《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 12| The first note
I felt guilty watching Xander leave, I knew I'd hurt him and I'm not the type of person to be okay with that. But I was also so relieved when he left, when he'd called me Nor all I could think about was Zack and all the similarities Xander had with Zack. His face wouldn't leave my mind as if he was forever imprinted there, burning my mind. I still have a lot of love for Zack but I also hate him for everything he did to me, he ruined me.
At that moment I needed Kayden, he was the only person I'd properly had in the last 16 years and the only person able to calm my attacks. I hate feeling weak and anything to do with Zack makes me weak. Not only did he break my heart, he broke my soul and my spirit. I miss the old me.
I clung to Kayden as Xander was stepping through the door, hurt and confusion clear in his eyes as he gave me one last glance before leaving. My instinct was to rush to him and beg him not to leave, to hug him until he smiled but instead I sat glued to the spot being comforted by my dear brother.
For a few minutes after the door closed and we heard them pull away from the house me, Kayden and Mina sat in a comfortable silence. Kayden was stroking my back, like he did during all my attacks, waiting for me me to calm down which I eventually did.
I turned to Mina and gave her a smile which she returned, happily taking a seat next to Kayden and me.
"You okay Elles?" She asked twisting one of my curls around her finger.
I nodded pulling back from Kayden and sitting on the glass coffee table in front of the sofa, throwing them both a smile to reassure them that I'm okay.
"So you found your mate?" Kayden said smirking "Too bad you're not allowed a boyfriend until you're 30" He cockily declared cocking his eyebrows.
I laughed "Good thing I don't want a mate anyways" I teased, although this was half the truth.
Kayden laughed and leaned back against the sofa before his face dropped "At least you got a werewolf as a mate" he sighed making my eyes widen as I remembered him telling me he'd smelt his mate at school.
"You found her! Who is she? Is she pretty? Is she-" I said all at once over run with excitement for my brother who'd been waiting since his first shift for his mate.
"Woah woah calm down Elle" Kayden laughed at my outburst, rolling his eyes jokily he continued "Her names Elsie that's all I know unfortunately, she's human and won't speak to me" he said sadly making my heart clench for him.
"Wait do you mean Elise the blonde one?" Mina questioned with bright eyes.
Kayden's eyes lit up "Yes! Do you know anything about her?" He asked, both of us turning our full attention towards Mina.
Mina laughed "I'm Mina of course I do, I know everything!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.
"Her names Elsie Allard, she's a sophomore so a year under us" She said nodding to me "She's a very quiet girl who spends majority of her time in the library, she moved here a few years ago, I think she is half French. She has blonde hair and she's very short and cute." Mina said giggling.
"That's definitely her!" Kayden said happily, his eyes turning slightly darker showing his wolf is present despite him being happy "I smelt her in school yesterday but couldn't find her but at lunch today I went to the library and there she was, sat alone at a table reading" he said a frown appearing in his lips.
"Yeah she doesn't have any friends she gets bullied by girls and boys in our school. Especially Millie's little group of friends" Mina said rolling her eyes "I've heard rumors that she's mute, apparently no ones ever heard her talk. She might just be shy I mean who would want to talk to the assholes at our school?"
Kayden growled "I will kill the boys that hurt her" he said determination burning in his eyes.
"Leave the girls to me and Eleanor" Mina said smirking at me "trust me Millie won't be messing with Eleanor again after today" she said laughing.
I smirked "Stupid bitch learnt her place" I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest, I grew angry at even the mention of her name.
"Oh yeah lil sis I heard about today, I thought I told you to stay out of trouble?" Kayden scolded.
I rolled my eyes "Trust me dad that disrespectful slag deserved it" i said sighing.
"unfortunately i am excluded to I won't be back until Monday but when I come back it's war. She will leave Elsie alone we will make sure of it" i said nodding at Mina who also smirked at Kayden, clearly excited about the idea as her eyes gleamed.
After talking with my brother and Mina for a while longer about his mate, me and Mina made our way upstairs to surprisingly do work for school. We may not be the best behaved people at school but we both got good grades and were in Senior year maths class together.
Maths and Gym are my favorite lessons and the fact we have two math and two Gym lessons each week excites me, but annoyingly I missed one Gym and one maths lesson this afternoon since I left because of my exclusion and I would miss the other two tomorrow because of of it. But Mina told me in our maths there is Kayden, Xander, Jack, Cole and Jordan since they are seniors and our Gym is mixed with sophomores, juniors and seniors so everyone we know is in there.
Because me and Mina had exactly the same classes we are luckily able to study and do projects together so we are currently sat on the bean bags in my room working on our English project we got assigned the other day. Papers were spread across the small coffee table in my room as we both worked together to complete the work, this project was meant to take until next Wednesday but we finished it in two hours.
After finishing Mina gave me our maths work which we completed silently and moved onto science which is my least favorite. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10pm as we finished our work for the week, it'd surprisingly only taken us since 6pm to finish all the work which I was very happy with.
Remembering Mina still had school tomorrow I began packing the work away, placing it in my work cabinets I turned to her and asked "do you wanna order pizza and watch Netflix in bed?".
