year-in the old school, and it didn't end well. so no thank you, i don't want to have the same experience.

''i said no, Abbs!'' i groaned as i took a place on our table. Carter gave me his puppy eyes, and made a fake sobbing sound.

''Emms! why are you so fucking stubborn? i don't make the puppy eyes look for any girl!'' he shouted over dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

''keep rolling your eyes like that, and they will get stuck, hopefully,'' Abby grumbled out angrily. i sighed and took a bite from my burger.

''what are you guys whining about?'' Lucas asked visibly annoyed. i shrugged and continued eating, leaving space for the crying babies to talk instead.

''Emma doesn't wanna go to the party tonight!'' Abby said. Logan snorted stuffing his mouth with fries. there was some bimbo next to him, who was playing with his hair. i made a self note not to throw up and sipped my coke.

''Emma and parties? hell nah,'' Logan joked, but no-one laughed. he rolled his eyes in return.

''they don't admire your funny side, babe,'' the blonde bimbo told him with a sad look plastered on her face. Logan pouted, and that's when they started making out, leaving every-one groaning. i quickly took my pickles and threw it at them- and it accidentally stuck to her hair. they stopped kissing, and she gave me a bitchy look. i glared at Logan totally ignoring her, and he sighed, getting up from his place dragging her with him, probably to continue sucking each other's faces.

''they are disgusting!'' Abby said with a shiver making me laugh.

''why don't you wanna go, little one?'' Lucas said looking at me seriously.

''i don't feel like it,'' i shrugged.

''we are all going, and i am sure you are gonna have fun. we will not be late, i promise.'' he said with sincerity in his voice. i looked at them, and they were all giving me their best puppy face.

''oh my god! fine,'' i sighed out loud taking another bite of the burger. they all did quick high fives celebrating their success, and after a while it was time for the next class. i was walking in the hallway to go to my English class, when i spotted Noah and Levi talking together. his eyes met mine, and stayed for a brief moment, before looking away like he has been doing for a long time now. i sighed and continued walking any ways.



''this dress will look hot on you!'' Abby screamed as she handed me a black fitted dress. i laughed, and threw the dress back in the closet. we were currently in her house choosing our party's outfits. she has girly stuff way more than i do.

''why?'' she slumped her shoulders in defeat. i sighed, and went to hug her.

''look, what about you go change, and i will wear something good yet comfy?'' i smiled hoping this would convince her.

''o-okay...'' she said hesitantly.

''great!'' i exclaimed handing her her dress, and gently pushing her to her bathroom. i quickly went to the closet, and raked my hand trying to find something decent. most of her clothes were shorts, dresses, and she actually looked cute in all of them. she was just her. trying not to upset her, and also not getting out of my comfort zone- i chose a jeans skirt that reached just above my knees, and a black thin strapped top. i didn't bother for the shoes, so i just grabbed my adidas ones that i was already wearing.

i dragged myself to the vanity, and brushed my hair slightly careful not to break my natural peachy waves.

suddenly the bathroom door opened revealing Abby in a yellow fitted dress that looked like it was made for her. she was wearing on blue silhouettes, and around her neck a blue pearl necklace.

''oh my god, Abbs! you look fantastic!'' i gasped still in a daze. my best-friend is hot, man!

''you look great too! maybe you just need a little bit of make-'' i glared at her and she trailed off, ''maybe lip gloss?'' she asked shrugging. i chuckled nodding my head. she applied lip gloss on my lips, and started doing her make up. i waited for her with boredom playing on my phone. once she finished, we descended the stairs to show her parents.

''oh god! my girls grew up!'' Christine said with an exaggerated tone. she engulfed us in a hug, and started taking pictures sending them off to my mother.

''take care, absolutely no boys, no drinks, and be back by 10,'' uncle Daniel said strictly. Abby rolled her eyes and pinched his cheek playfully.

''don't worry, papa. Emma won't do all of these things,'' she winked making me and Christine laugh. uncle Daniel shook his head, but tagged along.

