《My Brothers' Enemy》3. Detention


Emma's pov

A A A A A A !

I reached for the phone, and threw it across the room in annoyance. kill me! i forgot to put the phone on snooze! i grabbed the pillow from between my leg, and placed it on my head.

suddenly the room door opened revealing dad. he shook his head and bent down to get the phone. he put it on snooze, and threw at me.

''hey!''i shrieked when it hit my nose. i rubbed it, as he was coming towards me.

''how many times did i tell you try and wake up on your own?'' he scolded me. i raked a hand on my face, and stood up.

''good bye, old man. i will tell you when i need milk,'' i said as i started pushing him towards the door.

''you'll see when you get out. i am gonna come for revenge.'' he threatened as i closed the door.

''we'll see about that,'' i whispered loud enough for him to hear.

''i heard that!'' he shouted, and i smiled in victory.

''you were meant to!'' i shouted back, and finally entered the bathroom. i did my business, and stood in front of the mirror. my hair was in an extremely messy bun, and i had drool on the corner of my mouth. i washed my face quickly, and brushed my teeth.

i decided that am gonna wear my clothes first today because i was too lazy to get back up. i opened the closet, and started searching for clothes. i chose a black legging, a grey t-shirt, and my adidas sneakers. i put my hair in a high pony-tail, took my bag, and headed down-stairs.

they were all sitting on the kitchen table eating breakfast. i threw my bag beside the door, and joined them. mum handed me a plate with 2 pancakes, on top of them strawberries and caramel syrup.

''good morning, little sis,'' '' good morning, little one,'' both my brothers said at the same time, making mum and dad get confused. Ah! if you don't know, i am ignoring my brothers. they deserve it. they have to know that am a grown-up now, and can make my own choices and decisions.

''good morning, old man. good morning, mama,'' i greeted both of them totally ignoring my brothers. mum and dad smirked at me, and i shrugged my shoulders, and started eating. i noticed both Lucas and Logan's shoulder slumped down in defeat. i high five-d myself, and smiled at mum, who was winking.


''so you are still ignoring them?'' Abs asked as we walked together to my locker.

''yeah,'' i sighed, and opened my locker. i threw my bag inside, and brought my biology book and a notebook, along with my pencil.

''look they deserve it, but don't stress on it. they love you to death,'' she said with soft eyes, and i nodded. i know they love me, but still am not a little girl anymore! we were talking, when the whole hallway dropped silent. i gave Abby a confused look, and she returned it back with the same intensity. we looked at the main door, and found Noah and Levi entering.


Noah was wearing a white t-shirt that showed off his muscles pretty damn clear. his black raven hair was messy in a sexy kind of way, and both his hands were in his pockets.

if you ask me about it all, i would say that this school is very dramatic. it's like this high school movies, with every detail. i mean Noah was the bad/play boy of the school, and they treated him like one in a movie style.

his eyes roamed the place, until they landed on me. his gaze stilled on me for a moment, until he looked the other way neglecting me. i shrugged, and walked away with Abby who was nearly drooling over Levi.

soon it was class time. i had biology, so i quickly entered the lab looking for an empty place. my eyes lingered the class, and it stopped on an empty chair. it was next to a brunette boy who was on his phone. i went to the desk, and calmly tapped on it. he looked up and i was able to see his full face.

he has brown curls, dark brown eyes, and a birth mark underneath his left eye. his eyes roamed over my body in a-not-very-good-way, and a smirk played on his lips, making me regret coming here in the first place.

''hey there, beautiful,'' he winked putting his phone on the desk giving me his full attention. i gritted my teeth, and pointed my finger at him.

''this is not my name, and i would like to ask if it's okay for me to sit here...'' i stopped talking when he started laughing.

''any kind of excuse to sit next to me, huh?!'' he winked once more, and that was my clue for me to leave. i gave him a disgusted look, and looked around for more empty chairs, but there was none. i cursed underneath my breath, and sat down.

''am only sitting here because there are no empty chairs, so please stay at your limits'', i warned as i placed my stuff on the desk not giving him a glance. he chuckled, and straightened his back.

''are you playing hard to get?!'' he said with a smirk. this boy was disgusting. who is he to talk in this way?! he reminded me of Ethan, and that's the last thing i want right now.

''look here, idiot. if you don't shut up, i swear you will be in a very big trouble!'' i whisper yelled at him in a dangerous tone.

i am not here to meet more people like him!

''easy there, tiger'' he whispered getting closer to me. as i was about to push him by his hair, the teacher entered starting the lesson. he got back to his original position, and my hands clenched in anger.