Minas head shot up and quickly nodded pulling her phone out "what do you want to order?".
I told her I want meat feast large pizza with garlic bread and she called the pizza place and gave our order, getting a pepperoni and chicken pizza for herself.
I stripped from my shorts and tank top and pulled on a large blue oversized shirt which reached mid thigh as well as some fluffy black socks. I took my hair down and brushed it out smiling at how naturally shiny and healthy it is since I'd never dyed it and rarely ever straighten my curls. My hair may be a 'basic' brown/black colour but it has specks of blonde running through it from my summer time in the sun and the natural curls that fell down to my breasts made my hair stand out.
I walked back into my room and saw Mina sat on my bed counting money for the pizza delivery, she'd dressed into fluffy pajama bottoms and a tank top with her light brown wavy hair stuffed up into a messy bun.
I sat next to her and switched the tv on "what do you want to watch on Netflix?" I asked while it loaded, although I already knew her answer.
"13 reasons why" Mina responded automatically, ever since she'd started staying at my house most nights we'd started watching it together and we loved it although Mina would cry at some parts.
We watched an entire episode of it before the delivery man came, he was a human and was blatantly flirting with me and Mina using shitty pick up lines which cringed me out but Mina found cute.
After he finally left we devoured our food and finished 3 more episodes before brushing our teeth and settling in my bed before falling into a deep, thankfully dream free, sleep.
"Elle?" I heard someone say before I was squeezed in a hug I groaned in reply still in a sleepy state "I'm going school I'll miss you bitch" I recognized the voice as Mina's and hugged her back before she pulled away and left my room.
Hearing the click of the door I rolled over in my bed and looked at my new clock on my nightstand which read 8:25 Am, I groaned and rolled onto my stomach before re-closing my eyes falling back into another sleep.
I was awoken again what felt like seconds later but after re looking at my clock I saw it was now 11:55 Am. Realizing I had been woken up by my phone I picked it up from the nightstand and read the call notification and saw it was Mina.
I laughed as I answered the call "Miss me already?"
I heard her laughing in response "Definitely bitch, I tried mind linking you but you didn't respond so I suspected you were still asleep"
I yawned when she mentioned sleep "Yes I was actually so what was so important you ruined my lie in?"
"Please please come and get me! I can't bare the day without you" she whined down the phone and i could imagine her pouting as she said this.
"Bitch you haven't even make it to lunch without me" I laughed mockingly.
She scoffed "just come and get me in 30 pleaseeeee" she begged.
"Okay fine ill be exactly 30" I said standing up from my bed and stretching.
"You're the best!" She squealed probably jumping up and down, I heard the background start to get louder and the bell go off as she hurriedly said her goodbyes.
Lunch was at 12 so I'd be picking her up halfway through it, although Mina was obviously friends with Grace and Evie and had been for years she wasn't as close with them as I'd originally thought. Mina and Grace had grown up together in the pack although Mina hasn't naturally got a high status like Grace, her father is a pack warrior and so is Mina since she's one of the packs best fighters. Grace however has a high rank since her brother is the delta, Mina told me both her and Coles parents are dead which is why Cole took the delta title so young.
Evie came to this pack when she was 14 years old as a rouge running from her family from another pack, since rouges are usually killed when crossing the border the beta and Alpha were called which is when Jack and Evie found each other. Evie and Grace grew closer since they were higher in the pack leaving Mina out.
Mina also told me about the boys, Xander and Cole had taken over the Alpha and Delta positions early because of family reasons whereas Jack just took over the Beta position so it was in time with the others. Jack had both parents and had a good childhood whereas Cole had no parents although the reason why isn't spoken about.
Xander's father is still involved in pack meetings and pack work but had handed down his title after a 'tragedy'. Jack was quiet but Xander and Cole were loud and popular, to my surprise Xander was a player before I came here. Mina told me he flirted with most girls in school and kissed many, although he'd had no girlfriends since he'd always wanted his mate to be the first one.
I put my phone down and headed to the shower, turning it on I undressed to my bra and thong and walked to my walk in wardrobe deciding to choose clothes while I waited for it to heat up. I decided on grey cuffed joggers with a black bralette and black Nike socks. I picked up a new bra and thong set before heading back to my bathroom.
Just as I was entering, something red coloured out the corner of my eyes caught my attention. Leaving my clothes on top of the toilet seat I turned around back into my bedroom and dread filled my body as noticed it was a red envelope for a card.
Confused, I walked over to where is was placed on my window sill and picked it up. I noticed the envelope hadn't been sealed properly and was instead closed by tucking the flap inside. I turned it over gently and read who it was addressed to, my heart stopped. Not because it was addressed to me, but because of the handwriting that I recognised from anywhere.
I inhaled deeply before ripping the envelope open to be met with a white piece of card which had been written on in the same familiar handwriting. Sweat dripped down my face as panic took over my mind, my hands gripping the card hard as they shook like leaves on a tree.