''hello people!'' Logan screamed as he barged through the door. he gave uncle Daniel a stern hug, but then Logan kissed his cheek making uncle Daniel slap him away. we laughed as we all waited for Lucas to come.

once Lucas entered he had a serious talk with uncle Daniel about the same freaking rules he had said up till now for 15 times. yeah, i was counting.

after the sweet torture, we took our seats in the car and drove off to Levi's house as it was the party's site. it didn't take 1o minutes, and we were already there. Lucas parked the car, and we finally entered.


it was dark inside with a lot of neon lights going around making me blink a few times. the music was blazing making me feel as if my heart was thumping. people were everywhere- drinking, making out, dancing, etc.

''this is gonna be fun!'' Abby shouted from behind me as she took my hand in hers making our way to the kitchen area, where the drinks were.

''where are you going?'' Lucas asked over-protectively.

''we are gonna drink some water, Lu,'' i rolled my eyes, and continued walking along with Abby.

i took out two red cups and handed them to Abby. she poured me and her some beer.

''oh hey, girls!'' Levi came in the view grinning at Abby. his eyes roamed over her body, and he was left stunned.

someone is turned on...

''wow y-you look great, Abby,'' he said with adoration in his eyes. she blushed a little giving him her million dollars smile. ''would you like to dance?'' she looked at me, as if asking if it's okay, and i instantly nodded. they both went together to the dance floor, and started dancing.

if you ask me, Levi is a very great guy, and by the looks he likes Abby. so why not? she deserves the best. i sighed and took another sip from my drink, when suddenly i heard a whistle. i looked up and saw the boy from my Biology class.

still an ass-hole, i see...

''you know you look super hot right now, right?'' he winked passing a hand through his curly hair. i rolled my eyes, and turned to move but his hand gripped my arm. i turned sharply giving him a glare.

''what did i tell you, pretty boy? don't ever touch me again!'' i stated with disgust through gritted teeth. his smirk went wider sending me over the edge. that boy is testing my patience!

''why are you so stubborn? it's gonna be an amazing night if you just give up early, and i will get you screaming my n-'' he was cut off by a dark angry voice.

''continue this sentence, and you will be dead,'' Noah glared at him snatching my arm from his grip. he stood in front of me shielding me from that perverts eyes. ''don't ever come near her again,'' by that he was dragging me upstairs.

''don't drag me!'' i groaned as we entered an empty room. he let go of my hand, and his eyes started taking in my appearance.

''what are we doing here?'' i asked as i looked around the fancy dark room.

''what? you want to go back and let perverts ogle you?'' he said a bit too angrily.

''what the hell is your problem? am i supposed to control where everybody looks?'' i asked raising my voice a bit.

''well wearing that is totally asking for it?'' he said pointing at my clothes.

''my clothes are out of your business,'' i snarled, ''plus weren't you ignoring me the past couple of days? continue on,'' i tried to pass him to leave, but he quickly pushed me to the wall harshly, but not too harshly that it hurt.

''don't test my patience, princess,'' he said, his breath fanning my face. we were so close that our noses were touching. his piercing grey eyes were looking at me with such intensity, that for a moment i thought he can see through my soul.

''let me go, Noah,'' i whispered, but talked with seriousness.

''i was not ignoring you, but was rather proving something,'' he said, his eyes flickering between my eyes and lips.

''proving what?'' i asked confused.

''not now, princess, not now...'' he said. he brought his hands up to my face, and gently caressed my cheek sending a shiver down my spine. he rubbed his thump in circled making my face go hotter. his eyes were looking at me with adoration, and something i couldn't really pin out. ''what are you doing to me?''


''you are too innocent, Emma,'' he sucked in breath probably noticing that i was biting my lip in nervousness.

''don't do that,'' he said as he released my bottom lip from my teeth. the feeling of his hand on my lip made me feel strange. good kind of strange.

''Noah, we should go,'' i said. he looked at me for some moments not saying anything, then he got himself off of me.

''yeah, uhm, where are your brothers?'' he asked

''downstairs,'' i simply answered. suddenly the door opened revealing Levi kissing some girl. it wasn't long till i noticed that this girl was Abby.

''ABBS?'' i screamed not believing my eyes.

''there is something very weird,'' Abby chuckled and continued, ''uhm, why do i hear Emma while kissing you?'' she asked Levi oblivious to me being behind her. Levi chuckled with an amused look pointing at me. she turned around slowly, and we locked eyes. we both had the same surprised expression. she looked between me and Noah, and i was looking at her suspiciously.

hello fat asses!

how are you doing during quarantine?

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