《I Want To Enjoy A Country Life!》Chapter 1


Suddenly, I recalled the memories of my previous life.

In my previous life, I am a boring normal guy with no redeeming features, who became tired of living in the city and quit my job in order to migrate and live in the countryside.

I died when a wild boar charged at me while I was plowing the field.

Even though I had such a long dream, it’s still midnight when I opened my eyes.

At present, I am Aine Lucrubel, the Second Prince of Eisenberg Kingdom currently in an inheritance struggle with the First and Third Princes.

In that succession dispute, I desperately drew up unauthorized proposal documents on the country’s goods circulation until I collapsed from overwork. I am the fool who collapsed on my own after arbitrarily doing that.

I left the bed and looked at the mirror. My appearance is quite the same as that of my previous life. It’s an uninspiring look with black eyes and black hair.

Even though I lived negatively in my past life when I had this kind of face, where the heck did the ‘me’ right now acquired enough self-confidence to participate in an inheritance dispute…

No matter how I look at it, either of the Princes is superior whether it comes to appearance or ability… even I doubt myself exceedingly.

All my brothers are very handsome. My older brother First Prince Leichel Lucrubel has a very princely appearance with his sparkling blonde hair and blue eyes! On the other hand, my younger brother Yuan Lucrubel has silver hair and red eyes! He inherited the King’s appearance.

Elder Brother demonstrates his charisma in everything related to leadership and management, moreover he excels in military arts to some extent.

My younger brother is taciturn but he is a critic with a straightforward attitude. He is the most skilled among us three brothers when it comes to military arts. Furthermore at present, it appears like he is going to rank up as a candidate for the military’s General Commander.


As for me?

I’m just really average when it comes to leadership, management or military arts!

In fact I even considered that I may not be related to them at all. Father only gives cold gazes towards me, my elder brother looks down on me and speaks ill of me while my younger brother doesn’t even talk with me.

Aren’t I just doing fruitless efforts!?

Looking back on it, I feel like we also had a terrible sibling relationship during childhood, even before the inheritance struggle.

I sighed while looking at the mirror and once again returned to my bed.

Now that the memories of my previous life returned and I understood my discretion, the feelings of wanting to participate in the succession dispute faded away in an instant.

Having said that, it will be difficult to stay at this castle after I declare my withdrawal.

Right then, it came to my mind.

I want to live in the countryside.

I want to cultivate my own field and spend my time peacefully.

The nature of this world is more than that of Japan. I wonder if I can have spend my life happily…?

I began moving around quickly as if I wasn’t just lying down and sleeping in the bed until now.

Now that it came to this, I’ll leave the castle and endeavor for a country life!

I must absolutely do everything for that purpose!

Strangely feeling refreshed, I pulled over the mattress and shut my eyes. I will become busy from tomorrow on!

1. Aine (aynee) addresses Leichel (ley-shel) as aniue (兄上) which is a very formal way of saying ‘big brother’. Literally, honorable older brother.

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