All breath left my body as I finished reading the note and I weakly crumbled to the floor letting the note and envelope fall freely from my hands as I attempted to calm myself. Tears collecting in my eyes but failed to fall, I hadn't cried in so long even during my attacks I didn't shed a tear.
What felt like hours past which was merely seconds as I sat on the floor lost in my thoughts, all background noise sounding like nothing even the roaring sound from the shower seemed silent as my body felt like jelly.
Lifting my eyes up, I saw something else had fell out of the envelope and when picking it up I saw they were photographs, there was four of them. The first one was me and Mina sat on the fields together smoking, the seconds was me and Xander the day we met at the table, the third was me arguing with Millie, and the fourth was me and Evan on my bed kissing.
How did he take pictures in my room? In school? How would people not have noticed him? Could he see me now? Thoughts rushed through my mind as I collected everything and out it back in the envelope, hiding it in my bikini draw since I barely go in there.
Not wanting to be here in the house alone for longer then necessary I ran to the curtains all around my room, bathroom and wardrobe before rushing to my shower and quickly washing everywhere, except I left my hair unwashed.
I jumped out and moisturised my body and dried myself before shoving my clothes over my slightly damp skin. I applied deodorant and perfume then began brushing my hair and styling it into a bun with a few loose pieces framing my face. Deciding to leave my face makeup free I applied lip balm and grabbed my phone, my bank card and my car keys before rushing out of my room.
I practically sprinted through the house and out of the front door, still slightly shaken up by what I'd just read and seen. But the one question stayed in my mind while I was driving, what did the letters at the end of the message mean?
I pulled up to the school and parked in an empty space directly in front of the school where Mina sat on the stone steps waiting. Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw me pull in and she stood up and skipped over to my car. I got out and sat on the hood of my car wanting to smoke but remembered I'd left my stuff at home because of the rush I was in.
Luckily Mina sat next to me and began rolling for us both before handing it me an lighting it. We were sat speaking and she was laughing telling me about Millie's broken nose and her bruised face and stomach as well as that she'd looked for Kayden's mate but couldn't find her anywhere but today Kayden had actually sat at our table at lunch since he was friends with Cole and Jordan from doing sports. Xander was captain of the sports teams but apparently wasn't involving himself in the boys conversation, instead he was quiet which made me feel somewhat bad but I pushed that feeling to the side.
At that moment Charlie, Minas dealer, walked over to us with a wide grin stretched across his face.
"Hey girls, you going to that party tonight?" He asked leaning against my car.
"Of course we are, wouldn't be a party without us" Mina said flicking her hair flirtily.
He laughed "of course it wouldn't" he said with a wink before turning it me "can I hit?" He asked making my eyes widen in shock of his boldness until I realised he meant a hit of my zoot.
I laughed at my mistake and handed it to him letting him finish the last of it since I was done.
"I'll see you two at the party tonight" Charlie said smirking before saying his goodbyes and leaving.
Me and Mina climbed into my car and I watched Mina stare at Charlie as he headed back towards the school doors "God isn't sexy?" She asked dreamily making me roll my eyes.
"He's alright I guess" I said with a shrug, for some reason I was comparing him with Xander.
"Oh shush! I think he's prettyyyy" she said giggling "anyways he'll come to the party later with his friends who i know for sure you'll think are fit!".
I shook my head at her hyper energy about boys "If you say so 'mi mi'." I said calling her the nickname I'd made making her slap my arm.
"Let's go to the mall and get ourselves ready for tonight!" She declared while adjusting her seat so she could sit more comfortably.
I was good with this idea as I didn't want to go back to the house anytime soon so I started my car and handed Mina the Aux cable allowing her to choose the music. I started driving towards the mall, which is a 20 minute drive from the school, while Mina started playing her playlist which started with 'ashnikko - deal with it'.
Me and Mina sang together laughing while I drove, I can actually sing quite well but Mina couldn't which made me laugh even harder.
Many songs later we finally pull into the empty-ish mall car park and search for the closest spot to the doors, I find one that was about a 30 second walk to the doors and swiftly pull in and turn the car off.
We both jump out and make our way towards the doors "where too first?" I ask linking my arm through Minas.
"Lets look for outfits first" Mina said happily skipping.
We went in about 5 clothes shops searching for dresses or skirts or tops for tonight and neither of us could find anything we wanted to wear. We both got thirsty and decided to get milkshakes to walk around the mall with. I ordered an Oreo milkshake, which was delicious, but Mina got strawberry which I found disgusting.
We continued our search by going into the next clothes store there was, glancing around I couldn't see anything I liked until I saw a maroon velvet body con dress with spaghetti straps. I immediately loved it and found my size, I pulled it out and headed to the dressing rooms where Mina already was trying on numerous options of outfits. I undressed and pulled the dress over my body, my jaw dropped. It was perfect, it hugged my figure amazingly and reached just above mid thigh.
Satisfied with my choice I re-dressed in my joggers and grabbed the dress, heading out I saw Mina dressed in a baby pink body con dress with a square neckline which looked amazing on her.
"Wow you look amazing in that I love it!" I said with a gasp.
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