''i signed you up in the soccer team!'' Logan said with enthusiasm. i jumped and hugged him out of instinct, but quickly pulled back. he gave me a sad look, but i stayed quiet.

''come on, little sis! you loved my surprise!'' he whined like a baby.


he was right, i loved his surprise. i was the soccer team captain for girls in my old school, and i am in love with soccer. from when i was a little kid, I've always loved to play it, and i am actually good at it.

''come on, Emms,'' Abby whispered from next to me. i sighed and looked at Logan.

''Lo, you did something that made me very angry with you, alright? give me some space and i will come around, but up till that moment, i will do whatever the hell i wanna do to you two,'' i smirked looking at both Lucas and Logan. they both nodded quickly, and i laughed.

''Emms, don't forget you two have detention today.'' Carter reminded me and Logan. we both nodded, and they went off.

the day rolled by very quickly, and i was very surprised that i haven't glace Noah the whole day. it was now detention time, so Logan came to my last class and we both went together. we entered and the shock of my life was before me.

Noah, and that idiot from the biology class were sitting down. what surprised me more was that the both were beaten up. especially the idiot.


i felt Logan next to me tense. i ignored the reason of his sudden anger, and sat down on an empty chair. Logan sat next to me on his phone.

''what the hell, Logan Green?!'' i pinched his shoulder as i saw girls pictures on his phone.

''what? they wanted to have a picture with me,'' he said innocently, ''plus Lucas didn't want to get any pictures, he is a gentleman, you know him.'' he winked making me making me roll my eyes. and that ladies and gentlemen, my brother Logan. he is a total playboy, and not that i like it. mum and dad always scold him about it, but nothing changes. from what i have noticed that both my brothers are pretty popular here in school. nothing less than Noah and Levi, but every one with his title.

Noah, the very cold and sexy play/bad boy. Logan, the funny and charming play/bad boy. Lucas, the sexy gentleman/athlete. Carter, the hot/funny athlete. Levi, the hot athlete/gentleman. so the girls here have a lot of options as you can see, and actually some are planning on all.

the teacher was sitting down reading a magazine with no care in world.

''i am going to the bathroom,'' Noah informed the teacher and went out of class, before even waiting for an answer. i couldn't stop thinking about why did these two beat each other. i really wanted to know, so i quickly raised my hand and asked to go the bathroom. she nodded without tearing her eyes from the magazine.

Logan caressed my back as i stood up, and returned back to his phone. i got out of class, and started looking for Noah. i finally noticed him talking to some blonde girl. i was hesitant on whether or not go talk to him, i mean he looked busy.

i ignored my inner battle, and went to him. once he noticed me, he gave me his attention. the girl looked at me with confusion plastered on her face.

''you can go now, Natalie,'' he said still looking at me.

''it's Betty,'' she said, but then rolled here eyes and stormed off when he didn't respond.

''what?'' Noah asked his tone sharp. i was taken back by his tone, but started talking any way.

''what happened to your face?'' i asked. he narrowed his eyes, bending down a little to look me in the eyes.

''nothing that you should really care about,'' he said in a mono-tone. what happened to him?!

''why did you beat that idio-- boy, i mean,'' i quickly corrected myself, but he already guessed what i was going to say. he smirked, and looked at me with amusement in his grey eyes.

''why don't you tell me what happened today with him?'' he asked sounding serious again.

''n-nothing,'' why the hell am i stuttering?!!

''nothing? really?'' he crossed both arms on his chest.

''i asked you first!'' i exclaimed making him sigh.

''he is an ass-hole. that's what it is,'' he said with hard eyes. how many emotions can these eyes be?!

''oh- okay, but what happened?'' i asked giving him a dumb look.

''why do you really wanna know? all you have to do is stay away from that ass-hole, clear?'' he asked with seriousness and anger.

''don't order me! i can do whatever the hell i want to do!'' i said and turned to leave, but he pulled me back to him. my face was in his chest, with my arm still in his grasp. his smell is very masculine, and divine. it smelled like mint.

please shut up!

''am i clear?'' he whispered with soft eyes as he pushed me away a little to look at me. we looked at each other for a moment in silence, and i was about to agree to whatever he is saying, but woke up from my daydream. i took my arm out of his grasp taking a step back.

''no you are not clear! i can do whatever i want!'' i said and stormed off back to class.

why was i so nervous like that? why did he tell me to stay away from that idiot? ugh!

but most importantly why did i feel strange when he pulled me to him. my whole body was tickled by the sudden contact, and even his breaths hitched.

i was affected by him being close to me...

hello beautiful babies!

how are you doing?

did you like the chapter?!

p.s: do you have a crush at the moment?

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