《I'm Not An Emperor's Sweetie Pie! (BL)》Chapter 8


Madam Mu was passing by when she saw Xiao Jia in a garden leisurely eating grapes with other girls.

"Xiao Jia, what are you doing here and not serving Lord Fu and his companion?" She angrily shouted while walking over.

Startled, the grape on the way to Xiao Jia's mouth slipped to the ground, rolling away. Xiao Jia looked at it disappointedly for moment then straightened up, seeing madam Mu coming over.

"The new girl is attending them."

"What new girl?" She asked, irritated.

"The new girl... what was her name again...? Ah, yeah, Li Na!"

Lady Mu's face went stiff. "What are you saying! She's coming tomorrow, not today."

"Then...," Xiao Jia gulped. "Who's that girl–"

"Come with me." Before she could finish, madam Mu cut her off, turned around and hurriedly walked toward Lord Fu and Lord Song's room.

Who the hell is attending them!? If something happened, it would be my head rolling on the ground!

Xiao Jia stood up and hurried after madam.


As they entered, the two women bowed in respect and greeted the lords.

Lord Song - one of the mysterious friends of Lord Fu - seldom visited Red Tulip. But lord Fu was a frequent one and he was from the Royal family, so no one tried to offend him or his companions instead tried to win his favor. Madam Mu was no different as she, too, sought for lord Fu's favor.

"Madam Mu, I congratulate you for bringing in such a talent to Red Tulip. Dancer like her are rare in Empire." Fu Liwei praised. "I'll tell my eunuch to reward you and Xiao Lin later."

At the mention of money, Madam Mu's eyes brightened. Whatever she was going to complain about the girl, she stopped. Deciding to question this Xiao Lin girl later and accepted the compliment.

"Thank you my Lord. Since she is new, I was worried that she might offend the lords. That's why I came to check. I apologize for disturbing the lords."


Xiao Lin frowned, looking at madam Mu wondering why she lied.


"Ah, my lord, don't squeeze them so hard. Enn...ahh...ohh!"

Xiao Lin was feeling super uncomfortable and embarrassed. Face boiling. Hands trembling. Body sweating. But who can blame him for such a reaction. He had been a virgin his whole life. Never dated or kissed anyone.

One can say, he had pretty low libido in his old life. He didn't even like watching porn or masturbating unlike his peers. But now, he was forced to listen to live porno happening in adjoining room which he suspected was a bedroom. The shameless voices even coming to sitting room.

And that's not all! This masked man called Lord Song kept on staring at him with his cold eyes, observing his every reaction while sipping his wine. Xiao Lin felt like fainting from intense pressure of staring and shameless voices travelling to this room.

After dismissing musicians and madam Mu, Lord Fu took that beautiful lady called Xiao Jia into the bedroom. And now they were having fun in there.

Seeing the empty cup being placed in front of him, Xiao Lin grabbed the wine pitcher to refill the cup but found it empty.

"It has gone empty. I'll go and fetch another one." Xiao Lin said, standing up.

"Ah...slow down...lord fu! Ah...please...!"

But distracted by moans, his foot got stuck in his robe while standing up and stumbled onto a hard muscled and broad chest. Hands reflexively grabbing other's shoulder while his face landing in the crook of other's neck. Sprawled awkwardly on other man.

The empty wine pitcher fell with a thud and broke.

What's happening with me today! Ahhh!!! He screamed internally.

Face red like tomato glanced up only to find the other man's piercing eyes looking back.

"Sorry," Xiao Lin mumbled and immediately tried to get up. But a strong arm snaked around his waist, pulling him into the man's hot body with unyielding strength, seizing the small body.


Alarm bells of danger rung in his head. Xiao Lin started to struggle in vain to escape.

What's up with this man? Why is he so strong?! Even thought we're both men!!

After coming to this world, this was the first time his man pride got a blow like that. There was a huge difference between their strength! No matter how much he struggled; the arm won't budge even a little.

Panting with exertion, he looked up to meet the other's amused eyes.

"Let me go, Lord Song," he said through gritted teeth. He was beginning to get angry but still fearful.

The other's amused smirk only made him more mad.

"This is the last warning, let me go, respectable lord Song. If you don't, then don't blame me for what I'm going to do." He warned.

Though Xiao Lin tried to appear courageous boy, forgetting he was pretending to be girl. But in the other man eye's he only looked like an angry kitten.

"Sure, go ahead. Show me." Replied the man, like challenging him. This irked Xiao Lin to no end.

He jumped at the white neck in front and bit it, hard, making it bleed.

Surprised by the other's action, the man's eyes went a little wide, turning red. A deep throat chuckle escaped his lips. The bite only felt like a itch to him. Unfortunately for Xiao Lin, it only made the other man excited.

Metallic taste filling his mouth, only then did Xiao Lin realized what he had done. Thinking he had gone a bit too far, injuring the other, he leaned away immediately.

But before he could lean away completely, hot breath fanned his neck making the kitten stiff. Scorching tongue licked the crook of his neck, sending electric shock through Xiao Lin's whole body. He heard a dark chuckle from the man. Early bravado vanishing, Xiao Lin only felt dread now.

"Ah..!" Escaped a painful cry. Xiao Lin bit his lower lip to stop unsuccessfully any more sound from coming out.

The man sunk his teeth in tender flesh of trembling body wrapped protectively in his arms.

He licked away the blood and soothed the broken skin. Then, he looked down at the kitten in his arms whose face was red, lower lip bruised and misty eyes which seemed be accusing him for his pain looking up to meet his own.

Xiao Lin was in pain. And felt a little disoriented. He looked up only to meet red eyes. Before he could comprehend why was he seeing red eyes, his lips were captured by the other one's. That cleared his mind enough to momentarily forget the pain, stunned. Realizing the shameless person stole his first kiss, he immediately tried to push the other man away but in vain.

The scorching tongue forced its way through and entered the hot mouth. Roaming every corner, checking, claiming and easily conquering.

Xiao Lin thought to bit the other's shameless tongue but then thought better of it. What if the other bit his tongue too, like his neck? His neck was still throbbing, he didn't want his tongue to be injured too.

Brutal; intense kiss was never ending. He struggled a new, beating against other's chest, feeling suffocated.

Finally, the man leaned away. Xiao Lin inhaled sharply for the lost air, panting hard.


Suddenly, an intense pain coursed through Xiao Lin's whole body making his teary eyes to shut tightly. It seemed like energy seeped out of his body. If the man wasn't holding him in his arms, he would have fallen backwards. The pain was so intense that he finally lost consciousness.

Seeing the red markings appearing around the slender neck, like some kind of collar, of an unconscious little body in his arms, the Emperor was satisfied.

A/N: All the people who have voted, and also the silent readers, thank you so much. Your feedback in any form helps and motivates me. So far, what do you think about the story, do you like it?

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