《I Want To Enjoy A Country Life!》Chapter 4


The noisy crows of Gen-san the chicken became my alarm.

The hard bed different from the one in the royal palace suited me. When I got up, the cat named Calico was still curled up on the bed. I slipped out quietly as to not rouse him, and brewed some coffee in the kitchen to drink.

It's a wonderful morning today, too, I thought as I watched the morning sun.

In the daily morning service, no one said anything about the single empty seat but the two princes felt a sense of discomfort. I searched the expression of the King seated beside me. The King did not show anything, and was listening to the sermon with his eyes closed. What in the world could the King be thinking about...?

The King was not upset with the prince's disappearance from home. I spilled out my laughter unintentionally.

The Reverend's heated sermon ended and everyone started leaving the chapel. I also left in the wake of the King.


"Leichel-sama, is there something I can do for you?"

"Do you know something about my stupid younger brother Aine?"

I instinctively stiffened. About Aine-sama...?

"Did something sudden happen to Aine-sama?"

"That idiot's horse disappeared. He must have left the castle and went somewhere using the horse. But that horse is a property of the royal family. Don't you think taking it out without permission is lese majesty?"

When Leichel-sama said that with a grim expression, Yuan-sama also nodded strongly from behind him.

It's certainly lese majesty when I think it over.

"Aine-sama said that he wanted to leave the castle because he wanted to engage in agriculture."


"He said he was deeply moved by the Reverend's tale. It must be an approach curry favors from King. It is impossible for him to accomplish farming alone. He will likely cry immediately and go back home if no one worries over him."


When I said that while grinning, Leichel-sama laughed, too. There was no doubt he was holding Aine-sama in derision inwardly. Yuan-sama did not say anything but he was not showing any expression so I don't know about him.

Leichel-sama assented as if his grim expression before was a lie, and he went towards the dining room in long strides.

With this, the Aine-sama who takes advantage of people will disappear for a while.

Thus, no one will acknowledge his existence once he comes back crying.

When I imagined so, laughter welled up my stomach.


I felt a chill. Is someone speaking badly about me...?

Calico looked curious so I patted his head and he purred nya~. Yeah, he's cute.

I finished this morning's plowing so I was working hard in making Daigorou's doghouse. I was keeping him at home but I thought I should make his personal space. Once I completed the first stage, I will make a pond for the turtle Kamekichi.

I don't know whether this was an agriculture or a willful pet life, but it is extremely fun. I was hammering when I heard footsteps.

"Hey, you're also enthusiastic today, huh."


Crash-san looked at the doghouse I was making and lifted it, while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"Didn't it come out quite good? The materials aren't bad, either."

"Thank you very much!"

"Why don't you paint it? I have some paint left so I'll bring them next time."


"Thank you very much!"

"A meal is enough as thanks. I want to eat curry."

"Yes! I'll make it! I'll make it! Yay~! Paint! Good for you, Daigorou!"

Arf! Daigorou answered vigorously. With this, the quality of Daigorou's house will rise up! Cheers!

Crash-san was the person who lent me this land and taught the basics on agriculture. I don't know the full details but it seems like Crash-san lived in the city originally. He is now living a leisurely country life. In short he is my teacher!


Teacher seems to like my cooking and always comes to eat. It is more fun than eating alone, but is it alright for two males to do that?



"About the composition of the turtle pond, use this as a reference."

"Whoa~! Is this alright!? I'm glad! Thank you very much, Crash-san!"

I am in no way relying on my teacher.

1. The cat's name is mike(三毛), short for mikeneko(三毛貓) which means calico cat.

2. I don't know if it's related, but Daigorou (大五郎 ) is a character in Lone Wolf and Cub.

3. The name of the turtle is kamekichi (亀吉). The word for turtle is kame (亀).

4. Aine uses the word shishou (師匠) rather than sensei. It can also mean 'master' and usually used by apprentices, so I went with 'teacher'.

5. Lese-majesty (injured majesty) is the crime of violating majesty, an offence against the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state.

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