

i spent most of my life working hard for what i've become.

i'm an actor, model, singer, and a millionaire.

and i did it all myself.

along with the help of some acting and singing classes.

i worked hard and i think my 'you made it moment' was when i was invited to my very first met.

a few days prior i was casted to play Priscilla Presley in the new Elvis film, and the director, Baz Luhrmann had said he could pull some strings and get me invited.

that night i had received my invitation.

everything was going according to plan, because well everything in my life needs to be organized or i'll fall apart.

i had the perfect dress, my hair was done up pretty, i had absolutely beautiful makeup.

but all my thoughts and obsessions had came to a crashing halt when my eyes scanned the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a few feet ahead of me i saw my fellow costar.

the Elvis to my Priscilla.

and my whole world fell apart when i walked up and introduced myself to him.

Austin Butler.


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